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Come on, give us a detailed account of everything!!


What she sang, how you went in, what you spoke about.....you know the drill :naughty:- No slacking here :wink2:




My memory is pretty terrible though so I'm sure the others will end up correcting me on most of it.


I got to Zavvi at about 2:30 or something..... Danika and Celine were already there. There was no queue or anything but they were setting up the stage and stuff so we went to get some food then went back to Zavvi to sit down. We were sitting next to the book and magazine section so I basically spent the next 3 hours sittitng reading ever single music magazine they had and then a Ripleys book which was quite interesting :bleh:

A few more people joined the queue but not many.... At about 5pm? Or about then anyway the band members arrived and they started setting up barriers at the side of the stage bit and we all stood up. They shortly let us through the curtained off bit to the stage. and got to the front..obviously :naughty:

Waited there for about another hour...watching the 22(!!!) photographers crowd in front of us (A couple I recognised from Scala...especially one who we were arguing with a lot there) Then Katy came on, then walked off straight away, then came back on and whispered something into both guitarists ears then sang....Hot n Cold first, then Thinking of You, then I Kissed a Girl. Did a bit of talking in between but the crowd were pretty unresponsive so she started going on about how much of a bad public speaker she is and then walked to the back of the stage and started banging her head against the wall. Talked a little bit about the EMA's at the very beginning..can't really remember what she was saying but it was basically about phallic-shaped fruit and running through the corridors almost naked in hotel slippers....

Then it was the signing and they basically just let small groups of about 5 at a time out of the crowd into the mini-queue by the signing desk. Because we were at the fron of the audience it meant we were the last out which didn't seem very fair because no one wants to be towards the end of a signing...its just bad news in general. After about half an hour of standing there like sardines some guy (who worked at Zavvi and had seen us earlier) let us lot through the curtain to meet Katy for some reason (we're not complaining though!!) so we got to skip the queue :thumb_yello:

They were pretty strict with photo's. they said we had to take photos from a distance while we were in the little 5-person queue (since I was the last one I couldn't really get a good view at that point so I didnt' really bother taking many)

Um... yeah Celine was first ( I was too far away to hear for myself what was going on so I'll let her explain it) then Danika's turn, they talked about Scala and her necklace that Katy gave her (which she had already recognised during the performance), then it was my turn. The security were making everyone leave and go straight upstairs after their rturn so I had no one there to take photos of me (there was no one behind me either...it was a bit scary being with her on my own!!) and I basically rambled on about anything that came to mind which apparently included her kissing me and me being in her video and at scala and seeing her toorrow and stuff. She was pretty impressed with the music video bit and kept going... 'really?....you were in the video?.....in LA?...really?' so yeah... she signed my booklet and wrote "To Jennie, Wow! We kissed and you came all the way to Hwood! AMAZE."....

Then I said bye and she said see you tomorrow and then I went.



Oh and she shook everyones hand so we were frantically trying to dry our little sweaty hands inthe little queue hahah since we'd been packed in a crowd and it was pretty damn hot!

That detailed enough Sara? hahaha :naughty:

Edited by -Jennie-
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My memory is pretty terrible though so I'm sure the others will end up correcting me on most of it.


I got to Zavvi at about 2:30 or something..... Danika and Celine were already there. There was no queue or anything but they were setting up the stage and stuff so we went to get some food then went back to Zavvi to sit down. We were sitting next to the book and magazine section so I basically spent the next 3 hours sittitng reading ever single music magazine they had and then a Ripleys book which was quite interesting :bleh:

A few more people joined the queue but not many.... At about 5pm? Or about then anyway the band members arrived and they started setting up barriers at the side of the stage bit and we all stood up. They shortly let us through the curtained off bit to the stage. and got to the front..obviously :naughty:

Waited there for about another hour...watching the 22(!!!) photographers crowd in front of us (A couple I recognised from Scala...especially one who we were arguing with a lot there) Then Katy came on, then walked off straight away, then came back on and whispered something into both guitarists ears then sang....Hot n Cold first, then Thinking of You, then I Kissed a Girl. Did a bit of talking in between but the crowd were pretty unresponsive so she started going on about how much of a bad public speaker she is and then walked to the back of the stage and started banging her head against the wall. Talked a little bit about the EMA's at the very beginning..can't really remember what she was saying but it was basically about phallic-shaped fruit and running through the corridors almost naked in hotel slippers....

