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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. I was expecting him to go Tiktok on us but I think we made a pretty perfect one already last time ❤️
  2. Soundcheck included Overrated in both Bristol and Tilloloy, but it wasn’t performed (unfortunately!) at both gigs.
  3. I heard him speak in Italian and I really don’t understand anything. But I’m grateful for the Italian speakers to give us a rough translation for what he has said. I really appreciate hearing his thoughts. Thank you! Grazie mille!!
  4. Oh I love this, he should definitely make the setlist as proud as possible!!! I love the idea of supporting him with that with a fanaction, so I will do whatever you all say I have to do
  5. After having seen many videos of the new show, but also knowing the setlist, feel and look can change every night, I was incredibly curious to see it for myself in Tilloloy. First of all, thanks to @FannySpina14 we had an incredible and very civil experience entering the venue up to the barrier. She and another French fan took it upon themselves to discuss the good experience they had in Bristol with security, who were more than willing to cooperate. Hats off to not only them for organizing it, but to every other fan and audience member by being so willing to follow. In the recent Korean video interview Mika speaks about how impressed he that the fans organize themselves, well, I must say that this was definitely one of those moments. The show: I absolutely love the new intros and the added instruments for the musicians (like bongos (?), for example). It gives a different depth to the musical arrangement and I really love it. The new programming of the lights was also noticeable and the cherry on top for the atmosphere. Knowing this would be Mika’s fourth gig in six days (and he would have to be in Morocco the next day!), I was wondering if he wouldn’t be too tired for full stage presence. However, this (very small) worry was taken immediately as he entered the stage. He was all smiles, radiating. Can we talk about the HUGE flowers? Or the costumes and the tiger head!? It came together very well! You could see Mika really enjoyed all phases of the show. They felt like chapters and every chapter had its own costume and small part of the setlist. If I could name them I would call them Discovery (Love Today, Origin of Love), Infatuation (BBB, Underwater), Pain (Yo-Yo, Rain) and Revelation (Grace Kelly, WAG). The phases for this show were in my opinion more apparent than the For The Right of Spring tour. But everyone has their own interpretation and that is also the beauty of it. The (HUGE!) flowers indicate for me the (blossoming) line of beauty in it all. There was a fan action where French fans had prepared 1000 sheets of paper with “may your head always bloom” written on it. Many fans helped with drawing flowers on them as we were in the queue. The impact of the fan action was palpable: Mika briefly became emotional. In the dark he quickly wiped his eyes and then set in with Happy Ending. I perceived the song differently having witnessed that small moment. There was a funny moment with a fan on stage singing Yo-Yo together. The fan wanted to take a selfie with Mika and he said “It will be filmed (pointing at the audience)! Live in the moment!” I think this comment is telling, because it was very apparent he fully lived in the moment during his performance and that created a warm and intimate atmosphere between the audience and himself. It’s something that is unique to him and his shows. On a last note: before the show started, I noticed a small girl in the audience who very much reminded me of my own daughter. She was not being able to see anything, so I ushered her to come in front of me and enjoy the show from the barrier. Unlike @dcdeb’s experience, this girl was very shy and I hardly noticed her at all. After the show I made sure she would be reunited with her parents and I immediately saw they had the same family constellation. We parted with my broken French and big smiles. What a night! I posted a Reel on my Instagram about the show, to give you an idea of the atmosphere: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct65T7TsgfH/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  6. Well, Andy thinks I’m American and so far has always asked me if I have come all the way from the US to be at the show! I then have to disappoint him by saying that I pretty much came from around the corner: Europe
  7. Maybe that’s why he thought she was from Belgium, penguins only live in the UK 🐧
  8. This interview is so heartwarming to see! He never fails to show how grateful he is to his fans. Also his appreciation for fanactions and him mentioning that it’s a tradition going on from the beginning of his career, I’ve never considered that this truly is something unique and I love that about this Fanclub! As does he ❤️ How he says “that it’s possible to have a long conversation” this way is very beautifully put and spot on. And of course the “conversation” continues!
