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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. My heart aches a little bit, not knowing when and where we will be able to see him live. But I’m at the same time incredibly grateful, that he has recorded something so unique and beautiful for all of us to see. He is one of a kind.
  2. He is adorable 🤣 Btw, how tall is Ida!?! They’re almost the same height!
  3. And also, he’s not continuing his tour, writing new music.. A secret promise for interesting collaborations, may it be with other artists or the fusion of musical styles. 2021 will be a very interesting year. I agree. It’s a flame that we need to nourish for it to be able to not only continue burning, but to also flourish into something new. The challenge is to know how to. Isn’t this life’s continuous question ☺️
  4. Channel 19 at the TNT... Not sure we have that in Germany 😅 so as I understand it, there is not streaming link like with France 5?
  5. Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I love his hair shorter with the random curl on top. But maybe I just say this from a drawing perspective. Those curls are SO MUCH WORK
  6. That’s cool, what part of the Rhine did you see that? We live along the Rhine and it is a true happening, absolutely stunning - even as an adult (I didn’t get to experience it until I moved to Germany in my late 20’s) Oh Mika, it’s because you can’t get salmon loin at the regular supermarket 🤣 makes me wonder if he goes grocery shopping that often 🤣 Welllll, I don’t own a CD player anymore, nor a DVD player. Streaming is just a lot easier, especially since I’ve reached my computer’s capacity of storing mp3s... I wonder if musicians truly get more money from a CD or mp3 as opposed to streaming? I’ve never thought of that, actually. I know they make the most money when you go to their shows and well, that impossible at the moment, unfortunately.. so I think I will reconsider the mp3 thing. I’ve noticed this, too. I think it is very sad that you are dismissed by the music industry so easily, just because of your hits on Spotify or if you “don’t fit in you won’t sell”. I think this is also part of the reason he minimized the number of countries he promotes himself, although with the Revelation Tour it seemed he wanted to rekindle the contact again to countries he hasn’t been in years (for example the NL). This made me laugh, I’m hoping Jakub appreciated that 🤣 he seems like a chill guy.
  7. I can say in French that I don’t speak French 🤣 but I’ve had French in Highschool and I understand basics. I can also read and understand maybe 50-60% of what is written. It is a beautiful and elegant language though and I do want to learn it. It’s my next language on my todo list!
  8. Same! I am learning Italian. Because, why not? ☺️ Education opens doors, but language opens hearts. Just my opinion though 😆
  9. Just realized that this is actually not common (maybe in this fandom it is 🤣). I grew up like this as well.
  10. Yes he is, which is I think also the reason a lot of different people can identify themselves with him. People that are normally divided and stand opposite eachother, are being united by his music and are able to dance together. His gigs as you mentioned are a perfect example of this, even though I have yet to experience one, I believe your every word. The division I see on social media makes me very sad as well. We all have our own things we struggle with and fight for; may it be sexuality, gender identity, mental health, physical handicap, social status, race, nationality or the sheer fact that we are at war with a virus. I just wish we wouldn’t fight eachother. But I also think that we also don’t know what the other truly has to deal with. We have stopped to ask questions, instead we make assumptions. I do have a theory about this though: we humans are programmed to either fight, flight or fright. It is not human instinct to question, it is instinct to defend and run. So I guess to gain understanding we have to ignore human instinct, stop and turn around. I haven’t seen Lawrence of Arabia, but I read the plot on Wikipedia (almost as good 😆) and Lawrence is quite the rebel, the surprising element that can unite and divide. Ultimately leaving only dusk in his wake. If Mika compares himself with Lawrence of Arabia then I guess I can see the sentiment 🤣
  11. There have been several videos where I have seen Mika say “and here I am in front of a lot of strangers” and like you said, that is true. And you’re also right, it’s the other way around as well. He only shows us what he wants us to see, so we *think* we know him, but we only “know” our projection and interpretation of Popstar Mika. For all we know Neighbour Mika is somewhat creepy (oh no wait, that’s Max 😆) and Grocery Shopping Mika always cuts the queue and puts allllll of his pennies on the counter. It’s the beauty of having an idol who leaves many things open for interpretation and who also changes his mind every 2 minutes 😉 I actually think there is another aspect to what you say. As a fan, you are aware that you are one of millions and therefore whatever you say 1) doesn’t reach him and 2) much less cares about what you say. I can imagine that encourages some fans to then be extra bold to actually get his attention. Negative attention is in the end also a form of attention. In the end, when it comes to bullying or internet bullying, the only people I can actually help and educate about this are my own children. Outside of my household we need to rely on the common sense and morality or the mass. But so far, from what I have seen, most of the fandom has a healthy common sense and is actually very classy. Maybe this is just my projection on all of you 😉 because in the end we’re also strangers. But I hope this will change this year! And I hope until then, we get to see more of these kind of Interviews.