Then it was the signing and they basically just let small groups of about 5 at a time out of the crowd into the mini-queue by the signing desk. Because we were at the fron of the audience it meant we were the last out which didn't seem very fair because no one wants to be towards the end of a signing...its just bad news in general. After about half an hour of standing there like sardines some guy (who worked at Zavvi and had seen us earlier) let us lot through the curtain to meet Katy for some reason (we're not complaining though!!) so we got to skip the queue :thumb_yello:

They were pretty strict with photo's. they said we had to take photos from a distance while we were in the little 5-person queue (since I was the last one I couldn't really get a good view at that point so I didnt' really bother taking many)

Um... yeah Celine was first ( I was too far away to hear for myself what was going on so I'll let her explain it) then Danika's turn, they talked about Scala and her necklace that Katy gave her (which she had already recognised during the performance), then it was my turn. The security were making everyone leave and go straight upstairs after their rturn so I had no one there to take photos of me (there was no one behind me either...it was a bit scary being with her on my own!!) and I basically rambled on about anything that came to mind which apparently included her kissing me and me being in her video and at scala and seeing her toorrow and stuff. She was pretty impressed with the music video bit and kept going... 'really?....you were in the video?.....in LA?...really?' so yeah... she signed my booklet and wrote "To Jennie, Wow! We kissed and you came all the way to Hwood! AMAZE."....

Then I said bye and she said see you tomorrow and then I went.




That detailed enough Sara? hahaha :naughty:




Puuuuuuuuuurrrfect! :wub2::naughty:

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Not sure how accurate it is but...better than what the other two reported! :naughty:


What time will you be there tomorrow? Wrap up warm. Heard it gets chilly in the chapel!


I can't believe that I just saw this, LOL!!



Aaaanyway, what a fantastic gig!!!

It was incredible.

She only did a few songs, which I recorded (all of them) but I only have 2 up for now:








Working on the rest now :thumb_yello:.

Jennie, Danika, Celine, where is your report from last night girls?? I am dying to find out what happened!!!!!!!!



Incidentally, I also recorded Sam Beeton (all or most) and one of Dan Black, and quite a few by James Morrison. I will post them soon.

I am a massive fan of Sam now! He's adorable and has such a voice:wub2:...

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I can't believe that I just saw this, LOL!!



Aaaanyway, what a fantastic gig!!!

It was incredible.

She only did a few songs, which I recorded (all of them) but I only have 2 up for now:








Working on the rest now :thumb_yello:.

Jennie, Danika, Celine, where is your report from last night girls?? I am dying to find out what happened!!!!!!!!



Incidentally, I also recorded Sam Beeton (all or most) and one of Dan Black, and quite a few by James Morrison. I will post them soon.

I am a massive fan of Sam now! He's adorable and has such a voice:wub2:...


There isn't that much to tell about after the show. We went backstage spoke to the band a bit, then Katy came in gave us a hug and said 'Hello again! How are you?' she didn't stay for long cos they had to go back on the bus cos they were heading to Paris that night. Great night, even though I got a cold but was well worth it.


Lovely vids so far Sara btw!!

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Incidentally, I also recorded Sam Beeton (all or most) and one of Dan Black, and quite a few by James Morrison. I will post them soon.


I am a massive fan of Sam now! He's adorable and has such a voice:wub2:...






:blush-anim-cl: I told you before that I loved him hahah

I saw him just as we left and said I wasn't leaving till I spoke to him haha.




Yay videos. Can't wait till all yours are up Saraaaa :D


Here are mine

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=J7mZBrTdows I'M STILL BREATHING :wub2::wub2::wub2:

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-oNsJiZ-zrI Black and Gold

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=G2XUsPtgOrY BRAND NEW SONG (!!)






Josh was saying that they had looooads of technical issues and that except for Katy being amazing the rest went terrible.... but apart from the fact that you could barely hear the guitar I don't think anyone even noticed!

Oh and Katy was a bit tispy after when we saw her.... she was smacking the bottom of a wine bottle trying to get the last dregs out while doing some drunken dancin to Scissor Sisters....


James Morrison vids if anyone is interested....

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ad8Gy8Ue0 Broken Strings (I love the original version of this song with Nelly but....it's still good with that other woman)

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=M_hepreUz5Q If You Don't Wanna Love Me

Edited by -Jennie-
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There isn't that much to tell about after the show. We went backstage spoke to the band a bit, then Katy came in gave us a hug and said 'Hello again! How are you?' she didn't stay for long cos they had to go back on the bus cos they were heading to Paris that night. Great night, even though I got a cold but was well worth it.


Lovely vids so far Sara btw!!



Sounds really cool!! I'm glad that you managed to get in there:thumb_yello:. I can't believe she went on the bus drunk, imagine what a night :roftl:.







I told you before that I loved him hahah

I saw him just as we left and said I wasn't leaving till I spoke to him haha.