  9. Hmm, looked at the video again and it’s actually not very clear. It could be security like @mellodysays who just didn’t listen. What is very clear is Mika’s reaction. Glad he got out of that mess
  10. He called it a complisult in Italian, but it was actually a full blown insult and nothing complimenting about it I actually have to say that I watched it with a big smile on my face, he is both genuinely rude and polite , but no question in his good and warm intention towards you, Deb ❤️ or towards everyone in that room that night. What a treat! Very happy for everyone that was there. Such moments are rare, but it makes them the more special and memorable.
  11. Awwww he’s holding your hand @dcdebas you’re walking in!! ❤️ that’s adorable!!
  12. This is exactly the video that I saw as well. I would even dare say that he not only gestures him to stop, he actually pushes him back to make him stop. But he didn’t get the hint, continued following him and even “helped” him over the barrier by going full on… I mean it’s one thing to be touchy due to enthusiasm (still not OK), but to be ignoring stop signs and continuing with said behaviour is harassment.
  13. Thank you @Kumazzz! Also when he enters the public he seems to be bothered as he just climbed over the barrier. Do people not understand to keep their hands to themselves?!
  14. I have seen the Jazzablanca stories and I have so many questions, maybe @Priscacan enlighten us? There are many people in front of the barrier between the stage and barrier. Did people climb over during Big Girl to see and film him once he returned to the stage? Or was that all crew? Also, was Mika touched a lot by the people there? I see in a particular story from the official Instagram account, that two men are helping him over the barrier (from the public back to the area right in front of the stage) and he seems to feel bothered by them, especially the one in the black shirt and sunglasses on his head. (Maybe @Kumazzzcan help with posting the stories in the thread? 🙏) I ask this, because I have had my own personal experience in the past where personal boundaries were not met at all, but I wonder if it’s an isolated incidence here with Mika or if it was the general vibe.
  15. This is amazing news! I hope it’s with Mika and Lang Lang as judges, because it really helped him to be in the public eye again in the UK and I would love for him to do more concerts there.
  16. I really love reading all the reviews. Like @silverhad already mentioned. It gives a deeper perspective to the things we have already seen on video! This gig and the experiences around it sound absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing ❤️
  17. I was thinking this too. He lives an extraordinary life, it’s definitely different from the masses. But I personally don’t think he has to be afraid of that, because his mindset won’t change and he won’t settle for ordinary - whatever the definition that may be to him. That’s not how I understood his reply about money. They say money doesn’t make you happy - but it makes life a LOT easier. And it’s true, because many (if not most) problems in this world are caused by a lack of money. If you can take away this from the equation, there may still be other things to worry about and also to process. But at least it won’t have the additional money stress. And I think the answer “life goes on” is rather a sad statement of the bittersweet reality. The realization that fear doesn’t equal sadness in that sense is almost freeing, if I may interpret his answer.
  18. You have inspired me to do a really bad edit: E56CB8F1-6F29-4579-AD34-7F52C7A639B4.mov
  19. These answers are so brutally honest I had to read them twice to make sure I read them right. Speaking about his fears so openly. Which makes me wonder if his decisions nowadays are more fear instilled rather than born out of creativity and freedom. Or maybe they go hand in hand more than we realize?
  20. In the La Prairie interview he spoke about “eating really badly and have a lot of fun doing it!” Wait. What did I just say.
  21. I really liked this interview, to get a glimpse of his workout routine and lifestyle. It’s obvious he takes good care of himself with the grueling schedule he has, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to bounce back from COVID five times the way he did. Concerning the supplements, that part interested me most. I have always taken supplements, but now it’s more targeted after I had blood work done. I can imagine he does the same thing, otherwise he wouldn’t know what deficiencies he might have and how to adjust his supplement intake every 2 months, if I’m understanding him correctly. Also his running schedule is very intense! I have trained for a half marathon with a schedule of running 4 times a week, building up to distances varying from 6k to 20k. Him running 6 times a week varying from 6k to 12k, he gets more kilometers in than a half marathoner during training. Respect. Also wonder if he’s a pavement runner and just explores the cities he’s in? I would be interested to hear what cities he has run in and what he has discovered along the way! He could easily do a running blog, I would totally read that.
  22. What do you mean? Obviously Mika likes fruit. It totally matches his healthy lifestyle. I’m sure he will sing about aubergines next!
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