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Everything posted by BeccaStardust

  1. Yeah that’s what I was looking at and assumed it’s the same the other side but yeah even the I’m small the railings shouldn’t be an issue
  2. I'm around row c seat 90 I think I'm behind the stairs tho but hope that won't be an issue
  3. Thanks Yeah I have felt welcome in the past 4 months and like talking to people And I guess it's easier to talk as at least you have one thing in common
  4. I mean my name on here is literally just my name cause I just connected to Facebook I think rather then using my online name (which is still partly my name) Yeah as I said I was just overthinking my nerves I'm sure I'll have fun and get to know people I need to stop thinking that because I'm a newer fan I don't deserve to be there
  5. Ah I understand the confusing then since I was looking at roundhouse That's odd that they are saying different things hopefully they don't end up double booking
  6. From what I saw there was but mostly at the back however s others went seeing anything so hopefully you’ll find sonething
  7. Why am I the only one still seeing seats thier at the back so wouldn’t be great
  8. Sorry I looked aswell and didn’t see your reply before I posted it did look like there were some seats at the back free
  9. Just had a look out if curiosity with the genral admission there are some seats left but not many and not really the best seats
  10. Yeah I’m sure whatever Ill enjoy it’s just the nerves now
  11. Oh no it just gave me a random seat (a good one from what I’ve worked out but random ) although I was in a panic to make sure I got them and could have missed the bit that gave me a choice
  12. I don’t think we’ll get anything new before the new year but by April maybe
  13. Yeah I managed to get seated somone said all the seated ones were sold out but that coukd just Be for pre sales
  14. But I also have hopes well have something new by July too
  15. The only ones from your list I’d take away is blue eyes and Maybe sanermo unpoular but I’d also remove love today. I find when I’ve watched concerts online it goes on too long id add Only Love you when I’m drunk (I very much doubt this tho but for some reason it’s top 10 for me) origin of love (surprised you missed that) And promiseland id like any other world but agian I doubt that edit this seems like a really long set list tho
  16. Talking online is a lot easier then talking in person
  17. Yeah that’s true I’m sure both here and on Twitter I’ll find people and find something to do with others even if it’s not with a big group ive just been overthinking a lot I guess
  18. I’d like to but also the fact I don’t really know anyone might make me want to try and stick to myself especially since most of you know each other well I’d feel very akward
  19. Ah fair I don’t always watch the ig lives since I rarely use insta plus was busy last night
  20. I don’t know Camden as well as some parts of London so other then the main market idk when the locks are but yeah on doing research the locks are the market and I’m dumb lol
  21. There might be a nearer bit of the Thames but the touristy area of the Thames at least is that far (like London eye area)
  22. Obviously ive never been involved but if you wanted to do something similar to what you did in Paris and the boat ride the Thames is only 30 min train ride tho an hours walk edit i know the boat ride was just because it was the first time you’d all seem each other for a long time but was my only thought
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