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Everything posted by QueenBigFat

  1. Ah, but it is people like you—-us all—who move mountains.
  2. BTW, I am not only talking about the US, and not only about that orange twice impeached 91-charges facing him orange guy when I talk about the apocalypse. A lot of people here NOTE BY “HERE” I do not mean on the forum! I MEAN IN THE US) have developed ideas and attitudes that reflect what the right wing and the bots from Russia want them to believe, about the institutions of this country, influenced by FB and X etc, without being Trump supporters per se. The goal has been to destroy this country by creating distrust of voting and government in general—to create chaos. Violence or the fear of violent disruption. This has been accomplished. But the apocalypse is international. Right wing dictators and laws are now the rule or the threat in a substantial number of democratic countries (or formerly democratic) countries worldwide, and climate change is a threat to our very existence. We are all affected. And we must all resist. Do I/we all need soothing and a break from all of that? Certainly. Can we afford to ignore it? Not on your life.
  3. Oh, No, Mellody, I would never suggest that they are! I was talking about average people who may listen to him but not be real followers, who are not aware of or interested in the existential threats facing us right now. Listen, I get needing a break! These are terrifying painful conflict ridden times. But there are lots of people I know or have encountered who don’t pay attention to serious stuff. Don’t get educated. And don’t vote. Who don’t understand the threats. So when Mika talked about the apocalypse the way he seemed to, what I needed to hear was an acknowledgement of the seriousness of what was happening , rather than what he seemed to be saying, which seemed to minimize the seriousness and threat of the times. Not that I would want him to leave me there, but to reflect my pain and take it seriously at least. For a moment. And in this part of his quote— It's ending in.... I don't want to tell you everything, but it ends up with a tear. And then with a beauty and a renaissance. —-what he seems to say is yes, we will face the pain—-and then I will bring you up, so we can rise. I’m ok with that!
  4. Yes! I totally agree with your last point. What I am not so sure about, after observing or talking with a lot of people in the US, is whether most people are paying attention to anything more than how much more groceries cost, or those hoardes of horrible invasive immigrants. Just as they have been trained to see things by certain politicians here. I hope Mika’s fans are different, but I have no way to know.
  5. I cannot understand most of this forum as I can only speak American, but actually reading this, and his other comment about how people must respond to terrorism, makes me think that he is much more politically savvy than people say. Remember that passionate letter to the people of Beirut? He was criticized for waiting so long to comment; being overtly, directly confrontational politically (or in any way) is not his style, but finally he revealed where his heart and awareness —and passion—were. And said what needed to be said. I was one of the few who had a negative reaction to the implications of the French album because of some things he said about the title track. They were translations though, and getting to the real meaning was complicated. It seemed he said at one point that an apocalypse was a wonderful opportunity for pleasurable distractions. I was horrified. When I heard the title, I was at least expecting something reflective of Good Guys or In Any Other World, and in a time of existential s#$&*# -hits-the-fan, I could not understand the apparent superficially, or naïveté, or disconnect, he seemed to have. I am surprised and relieved and happy to be wrong. My faith is restored. He is saying, I hope, pay attention. I love the relief and escape and soothing that Mika brings, but was not seeing that when the stuff hits the fan, he got it and intended to deal with it, and maybe to inspire others to do so as well. I am so relieved to be wrong. I, for one, think leaving people with some sadness is appropriate, and it is perfectly Mika to look at the suffering and dangers of the times and be saddened, not enraged. And everyone needs to experience some of this sadness, at least, rather than just using his music to escape and ignore what is coming until it is too late.
  6. What?? WHAT?!! WHAT???!! A tv series in the United States??!?! QueenBigFat dances around the living room screaming in joy and waving pompoms.
  7. In fact I thought the movie was awful and could not watch it. Sadly I felt the same about the film of Les Mis. Both overdone and melodramatic. But I loved Jackman in that scene with K.
  8. Yes, subs team! Hero, did I read him right? That he wrote an early score for Showman that was rejected?
  9. I agree. It is a beautiful and profound song. Especially in the time of covid!!!! For the live version, though, it’s the critters that are doing it to me.
  10. Atheist that I am, I love that song. The first 10 times I saw that scene in the movie, with —-her father? Or the angel?—father I think, saying in her ear “I loved you Julie. Know that I loved you”, and then, to his daughter “Believe him”, I am a blubbering mess! Aw Jeese, silver, look what you made me do. I had to go watch it. Twice.
  11. PS CJ, have you watched the post Covid rehearsal videos of Circle of Life? Or seen the vid of This is Me?
  12. Omygod yes. Broadway in general. Straight plays too. Very much wanted to act when I was younger. From the early classics, which my parents took me to, like Sound of Music and Fiddler…then West Side Story (sobbing), Chorus Line, Sound of Music, La Mancha (sobbing), Hair, Showboat, La Cage (sobbing)…saw Sammy Davis Jr live in Golden Boy….and The Best Ever, Yul Brenner in The King and I, just a few months before he died. He did this performance with one lung and active lung cancer. Me, Sobbing of course…for many reasons. Also fortunate to see other performers who have ended up being fantastic stars, in their early days, like Audra McDonald and Brian Stokes Mitchell (who, my wealthy white Aunt said, when we excitedly described his wonderfulness, would never become a leading man. Tee.) I have not been able to go there for many years, so have missed Wicked, but —-and we may have talked about this—?—was fortunate to see my favorite show evah, Les Miz. My last musical addiction before Mika. These are such wonderful memories for me. There is really nothing like the experience, the excitement before that curtain goes up. And while there are many, many special moments, I think nothing competes with those opening notes in the Lion King overture when the animals start to appear. Of course I made sure to sit on the isle, and I knew what to expect, but when those voices soared around me, and that elephant lumbered down the isle next to me (shivers)…. My idea of heaven. Thank you for giving me a chance to share these wonderful memories, CJ
  13. Just finished Little Bird (the Canadian series). beautifully acted and directed. Heartbreaking and moving.Entirely manifested by Canadian aboriginal professionals and intensively researched so as to present everything accurately and sensitively. Really recommend.
  14. Songs I am watching on YT: This is Me (not the version from the movie. The one from the first time Keila sings it) Live performances of The Circle of Life with all the animal puppets. And the American and Brit versions of the first post-Covid reunion rehearsals of same.
  15. Something in the mail? Crafting goods??
  16. Hey dcdeb I think we need a venus fly trap emoji
  17. As J sit here munching on a piece of Li-Lac dark chocolate orange peel.
  18. Glad to meet you, Arianne 921! You make me smile!
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