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Everything posted by QueenBigFat

  1. Dear MFC, The quote below fid not include the whole statement with emoji. Please go to my page for the rest of it.

  2. Dogs Love GIF by Chippy the Dog


    I know it's complicated. I know this is not the place for that. But please accept these wishes in the spirit of love with which they are intended. 

  3. I hace been meaning to ask…what does that mean? plus, sweet pic.
  4. I am gonna say something weird. (ok, I heard that! ) Having seen about a hundred skillion pictures of Mika by now, I have come to the conclusion that the ones where he is trying to give the camera those come hither looks are my least favorites. And, to me, the least sexy. The most sexy for me are the ones like that B&W posted recently—a casual but intense side shot of him, with his hair falling forward, not looking at the camera. Or the glam modeling shots of his serious face, not particularly staged. And the ones that move me the most are when he is smiling in response to something that moved him or made him genuinely happy. Note I am only talking still shots here. Mika in motion is an entirely other life experience. (Kreacher)
  5. Of course you did! no, really, of course you did—-because you helped launch this episode, didn’t you?!😆
  6. Ok. Ok. So listen. Apologies that this repeats info some of you know. When I alluded to my psychic experiences earlier I just did a quick overview because I didn’t want to bore people. But the story was not clear and in order to make sense in this post I need to explain it: I have these repeated experiences where I think about a totally obscure person, song, or event, and then it appears. Like in college I was talking to someone and mentioned the Disney song “it’s a small world “ that had been introduced at the World’s Fair” six years before…went to my room, turned on the radio. The song was playing exactly on the line I had in my head. I Think of a movie from 50 years ago and it’s on the movie channel that night. I mean this now happens several times a day. So a few weeks ago I started thinking of Suddenly Seymour, from Little Shop of Horrors. And the next day someone, CJ I think, mentioned it on a forum. So I flipped out (how often do you hear that film mentioned!) and the next night was flipping channels and—LSoH was on! (I may be screwing up some times and orders of events a bit but I posted in real time in the chat about whatever forum). Of course. Later I paused at the channel and of course there was Ellen Green , belting out Suddenly Seymour. The next day or so I was in the car, turned to a station devoted to Broadway music, and there, just starting, is… Suddenly Seymour. THEN, a few days ago, I watch the above video of Mika and his puppies wherein he brings the camera to his kitchen where there is a stalk of Brussels spouts topped off by a beautiful green flower. The camera follows him as he sticks his finger into the bloom and says…. ”Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the little shop of horrors “. Ok. Posted about it. so now…. I am a Google newsfeed reader. I love Buzzfeed lists. And this, today, was part of the list I was just reading …..
  7. Yep, from the Indeed Pride special. Anyone who has not seen it recently aught to give it a visit. It opens with some talking but then there is some seriously wonderful Mika butt. It felt to me as if he was being deliberately (homo)sexual, embracing, displaying, enjoying, playing with, and focusing his gay flirtation. His sexuality is just out there, being celebrated. It was phenomenal.
  8. Ok, after I just typed that, my Hunny? The Mikajar person? Quipped “well, at least they know your hands are free.” I type with one hand, tho….
  9. Omg I have felt exactly that while watching him. and also while just looking at a picture of that face. I'm so sorry, that was too dignified for the NC. At least the part I wrote about. and Kreacher, that moment when he looks up from the drums with that —grimace? Smile? There. Are. No. Words.
  10. Ibid.? Ibid.?! IBID.??!!?! omygod. Not in 40 years of living in an increasingly illiterate dumbed down society have I seen that term used. Now I'm turned on!!!!
  11. Hi! Hi! I….arrived! When does the party start? (actually I didn't get here on my own. Some guys with whips blindfolded and handcuffed me and…) PS Kreacher I love your video more than words can say. That Mika moment is the hottest thing I have seen him do, though for me the best part is the drum solo. That face…that intensity…. (I'm sorry, QBF cannot write any more at the moment. She has slumped into her chair and we are fanning her)
  12. I think I have come to the conclusion to not try to interpret Mika's lyrics in a totally literal or specifically applicable to his life way. Partly I think that because of the difference between what I —or others — think he is saying and what he reveals that the song was about at a later point, like Relax. Partly because he is not a concrete kind of guy, but a very symbolic thinker, his references oblique on purpose….In the beginning, to maybe be only alluding to his sexuality, disguising it from others—or even from himself! Then, later, because his songs can then be very layered, as I think his thought process is…and then the listener can apply his lyrics to their own lives. And finally, because he communicates so multi-lingually, cross culturally; how concrete can he be? I mean, look at the conversations here? How often is there really The Answer? . I do like his more direct lyrics best, like Good Guys and Let's Party, but that's just me —concrete. But so many of his fans, so many of you here, are so artistic in your own right….so he writes like someone with flowers sprouting —exploding— out of his head!
  13. Oh, good! I can stop obsessively searching! I can give you as much time as you need. And as usual, of course, thank you so much.
  14. Everyone/anyone, I am overwhelmed by trying to track down a single site for a set of translated lyrics in all the discussions in the song forums. Is there such a thing yet? Could someone direct me please?
  15. Funny, when I first read “me in your back” I thought I got it immediately.
  16. Wandering around the Forums and found this thread. Noticed that nobody had thanked MFC for a year and a half! Well! This is hardly an anniversary for me—-I have only been here for (counts on fingers) five months! But since I have been saying wonderful things about you all every chance I get, I thought I would post here officially that you are all simply the best. Members are warm, kind, welcoming, incredibly knowledgeable, and—-for me, this may be the most important—funny. And—you have great taste. And the website as a whole is the most indescribably comprehensive resource imaginable. Thanks for being there. I want to add how great it is that in the beginning, as I researched Mika, MFC was featured prominently in the results. It never would have occurred to me to join a fan club, and I couldn’t have possibly imagined how much such a group would have to offer.
  17. It’s $30 US for the European Edition in the States with free shipping, but not fast delivery. Does anyone know anything about a US edition?
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