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  1. https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/rimini/cultura/mika-concerto-cattolica-5defa0b3 il Resto del Carlino 9 lug 2023 ROSALBA CORTI Cultura E Spettacoli Mika in concerto a Cattolica, ecco l’extraterrestre molto umano L’artista torna dopo 8 anni in Romagna e porta sul palco uno show che forse in riviera non si era mai visto tra musica, monologhi e balli trova spazio anche per una foto di gruppo e per far salire al piano una ragazza del pubblico Mika style a Cattolica: un concerto strepitoso Cattolica, 9 luglio 2023 – Un extraterrestre che con la sua incontenibile voglia di vivere, trasmette una gioia sconfinata di essere proprio lì, su quel palco e tu ad ascoltarlo. Questo è stato Mika, ieri sera a Cattolica, un artista che ha portato uno show che forse in riviera non si era mai visto. Dopo 8 anni, Mika torna in Romagna e si ricorda bene di questa terra, e ne parla, ringrazia, dice cose bellissime e toccanti su questo popolo, e senza essere mai banale. Si riparte con un nuovo percorso, un nuovo album da far conoscere e anche un nuovo Mika. Perfetto nella sua elegante semplicità, non servono orpelli. Lui è Michael Holbrook e non ha timore di mostrarlo. Sul palco fiori, alberi e tutti i colori dell’arcobaleno e poi la sua musica, i suoi celebri brani che tutti cantano. Ogni sua canzone è aperta da un breve monologo del cantante che, in un italiano perfetto, descrive il sentimento e le emozioni legate al momento, a una situazione, e da li si alternano canzoni in linea con il sentimento espresso dal musicista. Le canzoni fanno parte dell’arcobaleno di colori di Mika e i colori fanno parte del mondo che Mika vuole trasmettere al pubblico, un mondo inclusivo dove regna il rispetto. Un susseguirsi di successi passando da momenti più intimi come in Stardust a momenti dove è impossibile rimanere seduti (Relax, Lollipop, Elle me dit, Grace Kelly) il concerto scorre ad una velocità incredibile ed è impossibile non citare il momento in cui il cantante fa salire una ragazza del pubblico a suonare il suo piano, mentre lui canta Underwater. Il pubblico dell'Arena della Regina impazzisce quando Mika si butta letteralmente nel parterre per ballare con il suo pubblico che non aspettava altro che festeggiare con lui il suo ritorno. E’ un momento di convivialità molto intenso. C'è anche il tempo per una foto di gruppo. Un concerto strepitoso dove il cantante parla: “Stasera le sedie non vi serviranno a un c.." dice, colloquia con gli inquilini del condominio di fronte, balla come se non ci fosse un domani, ride, salta, ringrazia il cielo. Tutto si concretizza nella ricerca del bello, dove il bello e Mika, un extraterrestre molto umano. Google Translator Mika in concert in Cattolica, here is the very human extraterrestrial The artist returns to Romagna after 8 years and brings to the stage a show that perhaps had never been seen on the Riviera between music, monologues and dances, he also finds space for a group photo and for a girl from the audience to go up to the piano Cattolica, 9 July 2023 - An extraterrestrial who, with his irrepressible desire to live, conveys the boundless joy of being right there, on that stage and you listening to him. This was Mika, last night in Cattolica, an artist who brought a show that perhaps had never been seen on the Riviera. After 8 years, Mika returns to Romagna and remembers this land well, and talks about it, thanks, says beautiful and touching things about this people, and without ever being banal. We start again with a new path, a new album to make known and also a new Mika. Perfect in its elegant simplicity, no frills are needed. This is Michael Holbrook and he's not afraid to show it. On stage flowers, trees and all the colors of the rainbow and then his music, his famous songs that everyone sings. Each of his songs opens with a short monologue by the singer who, in perfect Italian, describes the feeling and emotions linked to the moment, to a situation, and from there songs alternate in line with the feeling expressed by the musician. The songs are part of Mika's rainbow of colors and the colors are part of the world that Mika wants to convey to the public, an inclusive world where respect reigns. A succession of successes passing from more intimate moments such as Stardust to moments where it is impossible to remain seated (Relax, Lollipop, Elle me dit, Grace Kelly) the concert flows at an incredible speed and it is impossible not to mention the moment in which the singer has a girl from the audience come up to play his piano, while he sings Underwater. The audience at the Arena della Regina goes crazy when Mika literally throws himself into the parterre to dance with his audience who were waiting for nothing but to celebrate his comeback with him. It is a very intense moment of conviviality. There's also time for a group photo. An amazing concert where the singer speaks: "Tonight the chairs won't serve you a f.." he says, converses with the tenants of the building opposite, dances as if there were no tomorrow, laughs, jumps, thanks heaven. Everything takes the form of the search for beauty, where beauty is Mika, a very human extraterrestrial. ......................................... Credo che manchi l'accento sulla "e" nell'articolo online: dove il bello e Mika, un extraterrestre molto umano. / I think the accent is missing from "e" in the article online since "è" means "is" ("e" means "and").