Yay videos. Can't wait till all yours are up Saraaaa


Here are mine

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=J7mZBrTdows I'M STILL BREATHING :wub2:

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-oNsJiZ-zrI Black and Gold

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=G2XUsPtgOrY BRAND NEW SONG (!!)






Josh was saying that they had looooads of technical issues and that except for Katy being amazing the rest went terrible.... but apart from the fact that you could barely hear the guitar I don't think anyone even noticed!

Oh and Katy was a bit tispy after when we saw her.... she was smacking the bottom of a wine bottle trying to get the last dregs out while doing some drunken dancin to Scissor Sisters....


James Morrison vids if anyone is interested....

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ad8Gy8Ue0 Broken Strings (I love the original version of this song with Nelly but....it's still good with that other woman)


I'm just uploading 'If You Don't Wanna Love Me'...one of my faves of his

HAha the pic with Sam is nice. He's such a cutie!! So sweet :wub2:. I loved him and his voice, plus his guitar playing is amazing!!

I can't wait to get all his vids up now.

Will have a look at your ones !

We really cover all angles, don't we? :roftl:

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Sounds really cool!! I'm glad that you managed to get in there:thumb_yello:. I can't believe she went on the bus drunk, imagine what a night :roftl:.

Yeah they were driving all night to Paris so they wanted to numb themselves down for it apparently haha






HAha the pic with Sam is nice. He's such a cutie!! So sweet :wub2:. I loved him and his voice, plus his guitar playing is amazing!!


I can't wait to get all his vids up now.

I told him he was pretty haha and he wasn't sure wether to take that as a compliment or not :naughty:

So you'll come along with me to see him in London whenever he's here? :wink2:



Will have a look at your ones !

We really cover all angles, don't we? :roftl:



Check out our friend Lee's videos for another angle! :P


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I told him he was pretty haha and he wasn't sure wether to take that as a compliment or not :naughty:

So you'll come along with me to see him in London whenever he's here? :wink2:


Check out our friend Lee's videos for another angle! :P





Oh, cool vids!


Yes, I will definitely go and see him, I am a Sam Fan now :naughty:. I think he's supporting Scouting for Girls now, but those dates don;t work for me tbh (plus they are probably mega sould out)



I just noticed some of the tags here; I didn't realise that people took things so "seriously" if you know what I mean...it seems a bit much, really

"a disservice to bisexuals", "hypocrit" . Jeeeez, people !!

Edited by sariflor
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okay just to add.. I wasn't backstage so what happened after the gig.. I took a bus and got a bit lost but managed to find back home :punk::roftl:


oh and I'm in love with Sam :wub2:... wish I could have told him that he's pretty aswell :naughty::naughty: and he is only 19 :mf_lustslow:

He's 20 isn't he?

Di dyou get a bus all the way to Waterloo then?

We got a bus to the next station along (Holloway Rd) then just got the tube as normal...

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Wow, she did a cover of Black and Gold!:shocked:

I love that song so much:wub2: I listen to it several times every day, almost as much as I was listening to Mika’s song a couple of months ago (he really need to come up with new material soon!):naughty:


How did you like it? It sounded very exciting in the clip but I know that a clip like that can never make justice to the original experience!:wink2:


I really hope she will do this cover again in Stockholm, do you think she will?

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Mika should start his own festival with all his friends/opening acts. Then we could see all of them at once. :naughty:


I would DEFO be up for that !!!



My memory is pretty terrible though so I'm sure the others will end up correcting me on most of it.


I got to Zavvi at about 2:30 or something..... Danika and Celine were already there. There was no queue or anything but they were setting up the stage and stuff so we went to get some food then went back to Zavvi to sit down. We were sitting next to the book and magazine section so I basically spent the next 3 hours sittitng reading ever single music magazine they had and then a Ripleys book which was quite interesting :bleh:

A few more people joined the queue but not many.... At about 5pm? Or about then anyway the band members arrived and they started setting up barriers at the side of the stage bit and we all stood up. They shortly let us through the curtained off bit to the stage. and got to the front..obviously :naughty:

Waited there for about another hour...watching the 22(!!!) photographers crowd in front of us (A couple I recognised from Scala...especially one who we were arguing with a lot there) Then Katy came on, then walked off straight away, then came back on and whispered something into both guitarists ears then sang....Hot n Cold first, then Thinking of You, then I Kissed a Girl. Did a bit of talking in between but the crowd were pretty unresponsive so she started going on about how much of a bad public speaker she is and then walked to the back of the stage and started banging her head against the wall. Talked a little bit about the EMA's at the very beginning..can't really remember what she was saying but it was basically about phallic-shaped fruit and running through the corridors almost naked in hotel slippers....

