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pink pony riders club!


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Ooooohhh, it's getting good! Perfect! Thanks gals.


In London....

"em everyone"said phunky nervously when she looked behind her.

Everyone looked at her.

"What is it?" asked Glow.

"Where's Mika?" asked Phunky.

Everyone looked past her to the row of seats where they'd laid Mika after he fainted. Previously filled with a very tall, unconscious international pop singer, they were now empty.

"Crap," muttered Luke. "This is all we need."

The gang scanned the crowds of people, looking for Mika.

"There he is!" yelled Becky. Everyone looked to where she was pointing. Standing in line at the coffee shop was a tall man with dark curly hair dressed in jeans and a hoodie. Sighing with relief, the gang began to walk to him, but then the tall man turned and they saw his face. It was not Mika.

"Maybe that's him over there!" exclaimed Mav, pointing to a lanky man sleeping on a bench with a hood over his head. But just as they started toward him, he rolled over and they saw that his hair was blond, not brown.

"What if we never find him?" wailed BG.

"Wait! I think I see him! Down there!" said Phunky excitedly. They all looked down the terminal to the very end of the airport. Everyone saw a tall guy wearing green skinny jeans walking through the revolving door and going out into the streets of London.

"Hurry!" said Glow, "We have to get to him before he goes too far!" The group ran down the airport and out into the street. Looking around frantically, they saw a glimpse of dark curls as the man disappeared around a corner. They followed quickly. As they turned the corner, they were surprised to discover....


On the ferry.....

At that minute, the doors to the room we were in opened, and in walked Calvin Harris! I looked at Baby, who had an equal look of surprise on her face.

"Hello, girls," Calvin said, towering over us menacingly. "Enjoying your trip?"

Baby said nothing, and I followed suit. Perhaps if he thought we were just groupies of Beth, he'd let us go. But then we'd have to leave Beth, drugged and defenseless.....nothing about this present situation was appealing to me. With Calvin's next words, however, I realized we had no chance of leaving anyway.

"Artsy, darling. It's been past time we were introduced." he said, holding out his hand. I ignored it, staring at him in shock.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked.

"Oh, I know a lot more than that," he replied with a gleam in his eye. When I continued to stare at him, trying to comprehend what he was saying, he leaned down and whispered into my ear. I felt my eyes widen in surprise and fear.

"How could you possibly know that?" I asked him, my voice shaky.

"I have my sources..." he replied, his deep voice almost sounding like a purr.

I could feel Baby looking at me in confusion, but now was not the time to fill her in. There were more urgent issues at hand. Calvin, satisfied that he had rattled my composure, turned his attention to Baby.

"Now, you, my dear, you, I did not expect. You're a pleasant surprise."

I shuffled closer to Baby, worried about what Calvin might do to her.

"But you will fit in nicely with what I have planned. It makes things more believable, you see."

"Makes what more believable?" whispered Baby.

"Why, the assassination of Beth Ditto! I really have to hand it to you, Artsy, you've made my dreams a reality. I've been plotting of a way to get rid of her for so long, thinking that if only there were someone near to her, someone who could be a scapegoat, then I could get away scot-free. And then I turned on the telly in London, and who do I see up on stage dancing and singing with Beth in her London gig? You, sweets. And I knew I had my chance. I had originally planned for Artsy to take the fall, but I do think it's more believable if there's two of you. Two of you crazed Gossip fans who kidnap the Ditto and kill her, but also kill yourselves, which is just more proof of your insanity. Too bad you won't be alive to prosecute. That will drive the police mad with frustration. Especially since one of the killers also happens to be the culprit in that police massacre in the states."

Swallowing the lump of fear in my throat, I tried to keep Calvin talking. The more we knew about his plan, the greater the chance we had to ruin it.

"So how do you intend to do this?" I asked.

"Simple," he said, "I'm going to evacuate my men from this ship, and once we're all safely away in the opposite ferry, I'll press the detonator on the bomb we've set up in the galley of this ship. Don't worry, your deaths should be quick, and nearly painless."

I wanted to ask him more questions, but he turned and stalked out of the room. A couple seconds later, we heard the lock on the door click shut.

"What are we going to do?" asked Baby.

I started to answer, but was interrupted.

"Hey, look!" said Beth, slurring her words slightly, "Look a' tha! I wondah wha' tha' issss..."

Baby and I looked out the window to where she was pointing and saw.......

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In London.

"What do you mean?" Mika shouted down the phone. He swore loudly.

"We were worried about you!" Glow said coming up behind him. He turned to look at her with a face like thunder.