  2. The Google translation says "I have not one but two albums in preparation. One is totally in French and is currently being presented by the record company in Paris." But in Italian he says "e lo presento oggi ai discografici a Parigi" which means " I'm presenting it today to the record company/ies in Paris." Maybe it was the day he posted the video from a bridge in Paris with news of his forthcoming album.
  3. Mika says in the original La Stampa article "sono una perfetta manifestazione" and Google translates "sono" with "they are" but "sono " also means "I am", which I believe is what he intended.
  4. Thank you @Kumazzz! I've seen these videos before but enjoyed watching them again this afternoon. I'm fascinated by Mika's explanations of the songmaking process and the details related to the creation of his songs. By the way, did you realize that you posted the "Overrated" video twice? As for "Make You Happy", I love the Miami edit version with the orchestra. In the past I've considered using Mika's comments on "Heroes" with my Italian students when I teach the War Poets ( Owen, Sassoon etc). The video could be used for a listening comprehension task and then I would have the class listen to the song to create an emotional impact before having them read a war poem. Gotta try it sometime.
  5. Yesterday, July 5, Vanity Fair Italy (online) reprinted a 2019 interview with Mika. They're republishing "alcuni pezzi indimenticabili" (some unforgettable pieces) every day from their archive as part of the magazine's celebration of their 20th anniversary. https://www.vanityfair.it/article/mika-intervista Mika Fan Club posted the original article and a translation four years ago.
  6. This is from last year and concerns the shuttle buses for gigs at Cava del Sole. Let's hope something like this is published in the next few days for THIS year. https://www.materawelcome.it/it/attivo-il-servizio-navette-fiorello-copy/
  7. MATERA (PART 2) Via Don Luigi Sturzo coach stop The circled area is Via Don Luigi Sturzo where Flixbus and some other long-distance coaches stop in Matera. It's a 5-minute walk to Villa Longo train station. You can find this map at the following website: https://www.materawelcome.it/en/servizi-utili/tourist-information-centre/ From Matera Centrale to Villa Longo station Check out this webpage https://www.materawelcome.it/en/come-arrivare/mobilita/metropolitana/#orari_desk because it gives you the timetable for the subway (underground train) that links Matera Centrale to Villa Longo station. HOWEVER, TRAINS OF THE APPULO LUCANE RAILWAY DO NOT RUN ON SUNDAY. But there are a few LONG-DISTANCE COACHES of the Ferrovie Appulo Lucane on Sunday if, for example, you want to travel to Bari; however, you might prefer to take Flixbus or another coach line. I think local city bus 5 links Matera Centrale to Via Don Luigi Sturzo, then to Villa Longo station/Via Nazionale. The routes indicated in this PDF might still be in operation: https://appassets.mvtdev.com/map/77/l/2820/8832282.pdf You can ask about other buses that take you around Matera. If you decide to walk from Via Sturzo to Piazza Matteotti, it takes about 25 minutes. .............................................................................................................................................. Getting to Sonic Park (Cava del Sole) The evening of Mika's gig there should be shuttle buses leaving from Piazza Matteotti/Matera Centrale and Villa Longo station for Sonic Park but I haven't found info about it yet on the venue's website. Perhaps we'll find out something next week. Sonic Park posted the map below on Facebook for people coming by car, however, there's no indication how they are to reach the venue (by shuttle? on foot?). Matera Serra Rifusa station is a 10-minute walk from Sonic Park but there's no sidewalk (pavement) along the road. The man at the tourist information center told me that city bus 5 (the same line as above) goes to the area where Sonic Park is. You can catch it in Piazza Matteotti, for example, or at Villa Longo station (and at in-between stops). From another map I found, it looks like there's a stop quite close to Sonic Park. I would ask for confirmation. If you want the option of walking to or from Sonic Park, there is another solution as @Anna Ko Kolkowska mentioned in an earlier post. But there is the drawback that the sidewalk/pavement ends shortly before you reach the venue. Anyway, let's say you set out from Hotel Alvino on Via San Vito. It's about 15 minutes if you follow the dotted line. You'll be walking downhill part of the time. Heading to Sonic Park from Via San Vito. You can continue walking on the sidewalk. But 3-5 minutes on foot before you reach the venue, the sidewalk ends. I drove down the road when I was in Matera so I can confirm the situation hasn't changed since the photo was taken. I don't know the present condition of the solid gray road in the Google map.
