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Everything posted by BeccaStardust

  1. Hoping we’ll at least have a single or two and then full album later in the year but we’ll see ethier way it’ll be fun
  2. Sorry to be a bother but quick thing first I want to say thank you agian for everything second I did ask earlier but do you know if the pre sales code goes in the promotional code or is there somewhere else it goes
  3. Just checking I’m assuming the pre sale code goes in promotional code section Just asking now so I don’t need to worry tomorrow
  4. The website says there’s a limit of 6 tickets but I’ll be awake by 9 so will make sure to get tickets for it
  5. Welcome nice to meet you I’m Becca from the U.K.
  6. I think I will go now that I’ve thought about it more tickets will be about £75ish including fees and then the train tickets will only be about £50 if I book it early enough then can stay at my mums or a friends rather then getting a hotel (it’s 3 hours from where I live or 1 hour from friends/mum) I know I will enjoy it especially since this will Probally be the only London(U.K. ) gig he does
  7. I think I will since it’s Probally going to be the only London show and I know I’ll enjoy it as normal I’m just overthinking
  8. 80% of me wants to go there’s just that 20% unsure about price and being enough of a fan (if that makes sense) that is saying no
  9. Hoping I’ll be able to get tickets for this tho the price is kinda putting me off since I’ve spent a lot recently but would like to go since it would be my first time seeing Mika and isn’t too difficult for me since I’d rather no go to another country to see him i’m just feeling a bit if an outsider as I havnt been a fan that long so feel like I should let other people go
  10. I agree with this as I feel like a spring tour in Canada/America would make sense then festivals then hopefully a full tour autumn/winter however with COVID it’s Probally difficult to plan when some countries are still bad plus don’t know what will happen but as you said hopefully by summer things will be better
  11. Wasn’t it like -10 what possessed him that it was a good idea To become shirtless
  12. I’ve heard both so maybe live Mika changes it to stupid also regarding origin of love is the bit in the middle Latin cause all I hear is cheese balls but I know it’s not that If it is Latin I guess it can’t be translated easily
  13. At first I also interpreted it being around 2010/2011 and his and Andys break up or thats how I interpreted the line “if I was safe from making a big mistake”
  14. I really enjoyed it I didn’t take it as a break up song but as a song about knowing the other person loves you more then you love then
  15. Did anyone see the insta live Mika did showing a tease of a new song I missed it but thanks to fans that recorded it I’ve seen it and he sounded so good and looked happy
  16. Sone of these o havnt seem so will give them a watch later thanks
  17. Got this today to add to my collection
  18. Oh I followed them back because I follow everyone back especially since I just assumed it was a fan account until they messaged me their account has now been suspended
  19. I might be wrong obviously but I think there a new (maybe their old ) fake Mika doing the rounds on Twitter they havnt followed my Mika account but they have my personal (the one linked here) and are dming me as Mika I doubt Mika has the time do this and thought I should let people know I don’t know how to add a photo unfortunately sorry
  20. Thank you im watching even tho I don’t understand most of it but still enjoying
  21. Thanks I’ll take a look around and check eBay
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