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Everything posted by QueenBigFat

  1. Isn’t it amazing that when you spend enough time with someone over the years you begin to look alike?
  2. Last night I watched the BBC documentary about Freddy Mercury and AIDS. It was heartbreaking and wonderful. But I noticed something that I thought was very interesting. In Last Party, Mika talks about “if it’s the end of the world let’s party “, basing it on Freddy, or a story about Freddy. But what Freddy really did, it seems, as the end of the world was coming, was —-he worked. Like , in a determined, focused, all-in, way. Kinda like Mika does.
  3. uh oh, CJ, someone else has caught what we have! Go see this post by silver and the few following it in Oldings. Oh, nuts. I thought I knew how to get a link here. So go to p 99 or 100 where silver snd I are talking about Buffy.You’ll know it when you read it.
  4. It must be so hard, when he is vulnerable like that, to not embrace him, at least metaphorically. But I know from my training and from my knowledge of people that when someone expresses insecurities one should not reassure them (as much as that is the urge) that they are not (unattractive, or whatever the issue is) because it closes the conversation. One should respond openly, listening as the person expresses their self doubts, with the concern one feels, warmly, empathicly, (believe it or not the term is not “empathetic”) but it is not helpful to try to take away or fix the person’s insecurity because that is a temporary “fix” at best; if it covers the wound for one moment, the insecurity is still there. The person needs support to work on and heal those insecurities themselves. Humanly speaking, (?!) when I see what Mika says and how he sometimes behaves (he so often acts like a little boy), I feel protective of him sometimes. Motherly. And looking back, his mom was his rescuer, but she was a tough mom, it seems, and that may have helped him survive, but it also may have left a hole where nurturing needed to be.
  5. It also makes me so very curious about their relationship and her “crimes” and why he asks for God to forgive “them”. We are supposed to respect his privacy but what he exposes invites us to want to know.
  6. So the other day Hunny asked me if Mika thinks he's hot. Your thoughts. My vote:. Well, he acts as though he does, and poses as if he does. OTOH, He says he does not like his smile, always goofs around in home movies, (as we used to call them) and does seem to have a performing persona that he contradicts with his insecurities. And he knows what works onstage. So really I think it's worth a conversation!
  7. That Mika is a Star Wars fan but not a fan of the Force being with anybody? No?
  8. But the people who wrote Suddenly Seymour didn’t start the thing that happened to me! It ‘s about the experience, not the content. But I do hope that he hears about what ha, somehow!
  9. Hey, @holdingyourdrink! You’re a part of the club too, ya know. You started this one.
  10. I was going to say something about puppies and Mikatarts being naturally sweet, as opposed to the other poptart, but this is a much better conversation. I remember liking to nibble Around the edges of mine. And then I would eat the delicious filling.
  11. Yaaaaaaaaaay! QBF welcomes CJ to the psychic experiences that have become a part of MFC Club!!!! PS That really is a good one. And i want to smooch that puppy. Tell me, what was it like to see that name?
  12. Oh, right! Thanks. It really is helpful when you young people help me to deal with this new fangled technology.
  13. Hero, you said this two and a half years ago. This is me, giving you a standing ovulation: best reaction in the history of MFC!!!!!
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