Then it was the signing and they basically just let small groups of about 5 at a time out of the crowd into the mini-queue by the signing desk. Because we were at the fron of the audience it meant we were the last out which didn't seem very fair because no one wants to be towards the end of a signing...its just bad news in general. After about half an hour of standing there like sardines some guy (who worked at Zavvi and had seen us earlier) let us lot through the curtain to meet Katy for some reason (we're not complaining though!!) so we got to skip the queue :thumb_yello:

They were pretty strict with photo's. they said we had to take photos from a distance while we were in the little 5-person queue (since I was the last one I couldn't really get a good view at that point so I didnt' really bother taking many)

Um... yeah Celine was first ( I was too far away to hear for myself what was going on so I'll let her explain it) then Danika's turn, they talked about Scala and her necklace that Katy gave her (which she had already recognised during the performance), then it was my turn. The security were making everyone leave and go straight upstairs after their rturn so I had no one there to take photos of me (there was no one behind me either...it was a bit scary being with her on my own!!) and I basically rambled on about anything that came to mind which apparently included her kissing me and me being in her video and at scala and seeing her toorrow and stuff. She was pretty impressed with the music video bit and kept going... 'really?....you were in the video?.....in LA?...really?' so yeah... she signed my booklet and wrote "To Jennie, Wow! We kissed and you came all the way to Hwood! AMAZE."....

Then I said bye and she said see you tomorrow and then I went.



Oh and she shook everyones hand so we were frantically trying to dry our little sweaty hands inthe little queue hahah since we'd been packed in a crowd and it was pretty damn hot!

That detailed enough Sara? hahaha :naughty:


I can't believe that I just saw this, LOL!!



Aaaanyway, what a fantastic gig!!!

It was incredible.

She only did a few songs, which I recorded (all of them) but I only have 2 up for now:








Working on the rest now :thumb_yello:.

Jennie, Danika, Celine, where is your report from last night girls?? I am dying to find out what happened!!!!!!!!



Incidentally, I also recorded Sam Beeton (all or most) and one of Dan Black, and quite a few by James Morrison. I will post them soon.

I am a massive fan of Sam now! He's adorable and has such a voice:wub2:...


There isn't that much to tell about after the show. We went backstage spoke to the band a bit, then Katy came in gave us a hug and said 'Hello again! How are you?' she didn't stay for long cos they had to go back on the bus cos they were heading to Paris that night. Great night, even though I got a cold but was well worth it.


Lovely vids so far Sara btw!!


Glad you all had a good time !

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He's 20 isn't he?

Di dyou get a bus all the way to Waterloo then?

We got a bus to the next station along (Holloway Rd) then just got the tube as normal...


Ok could be 20 xD

I wanted to take a bus to Waterloo there wasn't one in the next half an hour xD So I took one to London Bridge and when I arrived I couldn't find the tube station :roftl::roftl::roftl: Found it in the end took the Jubilee to Waterloo and had to wait 25 minutes there for my last train :wink2:

Edited by violetsky
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Wow, she did a cover of Black and Gold!:shocked:

I love that song so much:wub2: I listen to it several times every day, almost as much as I was listening to Mika’s song a couple of months ago (he really need to come up with new material soon!):naughty:


How did you like it? It sounded very exciting in the clip but I know that a clip like that can never make justice to the original experience!:wink2:


I really hope she will do this cover again in Stockholm, do you think she will?


I think that she did very well. At times it looked like she didn't really know all the words and like she was reading it from somewhere, but she sung it very very well.

The more I see Katy live, the more talented I believe she is. Her cd just doesn't do her justice if you ask me. Some of the tracks are over produced and disguise her voice and just general "feel".

I guess that I'm just a sucker for beautiful simplicity, LOL!

A no frills acoustic gig will ALWAYS be the best in my books, for any good artist.






Ooooh Danika, this is so cool!!!

The key to my heart , awwww.

Incidentally, I finally got all my Katy vids up, here the latest ones, different angle from Jennie's:


(Super beautiful) I'm Still Breathing:





Black And Gold:




I Kissed A Girl:





Now I am putting the Sam Beeton ones up, usual place........Will be up later today.


Watch out for him, he's amazing!!! In fact I am going to make him a thread right now.


And once I am done with him I will start with the Dan Black (two) and James Morrison (tons) ones.

Why- oh- why do I take so many vids? It takes forever to upload, lol!!

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And once I am done with him I will start with the Dan Black (two) and James Morrison (tons) ones.


What? You saw James Morrison too?? He came to the Mod Club in early 2007 but I already had tickets to see Lily Allen at another club on the same night. I had about half a dozen must-see Brits on my list and two of them played on the same night. What are the chances? :sneaky2:

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