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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. Well, I guess I am more the first camp, where I can say that I am very different when I’m in a different role. This also happens when I switch language, there it is more apparent, especially if the conversation is multilingual. I’ve noticed this with Mika as well, he is more candid in French and more reserved in English. I guess the contrast of him being the quiet kid at school and the performer at night, formed an escape for him where he was allowed to be a different person, a different reality where he was still all him, that part of him was just suppressed, but needed that outlet. His liberté d’expression as he called his Varieté from Sunday, but I think he applies it strongly in his own life as well, thus Mika/Michael. I think it’s just his way of seeing his life and his place on the world. I can relate to that, I have a similar approach. The way you describe it is beautiful though, that you’re a gem that shines differently with different light. In the end I think we all say the same thing, but to some the difference sided feel more extreme than to others.
  2. It would however mean 2 more weeks of quarantine in the current situation, not sure what he’s up to now (BECAUSE HE NEVER TELLS US 🙈) but I hope he can fit that in somewhere to come back 🥺
  3. There are parts of us or parts of our past that we would like to forget or are just not proud of. I don’t think Mika and Michael are the same person and I also think they never will be. If the tension between the two drives his creativity, so why would he reunite the them? And thing is, aren’t we all like that as well? We just don’t call it different names, but we definitely have different hats on. I have a white coat I put on when I’m at work, but when I take it off I am this other person. It’s not about melting everything together, because that will be just one big grey mess. It’s about embracing our different colours 🙃 and let them stay vibrant.
  4. I just love this, I hope he will tell us the meaning behind the colours, like he did in the Revelation tour. But just how you explained it by what the lyrics say, it makes so much sense and it’s such a complete story already. Am I the only one who liked Djadja and à cause de Garçon? Oh and of course I loved Mika’s parts. Heroes was amazing, the intro to Djadja was so entertaining 😆 and then of course Grace Kelly! And “Born this way” has been stuck in my head all day! The only reference I could think of concerning the mushrooms, was Amsterdam 🙈 just last week the Netherlands celebrated 20 years of gay marriage. So the boys walking down the catwalk as if it was the aisle, reminded me of that. But it’s Mika, he may never tell us! And it’s all up for our interpretation 🙃
  5. Amazing and colourful as always. Grace Kelly at the end was perfect! “Humphrey, we’re leaving.” And Mika has left the building... 🥺
  6. It wouldn’t be Mika if he wouldn’t go from “spending time with my lover” to “I have wasted 14 years of my life!” Remember @mellodythat interview where where he says having tension in the relationship is more important than love. Well, now we know what he meant 🤣
  7. I’ve just found this article, it’s already a bit older, but I guess Mika had the same idea of bringing Casa Mika to different countries or even Netflix: https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/mika/ So us brainstorming in December and what does the man do in the meantime? Record a sinfonic concert and brought out a live album and is doing a varieté like show where he brings his universe on the screen in Quebec for two evenings. Our wishful thinking has materialized!!! Now I’m very certain: this forum must have telepathic powers 😆
  8. 🤣🤣🤣 I am laughing so hard, now I understand why he looked embarrassed 🙈🙈🙈
  9. Well, you could, question is if the 3yo will listen 🤣 (Same here btw, although I do think the kids distracted us enough so we couldn’t complain too much about eachother 😆) I did not know this! Thank you! This explains a lot, or like Deb said, he is just giving an estimation and let’s us figure it out. It keeps us wondering, isn’t that what he once said in an interview that he found important. Although I do believe he meant a different kind of “wondering” 😆
  10. To be very honest, wouldn’t we all feel the same about our SO after 10 days 🤣
  11. This interview was once again very funny. I didn’t understand 100%, but he has told some stories before so I could make out the context as to what he was saying. And I love that he wears Victor and Rolf. As a Dutch person I celebrate this 🤣🎉
  12. And I think Deb was stunned just like the rest of us 🤣 besides, he clearly took over with his language lessons
  13. I have the same questions! Guess we will know Mikasoon 🙈 but I hope sooner, because I find a few weeks already hard, I cannot imagine how you could stand months of not hearing from him....multiple times! That’s just mean! That’s what I thought, too. So maybe straight to Athens? Or wherever they are ☺️ Good to know I’m not the only one 😆 but I love speculating, just like everyone else 😆
  14. I know we still have some days until the show, but does anyone know what he will do after Star Academie? I’m not looking forward to a Mika drought 🥺
  15. After we have seen the show, I am sure Mika will have shown us a different side of the song that will speak more to us - or not, can go both ways 🤣 But that is Mika’s magic! I’m looking forward to it very much.
  16. Saw some bits on Twitter, can’t wait to watch the whole episode. But I thought it was going to be flamboyant and extravagant and well, I don’t think we’ll be disappointed 😆 By the way the candidates have incredible voices! They will really shine on Sunday. Hopefully Mika will join them in a song or two.
  17. I agree, that’s why I was throwing crazy things out there ☺️ But it’s also my wishful thinking
  18. True, although having so many layers on must be extremely hot! No wonder he said he had to sweat so much (besides the running-for-his-life-behind-stage-thing)
  19. Deb and me speculating it will be Heroes by Mika, but you’re right, it might as well be the Bowie song. Also, I don’t think Mika expects the candidates to know “his” Heroes songs, since the Bowie song kind of is a classic. But like you said: who knows! He likes to surprise! Going to throw it out there: what if he makes a medley of both!?
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