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Everything posted by BeccaStardust

  1. I did search Tier list in the search bar and it didn't come up with anything I guess I should have searched rankings too sorry to repeat stuff again
  2. I know Love today and Lollipop are controversially low
  3. This might belong is music but I wasn't sure (and also couldn't find anything similar ) So there is this tier list site and I was looking the other day to see if there were any Mika based ones and found this and though it would be fun to do If not somewhat controversial at times I have not made this and its missing singles You can also edit the tiers https://tiermaker.com/create/rate-mika-songs-1233865 There is also a haircut one if you want me to link it This Will probably cause arguments but in a maybe Fun way Sorry is this isn't allowed or in the wrong place I'll link mine in the first post
  4. that’s why I’m kinda glad I’m on my own so I could sort all that before only thing I need to sort is the train ticket (and time off from work as they havnt told me how yet)
  5. 22 (23 if you include 2 halfs) we are really going off topic here
  6. I didn't even have adult teeth grow/underneath in some places plus two broken teeth and overall bad teeth
  7. I feel like people already in the almost 6 months I’ve been here so bu July I’ll know more
  8. I’ll be 23 by July but yeah it’s just overthinking that I’ll be an odd one out on top of not knowing everyone and being ignored cause you all have your friend. Groups and yes i know this is stupid by my other thinking/axienty is dumb but stems from fake friends and stuff Despite living in/near London I’ve never actually been on a boat along the the Thames and have wanted to I know I’ll enjoy myself and once I’m there I’ll talk to people it’s just worrying now
  9. Yeah as I said it is a stupid thing to think about esp since I get on with everyone here anyway. It’s just me other thinking. Thst I won’t talk to anyone but once I’m there I’ll talk to people
  10. I’m glad you enjoyed especially hearing how nervous you felt and that it made you ill and in sure it’ll be just as fun next time this might come across a little mean but I’m just worried about connecting with older fans (which there are a lot of) and not many my age, which I know sounds stupid we all have something in common so it’s not like I’m that akward and I don’t even really care about that it’s just something I think about but also don’t care about if that makes any sense also yeah we’re in the same hotel (tho money hasn’t come out ) so thank you for the offer thats really nice
  11. I know I don't know anyone but It will be a good way to get to know people
  12. Id be up for coming along I'm planning to get to London about two/three but want to check into the hotel and drop my stuff of first obviously I'm saying yes as I'm assuming buy then i'll have money then especially since I have sunday free before the concert so can do stuff in the city
  13. Hey Can anyone help, Im trying to find a particular picture of Mika and can picture it but cant find it anywhere but he's wearing a heart suit (as it both sides are a half) I though it was Casa Mika but had a check though and cant find it
  14. I mean I actually don't know the reason but its been fun seeing them
  15. Okay so had a. Dream last night that Mika had an interview I however it was at like 5am (I had just woke up at 5 so yeah ) in the morning so had woken up for it but will still quite tired it was a singer interview and wasn’t in English however one of the guests didn’t know the language and kept looking at Mika to translate for him. I don’t remember any of the questions and within the dream feel asleep before Mika Sanger but when I woke up in the morning I couldn’t find the interview again even after checking here and Twitter but did find that he’d sung a new song called clouds one of the other singers had a song called ice cream and I was trying to find out if he’d covered Mika or not I think I also remember finding a photo shoot linked to the interview which was Mika sitting on a throne
  16. So another reason it's not him. Someone who apparently went to the show says the semi final was recorded on the 11th November last year in the morning. Now the 11th was also the date of X factor lives so unless he's flying between the UK and Italy in one day it's not looking likely. So he could have been kicked out early but that would be a risk to be that busy flying between places.
  17. I don’t watch it but seen a lot of people talking about it obviously I very much doubt it will be him 1 cause he doesn’t do much in the U.K. 2 from what I’ve heard it doesn’t sound like him 3 he was Probably busy doing the voice or X factor when it was recorded however even if it’s not him, he’s at least being talked about in some form and it’s promotion(sorta) with people looking him up to find out what he’s up to now
  18. She is, She prefers me to my dad but also likes to hide She also doesn't know what food she likes anymore but thats fine we can work that I love back cats too, maybe I'm biased as Guinness (the daughter) Is also black
  19. I’d like you to introduce you to my cat Gucci (like the bag brand yes, we didn’t name her) she’s about 15 now we got here in 2008 with her daughter (my mum has the daughter ) she was a very nervous cat as we belive she’d been stuck in one room maybe with dogs so takes a while to get used to people I’ve had three cats in total one unfortunately died and my mums taken the other now
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