" I knew it. I knew it!" Mika kept repeating it, walking back and fourth. Everyone stared at him.

"Knew what?" Becky asked confused.

"Calvin isn't at his concert and neither is Beth." He said, staring at her. "What she here for?"

"Well, she hates her job, and asked it she could stick with us as an escape from her loopy dad. She gave us a stick of gum so we said yeah." Phunky shrugged.

"Calvin Harris?" Luke said with a look of pure shock on his face.

"Yeah. We have to work out where they are." He said.

"Why?" Becky said cluelessly.

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god' date=' artsy! you are a very good writer! and you write quite a lot![/quote']


Oh, thanks! Yeah....I can't ever seem to shut up when I'm supposed to....:biggrin2:


Good job, Becky! We must have the same mind or something; that's exactly what I pictured happening next in London!!

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I know, that happens a lot; I do it too, without even noticing. It was good that your part of the story gives him back his intelligence and common sense. I mean, he is a 24 year-old man, after all. I have a tendency of writing him with more of the mindset of a randy 9 year-old.:roftl:

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I know, that happens a lot; I do it too, without even noticing. It was good that your part of the story gives him back his intelligence and common sense. I mean, he is a 24 year-old man, after all. I have a tendency of writing him with more of the mindset of a randy 9 year-old.:roftl:


I just thought 'Poor Love'. It made me laugh:naughty:

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you guys are hilarious! I love this thread...props to you phunkgal for doing a wonderful job on this fantastical thread! WOOT WOOT!


thanks!but it wasnt just me it was also Milou! one day on mikasounds we pmed eachother for hours making up stories of pink ponies and parades and fantisising meeting mika...it is amazing what you can do w/ ur imagination!when u want something rlly bad(like to meet mika)it is rlly easy to make things like this up!:biggrin2:

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thanks!but it wasnt just me it was also Milou! one day on mikasounds we pmed eachother for hours making up stories of pink ponies and parades and fantisising meeting mika...it is amazing what you can do w/ ur imagination!when u want something rlly bad(like to meet mika)it is rlly easy to make things like this up!:biggrin2:



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thanks!but it wasnt just me it was also Milou! one day on mikasounds we pmed eachother for hours making up stories of pink ponies and parades and fantisising meeting mika...it is amazing what you can do w/ ur imagination!when u want something rlly bad(like to meet mika)it is rlly easy to make things like this up!:biggrin2:


aaaw...that was beautiful that speech, i have a tear in my eye and yes thank you milou! You too are amazing!

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In London.

"What do you mean?" Mika shouted down the phone. He swore loudly.

"We were worried about you!" Glow said coming up behind him. He turned to look at her with a face like thunder.

" I knew it. I knew it!" Mika kept repeating it, walking back and fourth. Everyone stared at him.

"Knew what?" Becky asked confused.

"Calvin isn't at his concert and neither is Beth." He said, staring at her. "What she here for?"

"Well, she hates her job, and asked it she could stick with us as an escape from her loopy dad. She gave us a stick of gum so we said yeah." Phunky shrugged.

"Calvin Harris?" Luke said with a look of pure shock on his face.

"Yeah. We have to work out where they are." He said.

"Why?" Becky said cluelessly.

"I can help you with that" Said a voice.

Everyone turned to face a slim but curvey young woman in a long brown coat with a small suitcase in hand.

"What do you mean?" Asked phunky but Becky cut in.

"I've heard of you, you're that virgin burlesqu dancer who keeps tabs on everyone in London arn't you?

"That's me, the name's Baby Rose m'dears and I lnow where your friends are... And don't think I don't know about this other friend whome you wish to assasinate nad an interesting little secret about the one you call Artsey."

"What's the catch?" BG asked, taking another bit of gum.

"Lioness... Is that you?" Mika looked at Baby Rose with a knowledgable smirk spreading across his face.

"It's been a while monsieur Penniman, it's nice to see you without your masque!" She returned the naughty look.

Mika turned to everyone else.

"She won't cause any harm, let her come with us, she has all the contacts we need and I don't want to loose her again." At this, he gave her a sad look.

"OK, look, would somebody PLEASE tell me what the hell is going on?" Becky exploded, "You know her... You know him..." Please fill me in."


Please be nice to me :)

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"I can help you with that" Said a voice.

Everyone turned to face a slim but curvey young woman in a long brown coat with a small suitcase in hand.

"What do you mean?" Asked phunky but Becky cut in.

"I've heard of you, you're that virgin burlesqu dancer who keeps tabs on everyone in London arn't you?

