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Everything posted by QueenBigFat

  1. That is too hilarious !If you meet your future partner there let us hope that they get you like this guy's person gets him. I mean, awwwww, little baby Venus Flytraps! When I saw the ad yesterday, I thought of you. We have this bond now. The Venus Flytrap bond.
  2. Saw it! She is such an internal singer, almost trance-like. In that way quite the opposite of Mika.
  3. I have to find it but I will tell you that in this concert FROM 2004 she stood on the piano, lay down on her back on the piano, and walked down into and through the crowd!!! Sound like anyone? From the beginning of finding out about Mika I have been thinking of her.
  4. Americans….and maybe others, later….watching Cyndi Lauper Live….at Last on ps. OMYGOD. Watch it if you can. It will probably be repeated or on Passport. PS Late to the party as usual…. The concert was in 2094 and there is a dvd.
  5. Ohhhhhhh, CJ—— Today I saw this commercial on the toob. It’s called “who gets you” (which appears to be a theme on MFC), and it’s about a guy whose plant dies….well, here, you can watch it for yourself….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5vMQ-j0x5o
  6. Dear MFC, So this morning I saw this great tip about cutting onions and was reading it out loud to Hunny. Me: Listen to this! (Reading): “Chew mint gum while cutting onions and VI-o-la—“ Hunny: (pause): You mean voila? Yep, because, you know, that’s an exotic and obscure term…especially for most MFC folks …
  7. You absolutely just made me laugh right out loud with this!!! Thank you so much!!
  8. But I mean really, why would anyone at temu have put those images together on a shirt???!?
  9. Speaking of which, I just saw this shirt online….for some odd reason it made me think of Mika. (Is that a lollypop??)
  10. Yes, when it comes to an absolute comparison, I agree. It was just singular things. Like one of the “sing it with us” gestures at the end. I wish I could think of the others! OTOH, maybe it was more like—-you know when you’re a kid and have your first crush? And everything makes you think of that person? “All I want to do is think about you “syndrome?
  11. Boy, can I relate. Job hunting can be exhausting, traumatizing, an assault on self esteem—-when you’re strong and healthy!!!! It’s so hard to make clear decisions too. Good for you for making one, and hope things work out for you. One foot after another…..
  12. Thank you so much for these. I love seeing these ol’ broads romping around! They are not spring chickens, esp for goldens.
  13. Yes, agreed. Mass shootings have become so common in the US that they barely make headlines any more.
  14. And now, a sign from a list compiled by Buzzfeed. A card of appreciation from a Child…. tee.
  15. Deb, one thing that intrigued me was how often, watching him and the group, I had a flash of “wow that reminds me of Mika”! But they went by so quickly I can’t even site them…. Some of the design of a concert, a gesture to the audience, some body language…..did you have that reaction?
  16. No, silly, that’s Buffy! (Well, I wasn’t there for that. I meant bunny teeth….And the rest of what you said.
  17. C’mon, Hero, we’re ditching this place! Coming? (QBF motions to her co-conspiring MFC friend as she heads off to a well deserved and enticing visit to the Naughty corner.
  18. Reminds me of what my Hunny says when anyone talks about moth balls:”how do they get their little legs apart?”
  19. I actually prefer my chocolate with nuts…. (Hey, don’t overreact. I was gonna say something about how I don’t chew chocolate because it’s better if it’s ….well, let’s say ….savored.🤷🏽‍♂️
  20. It was a BBC documentary called Freddy Mercury: the final act. Probably streamable somewhere.
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