  12. It’s very insightful as a new fan to hear theories from an old time fan, as you have followed Mika from the very beginning. I very much (and I think many with me) can identify the need to want change. To want to be able to regain some control over your life in this pandemic. But I also think this is the normal walk of life. The pandemic only magnifies that what is already naturally within us. As we get older there will be more circumstances where we have to deal with, therefore our experience grows.. and I also think we realize our time on earth is limited, so we think and prioritize that what is truly important. The latter part is what Mika already has shared with us in his latest album. This is a path he will only explore and define more and I’m sure we will hear this in his new music as well. After watching this interview, I actually have the impression that Mika is less impressed with social media and has given it its own corner in his life. Therefore distancing from it more than ever. Sure he will read things (and we never know what he reads, lol), as I had the feeling the setlist in Versailles was very much a reflection of the mood on Twitter (or that was pure coincidence, who knows?), but he won’t let it affect him as much as it may have before. I actually also think he will take a break from social media when he is creating. Rightfully so. But boy, have I been spoilt as a new fan with how present and active he has been on social media. I’m not looking forward to the so called “Mika drought” everyone is talking about who has already experienced it. I know I will personally sorely miss his presence, as everyone of us will, but I also know it is he will come back with a vengeance ☺️ And that is something I look forward to very very much.
  13. As I’m enjoying the last hours of the first day of the new year, I’m rewatching all of the clips of yesterday, celebrating over how awesome it was all over again 🎉 Is it me or did they make the Valentino outfits more form fitting? This suits him much better and flatters him more. Or maybe it just appears this way, because he’s moving around a lot as opposed to X Factor. I agree with @carafon that it’s a pity it’s not a recording of a live performance where he’s lip syncing to (I understand with all the dancing and the fireworks it’s very hard to do a live performance! No question!), because his voice is incredibly powerful and charming and gives it the edge it definitely deserves. But this is just a very minor thing and I love all the other details and the whole performance on itself. What a wonderful way to start the year 🎉
  14. The firework show on Mika’s music deserves one word: magnificent. Happy new year everyone ❤️
  15. Yes, he was very open about the bullying and how it made him feel. I am happy that he can talk about it freely, even though his emotions come back to a certain extent when he addresses it. When it comes to the point where it doesn’t paralyze you anymore when you talk about it, you can help normalize the topic by just sharing your experience. I think he did a great thing there, I agree with you. What I also thought was commendable, was what he said about online bullying. It’s easy to hide and be hateful to others. It’s easy to say anything without suffering real life consequences. The filters we hold in real life don’t apply anymore online, but I also think that is wrong. Simple principle that if you wouldn’t say it in someone’s face, why would you do it behind an anonymous name and picture? My mama always taught me that “if you have nothing nice to say, just don’t say anything at all” 😆 (obviously this doesn’t apply to true friends, because I will tell them they look like sh*t in their face 🤣) Okay. I’ve just realized I’m not any better, looking at my nickname and profile picture here on MFC 😅however, I think by now that anyone who has seen some MFC lives knows my name and my face by now 🤣 I’m not so anonymous anymore. And yessss, creating new music! I wonder what he means with burning the bridges to start something new. Will he do something in a new style? Will his songs be even more candid about how he feels? Will he sing about things that no one of us has ever heard of? Will he venture into a new music style? Will he do more sinfonia? Will his concerts be more sinfonia since that is more social distancing friendly (and who knows how long this pandemic is going to be with us, even with vaccine)?
  16. Aaaaand which 6 languages does his father speak? I’m guessing English, French, Spanish?, Italian?, Arabic? and maybe Chinese (Mandarin)?
  17. I was hoping you would comment on the interview, because I’m dying to discuss every part of it 🤣 The part about the people around him being a-holes: I had to think about the friend metaphor: friends greet you with „nice to see you, how are you doing? What would you like to drink?“ and real friends greet you with „hey a-hole, you look like sh*t. Beer? There‘s the fridge.“ 😆 I guess what he means is that the people closest to him aren’t afraid to tell him the good AND the bad. In his industry there are many who constantly tell you that you’re “amazing”, without meaning it. So he’s looking for genuity and therefore raw honesty. Keeps him grounded, which is what he prefers over being worshipped, is what it seems to me.
  18. Which fast test is that? I have the Roche and Lugene brands, but none of them are as good as the PCR one, so I’m curious ☺️ Also, PCR isn’t 100% either, unfortunately 😢
  19. Hi Eriko, do you have a high quality scan of Mika’s picture?
  20. You guys doing amazing work and I appreciate all you do ❤️ For those who don’t speak the language where Mika speaks in (he and I only have English in common 😅), we depend on your generosity 🌸 and you never let us down! Thank you!!!
  21. Haha. Well, to be fair: I would probably follow him around too 🙈 not going to lie, the fangirl in me will take over. And I cannot wait for the subtitling team. I understand maybe 10% of it, which is at least 200% off of what I’d like to understand about this interview.
  22. How can he walk around without hordes of fans in the background? Or is it because of COVID 😅
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