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Everything posted by BeccaStardust

  1. I'm going to wear a flowerly top for sure I did think about camal top but I'll get more use out of flowery stuff
  2. Yeah I wouldn’t want to ride a camel same with a donkey or elephant it’s not Exacly the most ethical but it’s money from tourism i woukd by camel clothes tho I join in wearing camel stuff yo Mika
  3. The I’d wear pyjamas but need to buy some new ones if so since I only have winter ones really
  4. I'm hoping to it works on my VPN but if not I hope the streaming link works
  5. Booked my hotel now went with the Nox as it was cheaper then a lot of places and seems reasonable plus isn’t too far out
  6. I know i've seen it before but cant remember the interview it was In but Mika is talking about when he fist started and got gigs in London He put posters up near where his ex lived to spite him or something
  7. I’m here which looks like the stairs in front of me which has a small railing I think
  8. Yeah I am I think,I have stairs/disabled area in front of me tho so maybe a bit obsturucted but hope not and I’ll make sure to look out for you
  9. Thats good that you've managed to get some good seats at least thats one less worry for you
  10. I think I'm going to go with the Britannia it looks reasonable and its only £200 (£220 with breakfast) and is only a 10 min walk tho might check that one out too since I'm not making a decision yet The Nex is pretty much the same price for the two nights which is what I'm doing so both are good options
  11. I'll happily have one or 2 normally J20 with some vodka or something but yeah not everyone drinks
  12. I guess I'll be a lone stander finding stuff to do on the sunday lol Im sure Id enjoy a party with the right people and if im not being forced/pressured into drinking cause Im a lightweight so wouldn't go overbored
  13. Id Probally leave around 9 and get there for 1 but idk yet Im not much of a partier tho so depends if id join tbf
  14. I said something the other day about hoping this year will be good for Mika since its 15 years for Grace Kelly and first finding fame hence hoping a lot of tiurs new music and maybe even singing songs live he doesnt normally do
  15. Im getting Saturday to Monday but i guess its easier for me since I live in the UK im not worried about flights
  16. I think I've seen that one but I'm good. The brittnana one looks reasonable so I will probally go with that one as for the the Handcuffs - No comment
  17. I don't know where to ask this but is there a way to change my display name Its just bugging me a little
  18. Is there a way to edit my name on here?

  19. The holiday inn turns out to be over £500 so maybe not But I have found another thats not to far and only £200 and doesn't look to bad I'll do Some sightseeing but London isn't that special to me since I only moved away this year Maybe Id go to the zoo If i didn't do anything else but Im sure I would plus Zoo isnt that intreasting
  20. Wait if there's a doctor who themed Hostel I would actually stay there
  21. Yeah I've found some places that arnt too far as I dont want more then half hour walk and their are some nice places around that arnt Hostels (The holiday inn in close by was over £500 so not doing that)
  22. London is very Expensive so be prepared to pay like £100-£150 a night anywhere in London will be that price probally there's some that are cheaper but there also probably awful or hostels that might be harsh their proally are cheepr places to stay aswell that are nice
  23. I found a holiday inn that is a 5 minute walk from the Roundhouse plus theirs plenty of options around. I have seen that travelodge too
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