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Female First.co.uk (11-07-2007): Mika's teacher torment


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It's awful that this kind of thing happens but I do know how it feels.


It was my Science teacher, I was bullied majorly at school but when she added to it life became hell.


I even tried to kill myself...bad times.


But I've come thro it and can smile again.


It's great that Mika can talk about these things hopefully some young people in the same situation will be inspired by this.


Love you Mika.


Thanks for posting Pamette



Sometimes life is very very very hard!


I know what you felt! But I hope it made us stronger!


Love to all the MFC members!

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I can imagine what Mika and other who's been bullied have gone through. :crybaby:


I was bullied three years in junior high. The fact that I was clever, colourful and self-confident was enough to some of my male classmates. They tried to made my school days feeling like being in the hell. They barked and pushed me both in classroom and in corridors, they threw stones over me, stole my stuff and made lots of pupils hate me (I don't know how and why).


They often described how they could torture me, let me suffer and in the end kill me. :shocked: They even threatened to kill one of my male friends cos' they believed that we were dating (thank God they didn't know he was gay). Teachers and even my friends didn't care, they just let it happen in front of their eyes. My parents tried everything to stop it. The rector of my school was the only one who listened us and at last she helped me get rid of bullying when I went to high school. :thumb_yello:


One thing I love most about Mika is that he's courage to talk about his terrible experiences at school. I think Mika's story really gives strenght to those who are or have been in the same situation. Mika has given lot of comfort for me with he's songs, lyrics and interviews. I think especially that Grace Kelly is more than ironic insult for the record companies. For me it reflects the fact that Mika survived the bullying thing without changing his inner self. And I really admire it! :huglove:

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I was bullied three years in junior high. The fact that I was clever, colourful and self-confident was enough to some of my male classmates. They tried to made my school days feeling like being in the hell. They barked and pushed me both in classroom and in corridors, they threw stones over me, stole my stuff and made lots of pupils hate me (I don't know how and why).


Sorry for what it happened, it's really terrible

i really can't get the bully, why they would pick someone for no reason and did horrible thing to him....

for them, they just want to 'play' and make their life more unusual


One thing I love most about Mika is that he's courage to talk about his terrible experiences at school. I think Mika's story really gives strenght to those who are or have been in the same situation. Mika has given lot of comfort for me with he's songs, lyrics and interviews. I think especially that Grace Kelly is more than ironic insult for the record companies. For me it reflects the fact that Mika survived the bullying thing without changing his inner self. And I really admire it! :huglove:


yes, actually i think mika somehow is very open to his own life (except his orientation, it's his own very private life, i totally understand)

actually he almost tell us everything about his past, even its not a very good experience

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So I have something in common with Mika... and you all ! As for me, it was my German teacher who harrassed me. She hated me because I was (and still am) physically disabled - I am very short sighted. She always said to me : "Don't think somebody's gonna hold your hand all your life !". But I have never asked anybody to hold my hand... especially her ! She also pretended my answers were wrong when they were not. And I remmber one day, she found the rests of an half-eaten apple on the ground of the classroom, and of couse, she decided I was the person who did it ! So, she wanted to force me to eat that disguting trash ! :shocked: But this time, I clearly refused and nearly became rude ! I think this surprised her a lot because afterwards, she - almost - left me alone but as long as I adopted a frightened and defensive attitude, she really harassed me ! She did this to another pupil, because he was the onely (lonely one) boy of the classroom. But with him, things became much harder and unfair since she finally expelled him from her courses for no reason (she had provoked him and he had retaliated but I still think he was right).

I also had problems with a schoolmaster when I was little : she was verbally and physically violent. She would beat all of us and scream at us like a madwoman. I was afraid of her, too, but in a way, it was less difficult to endure because she was like this with all of us and not especially me.

But be reassured : I had GREAT teachers, too !

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Humans can be such a$$holes sometimes.

(excuse my French)


He said: "They used to throw things at me and call me a f***ing poof. I stopped talking and then I stopped reading and writing. That was baaad. I couldn't even write the name of my school. It was weird because at seven I could sight-read, then all my problems with dyslexia started. To this day I cannot sight-read. I cannot spell properly. My verbal IQ is high but not my written IQ!"


That is so sad. What idiot called him a "f***ing poof"???:shocked:

Where is he/she????!:mad3::boxing:

What does that even mean?

*mumbles about idiots,ingrates, and ignorant people in general*

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So I have something in common with Mika... and you all ! As for me, it was my German teacher who harrassed me. She hated me because I was (and still am) physically disabled - I am very short sighted. She always said to me : "Don't think somebody's gonna hold your hand all your life !". But I have never asked anybody to hold my hand... especially her ! She also pretended my answers were wrong when they were not. And I remmber one day, she found the rests of an half-eaten apple on the ground of the classroom, and of couse, she decided I was the person who did it ! So, she wanted to force me to eat that disguting trash ! :shocked: But this time, I clearly refused and nearly became rude ! I think this surprised her a lot because afterwards, she - almost - left me alone but as long as I adopted a frightened and defensive attitude, she really harassed me ! She did this to another pupil, because he was the onely (lonely one) boy of the classroom. But with him, things became much harder and unfair since she finally expelled him from her courses for no reason (she had provoked him and he had retaliated but I still think he was right).

I also had problems with a schoolmaster when I was little : she was verbally and physically violent. She would beat all of us and scream at us like a madwoman. I was afraid of her, too, but in a way, it was less difficult to endure because she was like this with all of us and not especially me.

But be reassured : I had GREAT teachers, too !


I am sorry you went through that. I went through the same problems when I was away at boarding school. The pupils didn't like my hair so they called me names. Every time I went down the corridor they would shout the same name at me time and time again.It was awful.


I am 33 now and still remember it like it was yesterday.

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I don't know if this has been said yet (I just found the thread.) It breaks my heart know that he was bullied at school. I know a lot of people were/are and it's just plain sad. There's no need of it!


I hope the people that tortured him SEE him in magazines, on tv, on the radio, and what not and SEE HOW successful he has become. I hope they feel bad for what they have done and I hope they realize that it wasn't worth/and still is not worth it to bully people. You're not going to keep someone down forever - you just will in that point of time. Eventually you're just going to help them become a stronger person, and they will get farther in life than you.


At least that is just how I see it. I was bullied and tortured non-stop. Jr high was the worst years of my life and then high school. I threatened to drop out of high school if it was like the jr.high. I'm now at college and I'm having the best years of my life - I don't want it to end! Granted there are STILL those people who haven't matured and still like to bully - but the number of good friends I have pretty much rules out the bad. The only things that bite is that because I was picked on so much I'm now nervous around new people because I never know what they're going to be like. I'm also having to learn how to stand up for myself because like Mika I never did. I just tried to blend into the background and hope that I wasn't noticed. That's changing though, if someone does me wrong - like bully me - they're going to know that I don't put up with that.


It's kind of funny (well for me) but the kids that used to make my life miserable went off to bigger colleges. I'm at a small college close to home. Eventually I happen to see them walking around my small college because I guess they couldn't make it at where they were at, or didn't like it. It just makes me laugh inside because people back at home know about my college. They think it's a college where anybody can go because they accept most people - but just because they do that doesn't mean the work is easy... oh no the work is pretty intense sometimes. It's just funny because they're the type that would never think of going here but now they've come to where I am and they can now see how much better I'm doing without them in my life.



Sorry for that long winded rant, it just strikes close to home and all.

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