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Everything posted by BeccaStardust

  1. This is me, I've seen a few clips before but never fully Yesterday I wasn't so sure How I was feeling about this But I'm actually exited to watch it and give Eurovision a chance Im excited to see Mika presenting it im sure e'll be great
  2. So This was how I was feeling yesterday but I decided to watch Sanremo for him today and to see the announcement and I'm actually quite excited now and looking forward to watching it and giving the show a chance as I said Its just not been something Ive given a chance but wanted to change that also As unseal he looked great in blue
  3. Hi, So I'm trying to make an edit (I don't do edits very often but though id try esp since I had fun after the grace Kelly though the years one I made) of times Mika has sung a song in other language from the original (Eg Grace Kelly in french) I Remember reading that during Casa Mika he sang Boum Boum Boum in Italian but I can't seem to find that maybe i'm that awful at languages and french just sounds the same as Italian which would be very bad edit Not for casa Mika but I have found a short version of An Italian Boum boum Boum from a radio show he did but it was only 20 secs
  4. I Fourtnally have been around long enough Cause I hate X factor so much People can change their mind wich people dont seem to get
  5. I know that wasn't what i'm saying, If he's doing it its because He wants to but Im saying that it would be good for him as well as him wanting to do it
  6. I'm going to be honest I still on't know how I feel about this whole hosting Eurovision thing like I can Understand that it will be good for him with it having such a large audience but I just feel meh about the whole thing as someone whose never really cared for it and just felt it was just a but s**t (I've never watched it in full so never given it a chance) I just feel like im a bit of a s**t fan that everyone (at least on twitter) seems really excited by it and I just feel meh
  7. Youtube Music is a separate app within youtube (If that makes sense) that ad playlists and all songs by a certian artist You can pay for youtube music which means you can download music to listen to offline ect but anything you have saved in youtube would transfer over too
  8. This is probally my dumb midnight brain but out of curiously what music streaming platform does everyone use. i did use Spotify but someone recommended YouTube music so have been trying that for a week but miss Spotify i enjoyed looking at my stats with Spotify and just found it smoother but is nice to have access to more with YouTube music i don’t really know why I’m asking but it’s midnight and. Should be asleep
  9. I wrote a lot when I was in school then kinda stopped with how busy I was at uni but then last year I got back to writing again i rarely finish stuff that’s the other issue I have even tho I normally plan the whole thing out i always try try and do some research for stuff if it’s a topic I don’t know as even with fantasy and I don’t want to get things wrong if I can help it i remember it it was dark blue and I think simply called a guide to writing adult fiction or something it was quite intreasting my parents got it for me when I was a lot more interested in writing I’ll look into the ones you said
  10. I only really Write fanfiction currently but do want to expand out to actually create characters and my own ideas which is something I used to do more in the past but stopped for some reason my main genres would be Sci-Fi/Fantasy. I've also written kidnapping a few times in te past (Idk how worried about myself i should about myself there) I do like writing stuff about finding your path/place I used to have a really good book about writing fiction I don't remember if i still have it or if I got rid of it.
  11. update on the tech issues ive managed to log into 2/3 of the sites and completed all the training so thats good
  12. You could always create a writing topic here for aspiring writers (if there isn’t one already ) I’d be interested I want to start writing more outside of s**tty stuff I write now i don't regret uni as a whole but I do wonder if I would have done better at a different course or even uni but I don’t think anything would have changed in the basic terms of why I hated it annoying flat mates first year (maybe preventable ) Parents divorce second year gave me a lotta stress (yeah would probally have happened wherever) and then covid third year. yeah I can agree about friends on one hand I only really have 3 one of which I feel like I’m drifting away from
  13. Maybe it was just my interpretation of the live but I felt like he was saying where going to get several singles/eps before we get a full album but I hope we get one song by April as it would make sense with the tour
  14. well for starts I don't have a bath but as for eating yes I have been I've been re watching Casa Mika today Its quite windy here today but if its better tomorrow I might go to town/park which is only 5 mins There probably is IT support but I've been there two weeks so Idk who to contact other then my direct boss(or her boss) Yeah I want to chat more here but feel I don't know where If I just want to say hi and not a specific topic as much as I like talking here I do sometimes get lost as where to go for things I understand this so much I'm 22 (23 in april) finished uni two years ago and while I had a theme park job last year I knew I was moving so it wasn't permanent and now am only on a 6 month contract so have no idea what i'll do after that My industry isn't really hiring (Restaurant being hit bad by covid) plus I don't even know if I want to do Hospitality still and partly feel like I've wasted my whole time at uni if I don't want to do that anymore (I kinda do but prefer the people side now to cooking)
  15. A bit lonely and a bit stressed My dads gone to his girlfriend for a few days So I'm home alone after yesterday with the 1h 1/2 wait for a taxi I didn't really want to go out today But Him being away just makes me relies that I have nothing to do up here, had a chat with my friends but wish I could see them more. I try and do for Voice chats either on Discord or spaces on twitter but no one joins. I do this just cause I like chatting with and getting to know people who have similar interests as for the stress I've been trying to log in to all the work systems so that I can complete the documents and also book days off Naimly my birthday/graduation in April and Mika in July but none of them seem to be working and I don't know what I'm doing wrong and its worrying me. I think its mainly the loneliness cause Id be able to ask my dad for help with the tech stuff when he's back on Tuesday. sorry for the long vent
  16. Also step with me (i was I’m a forgetting lyric mood this morning )
  17. I really like the back and White tiger one also the top right is cool
  18. There’s Probally an edit page or maybe I could have put this in Grace Kelly’s page but want sure if it was appropriate but anyway I don’t normally make edits, I’ve tried before but they’ve normally failed or I’ve given up Anyway for 15 years of Grace Kelly I decided to make a video of performances though the years
  19. I might be wrong but I think the issue with the dinner cruise is that we can’t book it for just ourselves and there will be other on board but maybe with enough people we could part of the reason I had a quick look at the party boats (tho now relise they arnt feesable )
  20. They look quite expensive but maybe that’s normal for that sort of thing On the same website there’s also party boats https://www.thamesdinnercruise.co.uk/party-cruises/
  21. you're seated now right? Maybe you can so some shopping and stuff concert day at least thats my plan but maybe you still want to hang around the theater Hopefully you can convince her
  22. So i was bored and Ive made a music video one as well if anyone's Interested. please let me know if I missed one https://tiermaker.com/create/mika-music-videos-1485527
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