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Starting to Experience a Major Turning Point...


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Isn't it just like falling in love with someone? :wink2:


It is just impossible (physically and mentally) to stay on that pink cloud forever - everything is settling down after a few weeks or months. :wink2:


Oh well - with something extra: something that has enriched your life. :wink2:


perfectly well summed up!! and yes it IS like being in love :wub2:

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Originally Posted by esperia75

I thing it's awfully normal.

Personally I think that happens because the first intensity has caused for the outcropping of hidden things in us. The best of life in us.

I think we adore Mika because he represents the best part of us that unfortunately were depressed by everyday life, by society and by sociality rules.

Freudian speaking, Mika allows our best (and our unease/das Unheimliche) in our Id(Es) to emerge to Concience. For some people that' s a struggle, yet, and only sooner or later (or maybe never )that struggle will be solved.

In some people, instead, that struggle is almost solved.

And Mika will remain the lighthouse (because music is life) but not our obsession, because we are in more "peace" now with ourselves.

That's only my opinion, obvious.


Wow, that's a good explanation xD

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My Mika high is still going pretty strong, although it isn't as intense as it was in the beginning. (And when I say beginning, I mean 2 months ago.) I was so blown away by his talent, personality and potential, that my mind was literally buzzing over him. I wish I could have seen him in concert later than I did, because I was so new to him when I went to his show in LA. I was still in the "honeymoon phase", if you will, and was nearly overwhelmed by the experience. If I went to see him now, I might actually be able to pay attention and remember more details afterward. :naughty:

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My Mika high is still going pretty strong, although it isn't as intense as it was in the beginning. (And when I say beginning, I mean 2 months ago.) I was so blown away by his talent, personality and potential, that my mind was literally buzzing over him. I wish I could have seen him in concert later than I did, because I was so new to him when I went to his show in LA. I was still in the "honeymoon phase", if you will, and was nearly overwhelmed by the experience. If I went to see him now, I might actually be able to pay attention and remember more details afterward. :naughty:


Yes. I was so enthralled at my first concert. Just stood there and stared, mouth gaping open... :blink::mf_lustslow:

I can tell you that my 2nd MIKA concert was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had (next to my kids being born of course...) I went all out and sang my heart out and jumped up and down throughout the whole concert, I was sweating as much as MIKA! Betcha if I did that every night, I would be as slim and trim as him!:roftl:

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Hey Suzy


I think its natural , myself and andi were just talking about it today and many of the "older" as in some of the first forum members to join have backed off , definately not walked away but are not here every day like we use to be and are starting to see other bands.


I think its a natural cycle , doesnt mean we dont love him as much , but I know what you mean I feel differentlly now than January for example


He actually changed my world then , an artist to have that much of an impact I found unreal , now its more ... mmmm whats the word , accepted towards him


Hes got us all now , dont think he can loose us :biggrin2:

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I will admit that I haven't been listening to his album as much lately. These days I am more interested in new live performances, interviews, and of course, NEW MUSIC! I'm such a slave driver.






"Sing little Mika, sing! Bwahahahahaha!!!!"



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its the TOTAL opposite for me! lol!


im more in love with his music and him now then i was back in the start of Feb!:naughty:


maybe its because theres something new and interesting to learn about him every day!:biggrin2:


he will NEVER loose me as a fan! NEVER!:thumb_yello:

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