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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. Very interesting, I didn't know that. Nor that camels live in the wild in Australia (I did a six-month language study trip in Australia 🙈).
  2. Hummus is from the Orient and camels live in the Orient, that's the whole connection. 😅
  3. I'm really happy for you and Martha.
  4. Sorry, I still owe you an answer. 🙈 No, it's made from cow's milk and it's lactose-free. Doesn't taste that much different from regular hummus, but if I had to choose, I'd probably go for regular hummus, I'd still have to get used to this taste.
  5. You're right it is an advertisement! For the new hummus with Tilsiter cheese. Switzerland and the Orient are to be united in culinary terms. By the way, I tried it.
  6. Honestly? When I went to a fair in Switzerland today, a camel with a cowbell would probably be pretty much the last thing I would have expected.
  7. to the forum @AnneliesH I hope you're having fun here and soon going to be able to go to a Mika concert.
  8. I can't tell you about London Heathrow, but I took the train to London Gatwick in the middle of the night after the concert last July and felt totally safe because so many people were already on the road.
  9. I totally agree with @Hero. I never meant you weren't being fair, I just meant that I don't think everyone on the list who says they don't have tickets actually don't have tickets. I don't believe that all those on the list are honest and the people who are not honest make the procedure unfair. I see that you have more confidence in people's honesty than I do. Of course it is your decision what you do with the tickets. I am really sorry if I have hurt you and expressed myself wrongly. I didn't mean to.
  10. I never said anything like this. I never said you were not transparent or withholding information. I guess because it's the only thing we know that Mika will do in the future. We have nothing else to plan for in Mikaland. At least that is my opinion. I have made one criticism and that is that the MFC tickets should be available to all and not just those who don't have tickets (anyone can say they don't have tickets). Equal rights for all. We didn't know how many people were on the list until now...
  11. I don't think life is fair in general. The people who succeed should be the ones who are nice, not the ones who are sneaky and cunning. And that is not at all related to the MFC. I am not saying that MFCers are like that, but I am saying that not all of them are honest.
  12. And if people who are on the list win MFC tickets when they actually have tickets, I think that will cause a lot more empty seats because the tickets were free and because they won't want to give them away for fear of being exposed that they already had tickets.
  13. I disagree, ticket giveaways should be for everyone. Anyone can say they don't have tickets and then get better tickets in the front stalls. Is that fair? In my opinion, much worse. At least I was honest about having a ticket in the rear stalls...
  14. When we made the membership, we didn't know there were MFC tickets nor the general sale because it was for a recording programme. We just really wanted tickets. And I'm really sorry if you don't get a ticket. Unfortunately, not everyone is as honest as you. And a competition/ticket giveaway should be for EVERYONE. I thought the MFC was for everyone? It's not fair to punish those who got interested in tickets early because they really wanted to be there. I only have one ticket for myself and if I still get an MFC ticket, I will pass on mine. And I really hope that most of them do. I don't want to see as many empty seats as at Eurovision again, even though it was officially sold out. I totally agree with you on this point. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  15. Not officially, no, that's all Deb wrote: And how is she going to control who has tickets? Anyone could buy them at the general sale. And those who were honest and didn't buy a ticket (I'm not one of them, I bought one through membership with others before I knew anything about a list) might now go empty-handed?
  16. I thought that people who have a ticket are not entitled to an MFC ticket. Has that been changed?
  17. I wonder if Mika meant "The Piano" by "not when but what".
  18. Nothing has been decided yet. But I would prefer Thursday (afternoon) or Friday because my flight is not until Thursday morning/lunch.
  19. Dear Mika , How are you doing? It would be really nice to hear from you, Instagram or Twitter would be perfect.
  20. In the rear stalls? These are general admission tickets and not the MFC tickets.
  21. You can click on the bottom there, but it's only possible if you're a member.
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