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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Also a good idea! I'll have to get some.
  2. I noticed last night she was having to use it like a little shovel to push her food up so she could eat. That could work!
  3. It's difficult to see in the photos, but she's actually still got her eyelids. What they've done is take a small sliver of skin from just below the lid, and stitched it so that as it heals, it pulls the lid out slightly, so her fur and lashes don't rub against her eyes when she blinks.
  4. So, Martha had her surgery yesterday. All went well (thank god), and she is back home to recover. She has to wear a collar to stop her scratching her stitches, which she is very annoyed about! She is also frustrated because the collar keeps getting in the way - she couldn't even climb the stairs to bed last night as the bottom of the collar kept catching on the top of the next step and pushing her back. Currently a grumpy mess cuddled into a fluffy blanket on my knee. πŸ˜’πŸ˜ΏπŸ’” Picking her up from the vets yesterday... *That's not her carrier, it's borrowed from the vet. Her carrier went home with another kitty by mistake! Not sure the other kitty would have liked that, it had a well-used blanket in that smelt of Martha. Oopsie.
  5. @kreacher Dee, I'm sorry, I've only just seen your reply! This is awesome work, thank you so much! And since I asked that question, he's announced Cap Roig again this year!
  6. Oh look at her! Paws in the water, relaxed and happy. 😍❀
  7. Really? Wow, I thought the Bal was an invitation only event. *makes mental note for future events*
  8. Not when he's running around in the crowd. Are we back to getting you on stilts? Tempting...
  9. We should all wear one! Imagine his face when he looks into the crowd and sees everyone in a corset!
  10. Mmmmm, a full suit made from that dark sheer fabric could be interesting...
  11. After seeing the pics from the Bal de Rose last night, I'm a little less anxious about this one. Seems they do have normal sized people in Monaco!
  12. In last night's clips I thought Zuleika's dress was black, but the clips posted today show it as more of a chocolatey-bronze colour. PPP seems to have a thing for teasing colours with sequins! Remember the blue top he made for Mika on xfactor, that everyone swore was black?
  13. Oh I love all these pics and vids, thank you! It looks like everyone had a great time! I'm so pleased the audience were up and dancing and interacting with him! It almost feels like a proper gig! And of course, Mika being Mika... I wonder if that woman got her phone back?
  14. I have my screen dark. This could explain a lot... Tired and sexily smouldering into the camera.
  15. Apart from Mika, Louboutin and the Prince, I have no idea who these people are. I like the flower crown though.
  16. Hmm, he's got a full week clear between Tarvisio (Sunday 23 July) and Cap Roig (Sunday 30 July). Keeping it clear for something? Having a rest? Or just not announced yet? πŸ€”
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