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Everything posted by BeccaStardust

  1. I’m Probally going to book tomorrow once my dads home or Tuesday I going to try the premier inn/travelogue/holiday inn Nearby since I’d prefer a chain then somewhere random but would go random I had to and yeah I wouldn’t want to cause issues or a hold up
  2. Probally will be but also a lot of the places I looked at didn’t have many rooms left I could have been looking in the wrong place tho
  3. Hotels are just expensive now and whole,I don’t really have the money now by then I should so8 can spend it then and have it back does that make sense
  4. I so why I always end up back at school or some after school club thing in dreams when I finished 2 years ago but anyway in my dream a group of us got taken out to help with an interview we didn’t know who it was or what it was for turns out we were interviewing Mika and I couldn’t help but stare the whole time and didn’t ask him anything when it finished he shook everyone’s hand and just held my hand for like 5 minuites
  5. Yeah I think I’m going to do this now and also come down on the Saturday and stay overnight so I have the whole day in London amd don’t need to worry about having my luggage at the theatre
  6. Wimbledon is also a hour away from Camden I don’t think it’ll be too much on an issue I also don’t know anything about Wimbledon I just looked up when the final was and how far it was
  7. And now I’ve given myself something more to overthink and stress about fun times yay ill be fine sorry for being annoying agian and rambling I’ll shut up
  8. I’ll speak to my parents over the next few day to see what they say aswell but I just had this thought suddenly and wanted to get an estimate/advice
  9. It’s only a 6 month contract but it’s a job and I could get it permenant after and I mean it’s not fully confirmed I havnt got a start date yet but hoping the new year
  10. Yeah that’s what I was thinking cause I wouldn’t want to book a train and then miss it or worse knowing London the trains not even running I know I’ve said to my mum I would see her but I can still go to hers on the Monday if I got a hotel I might even come down on the Saturday and stay overnight so I can. Just have the whole of Sunday in London and know that I’m there and also so I don’t need to take my bag with me. It wasn’t my original plan but It would be easier (and having got a job now I’ll have the money to spend )
  11. Yeah what I’m getting from that is A Mika starts whenever he feels like lol B the earliest I would get back is midnight so maybe a hotel would be best
  12. Final is on the 10th apparently but Wimbledon would Probally be on that weekend
  13. I know this is stupid to think about but if doors open at 7 what time do you think Mika would finish not that I want it to end but I was just figuring out getting back to my mums after and relised it was 1h 40 rather then 40 mins as I though (wrong side of London ) so I’m just figuring out what time it would finish as to what time I’d get home And Sunday trains in particular are often iffy so maybe it’ll be best to get a hotel this is really a stupid thing to think about now
  14. I really fancy trying Greek food now but I don’t think I can get it as takeout near me
  15. Also if Greek food has garlic then I will love it as I really like garlic
  16. I like Love today as a song but from videos I’ve seen it just feels really long live I would Probally really enjoy it in the atmosphere of a gig tho
  17. I’m akward but I do like hugs most of the time sometimes I don’t
  18. So I just walked into my local food shop and they were playing We are Golden
  19. Although saying this it being a Sunday the market might not be as busy or even open Tho in London that doesn't matter really But there's a lot to do in and around Camden anyway
  20. I used to live just outside of London (Essex ) so often went there a lot with friends I’ve moved now so it’s a bit further away (3 hours which isn’t awful) There’s a good market with a lot of different cuisines which is where I was planning to go before if we didn’t do anything else hit there’s a lot to do around linking the market if anyone’s intreasted https://www.camdenmarket.com/food-drink
  21. I’ve never actually tried Greek food however that is a fun find Camden is a very foody part of London
  22. I only had the option of digital but maybe those outside the U.K. are different
  23. I think tickets will be digital due to COVID so they should but Somone might have better knowledge then me
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