"That's me, the name's Baby Rose m'dears and I lnow where your friends are... And don't think I don't know about this other friend whome you wish to assasinate nad an interesting little secret about the one you call Artsey."

"What's the catch?" BG asked, taking another bit of gum.

"Lioness... Is that you?" Mika looked at Baby Rose with a knowledgable smirk spreading across his face.

"It's been a while monsieur Penniman, it's nice to see you without your masque!" She returned the naughty look.

Mika turned to everyone else.

"She won't cause any harm, let her come with us, she has all the contacts we need and I don't want to loose her again." At this, he gave her a sad look.

"OK, look, would somebody PLEASE tell me what the hell is going on?" Becky exploded, "You know her... You know him..." Please fill me in."


Please be nice to me :)


IN London.

Glow interrupted. "Introductions can wait. Wasn't artsy with Beth?"

Phunky glared at Artsy briefly before answering "Yeah she was, and you still won't let me kill her"

"Hold on, I thought you didn't know artsy" interrupted Becky.

"Also no time for that, If beth is missing so is Artsy, and we really need to find them. So Baby Rose, or simply Rose, where are they,"

"my contact last saw them on a ferry to Italy," stated Rose.

"RIght, we're going to Italy," stated Mika, "Can you get us there fast?"


Meanwhile on the boat.

Artsy and I both looked to where Beth was pointing.

"I don't believe it," I stated, "If we can get this window open one of us can climb onto that pole and to the jetty."

"One isn't going to do us alot of good" stated Artsy, eyeing the pole miserably. "Besides we'd be caught before we get away."

"One will do alot of good, provided they have enough time to make a phone call. I think he put a damper or something on the ferry that blocks the signal, but you should be able to call out there."

"Why does it have to be me?" Artsy asked, eyeing the pole.

"Because A, you have the phone and gang seeking you. And B, I have the distraction." I stated, pulling a pair of keys out of my pocket and tossing them.

"Those aren't?" Artsy stated catching the eye of the CH initials on the keyring.

"Yep, I pocketed them while he was whispering to you. My brother taught me how to pick pockets,among other handy skills, one of the reasons mum sent me the Grans was to get me away from his influence. Now hurry, he'll realise I have them soon." I said, opening the window and pushing her onto the pole, watching her hit the pier and pull out the phone before making a dash for the doors at the far end. He may have blocked the exit doors, but he left enough doors open on the boat for me to waste time having him chase me.

A few minutes later I was held between two goons, as my pockets were out turned.

"Where are they?" asked Calvin, angerily pacing in front of me.

"I hid them in a pot in the kitchen." I said grinning. "It should take you awhile to find which one, even i don't know." I stated.

Just then a goon came in with Artsy in hand. "Found this one trying to escape" he said, as Artsy looked at me and nodded, indicating she was able to make the call.

"Right, lets get the keys and blow this joint," Calvin muttered, walking towards the ferry kitchen as we were dragged behind.


Meanwhile In London.

Phunky's phone rang, and glaring at the number she answered.

"Where the hell are you Artsy," she shouted, as the rest of the group fell silent, while Mika grabbed the phone to hear.

"Italy, captive Calvin Harris, bomb on boat, plans to kill us and Beth," she rushed out. "Sign says (insert small Italian town name, I can't think of any)"

"Keep him busy long enough for us to get there and save you. Make sure he isn't able to leave the boat," Mika shouted, as a shout sounded on the phone before it was hung up.

The group looked at each other then at Rose. They needed to hurry. Would they make it on time....



(Sorry long again but I love where its going, by the way LG/Baby Rose, hope you don't mind me shortening your name to Rose, as my nic is Baby in the story :wink2:)

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Rose smiled as everyone stared, and they could tell she had an idea.

"You," Rose said, lookinbg at Becky, "What stuff do you have?"

"Uh, handcuffs, electric gun thing, a metal stick and a small gun in my shoe." Becky replied. "Oh, and a pair of walkie talkies, or radios."

"Hmm, most of that will be useful." Rose said to herself. "I take it that's a bullet proof jacket?"

"Yeah... Why?" Becky asked confused.

"Calvin is dangerous. This isn't a game of cat and mouse love." Rose said seriously. "Anyone else got anything useful on them?"

"I have a knife!" Phunky piped up.

"Yes, I know." Rose smiled.

"Yeah, talkinbg of knives, what do you want to kill artsy for?" Becky asked.

"No time." Rose interrupted. "Come on. I have a helicopter waiting." Rose began walking off, and everyone else followed.

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