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Everything posted by QueenBigFat

  1. The way you frame your statement is actually my point about looking at this in a vacuum. The area was partitioned in 1948, but the entire story started waaaay before that. Depends on which side is telling the story.
  2. The history of this region is complicated, long, and has not ever been resolved by greater minds than mine on both sides. I do not think attempting to have a wide and ultimately dangerous (to this site) conversation about it here will benefit anyone. But to just focus on the current ongoing situation without mentioning what triggered it is not in my view telling even the current story.
  3. Just a gentle reminder that the current unbearable situation is a response to the unbearable and unprovoked murder of other innocent civilians, some of whom are still being held in captivity.
  4. This is the quote I was responding to in my post just now, not the one I used in the response, which was my own. Because, brain.
  5. Ya, the entire concert is on YT. It’s linked on the MFC forum or I can post it if you need it. Of course my little ears perked up. I didn’t know there was a Queen Big! Here I thought I was so original with my QBF! I’m so glad the concert is posted. Not the best quality—all that dramatic lighting is actually obnoxious on film bec i is just distorted backlighting —but the concert is so deeply felt that is was heartwarming. And I love the stomping. But what was that weird little singalong melody that some guy kept trying to start? It was the same one found in the Woodstock movie where everyone was mudsliding. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  6. OK, this may be wishful thinking, and I understand most of what he says onstage, even when it’s English, not at all. But I could swear that in the beginning of the intro to Big Girls he says something about “Queen Big”. Anyone?
  7. Ok, so… Yesterday played some Mika on YT this morning my Hunny (the one who made me start keeping Mikajar bec I talked about him too much) said to me…. I have something to tell you. It upset me. What is it, I answered, concerned. I have a song in my head. An earworm. It's a Mika song. Which one, I said. The one where he sings in a high voice, she said. , I said. I took a guess. Grace Kelly? I was right. which is why this was the punch line. It was in today's paper. Read the second para:
  8. ….then there’s that old song by Peggy March, used later in Sister Act—“I Will Follow Him”
  9. Yes. And I don’t mean for it to make you uncomfortable…I can be such a cheerleader (in a previous group years ago people called me PomPom, as I have mentioned) but truly ever since I joined MFC. i have really been amazed by what you do here. I mean, woman, you don’t miss a trick!
  10. Thank you so much. I really loved their version.
  11. On another note…hey, CJ, look (carefully) at the shirt one of the judges on American Idol (Lionel Richie) wore last week (they were in Hawaii, so….Hawaiian shirts and tropical flowers…(look carefully….)
  12. When people are abused they are so often afraid to stand up for themselves because they fear it will make things worse, when the truth is the other way around! My Hunny had that fear when her mother was in a nursing home but standing up to those idiots meant they were afraid of her and they took better care of her mom. Good for your mom! And sorry for your loss.
  13. 😄😃☺️👍🏼✌🏼😺👋🏼👋🏼👩🏻‍🎨💁🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ (I don't speak French but I hope this conveys that I am happy you're here!)
  14. Not any more, I bet! Mika seems to do that to people.
  15. QueenBigFat

    hi !

    What great photos! What a great job! Welcome! Looking forward to your posts and also your observations!
  16. The eclipse yesterday was an amazing experience for people in this hostile, broken country…. ”If we are all in the gutter, it doesn't change who we are Cause some of us in the guttеr are looking up at the stars If we arе all in the gutter, it doesn't change who we are Cause some of us in the gutter are looking up at the stars“….. As usual, a Mika lyric describes it perfectly…..
  17. Beautiful Chinese Crested folks! I love them. They look like teeny horses. Only more interesting.
  18. North American MFCers! Don’t forget Monday’s eclipse. Set up your Mika Playlist (of course including “Staring at the Sun”), and wear your genuine protective glasses, unlike this idiot!IMG_1327.thumb.jpeg.80975497570956a7128628d279e2269b.jpeg

  19. Yup, yup, yup, yup!!!! welcome!
  20. Hello hello! With such an extensive Mika history, it's great that you are finally here! And I love what you do for a living. Thank you for fighting for the planet.
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