  8. I like the way the crowd lets Mika circulate during Big Girl. They give him space to move around freely and at the same time show their enthusiasm for his performance.
  9. MATERA (Part 1) At Matera Central Station materastation.mp4 Piazza Matteotti (next to Matera Centrale) and Via Don Minzoni I mention a public restroom in this video but you'll be able to actually see it in the next one. Also, the signs I refer to are partially hidden by the street lamp on the right. (By the way, there's a water fountain across from the old train station.) materapiazzamatteotti.mp4 Public restroom/shower and luggage storage facility with lockers of different sizes (NB the machine doesn't give you change) materaleftluggage.mp4 Piazza Vittorio Veneto I read on another website that there is an infopoint in this square. materavittorioveneto.mp4 Belvedere Luigi Guerricchio materabelvedere.mp4 See you in Matera! materagoodbye.mp4 The infopoint in Piazza Vittorio Veneto is marked on this map.
  10. I'm posting a bit of information that might be useful to some of you. To the best of my knowledge, the info is accurate but there might be changes in the future. Sorry about the "uhms" in the videos as I'm trying to decide what to say - don't know how to edit them out. I'll start with Bari and I'll have videos and pics of Matera in the next post. BARI From Bari airport you can take a shuttle bus to Matera. Ask where it drops you off. I read that one shuttle stops in Piazza Matteotti (next to the central station) in Matera. There may be another that goes to Via Don Luigi Sturzo (a 5-minute walk from Matera Villa Longo station). If you arrive at Bari Centrale, you might want to take a train to Matera with the Ferrovie Appulo Lucane. It stops at Matera Villa Longo (about a 20-minute walk from Sonic Park) and at Matera Centrale. baricentrale.mp4 Your other travel option is to take a bus/coach to Matera. The next video tells you how to get to the bus stop of Ferrovie Appulo Lucane in Bari (the bus stops at Matera Centrale/in Piazza Matteotti); instead, if you go left on Via Capruzzi, other coach lines to Matera (Flixbus, Busmiccolis, Marinobus etc) will take you to Via Don L. Sturzo in Matera (near Villa Longo station). bariviacapruzzi.mp4 Below is the stop where you catch the Ferrovie Appulo Lucane bus to Matera (the sign is a bit faded). You'll be across from Sisa supermarket. Be sure to ask if it's the bus to Matera because other buses stop here.
  11. "I also have several television projects in the works" !
  12. I laughed too when I heard the mumps story! However, I wouldn't have spoken so publicly about my nephew's problems at school and poor football skills (at least Mika underlined Beauregard's intelligence). Hope Mika writes a book about his experiences one day.
  13. For new fans like me who haven't seen the video of the 2010 paper plane fan action in Seoul
  14. Gotta find a video of the paper plane and tp fan actions! 😍🤩
  15. "Maybe at the end of this year, you will be able to hear the new album"!! 🤩😊 (The one in English I presume?) But there's "maybe" . . . Well, the French one should be coming out soon.
  16. It's great to hear UK fans singing along with Mika! Happy that Mika is being appreciated in the country where he grew up and first found fame. 😊
  17. Have they perhaps reprinted an old article?
  18. The beat of the song reminds me of the "tormentoni" (don't really know how to translate that ) that are often released in the summer in Italy. Sounds like it could be fun to dance to. It's got a catchy tune.
  19. I remember reading somewhere that Mika studied tap dancing for a while. Looks like he's trying a few steps here.
  20. I'm pleased the song is being played a lot but I wish radios would acknowledge the fact that Mika is a lot more than Grace Kelly.
  21. I've been a fan only since late 2020 myself (until X Factor Italy I hadn't listened much to Mika's music) and there's still a lot I haven't seen, especially in French (I have to slow down the speed when there aren't subtitles). Glad you've been enjoying the forum. 😊 MFC has done an extraordinary job in collecting so much material!
  22. I wonder if Mika's working on the production of his English album in LA.
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