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Ross Mathews has joined the Mika crowd


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I don't know if any of you have heard about Ross Mathews, especially if you're outside the States. But, to make it short he is a very funny, sweet guy who use to be an intern at the tonight show. Out of pure luck he began doing interviews and stuff for the show. The audience fell in love with him and he's been doing them ever since.


He has a big following basically for being a sweetheart, nice to everybody, full of life, and just enjoyable. Also he is hilarious, just look him up on Youtube.


He also recently went on a reality tv show, Celebrity Fit Club, and shed an amazing 50 lbs.! On the show really you could see his personality shine through.. everybody loved him, and he was the only one not fighting with someone.


Anyway, on to Mika.. well I don't know how this happend. Ross is a big Big Brother fan, maybe that's how he heard of Mika. But, on his daily blog, on Friday he started by saying this:

"TGIF, blog buddies!


Can I first say that I cannot stop listening to Mika's album? Seriously. I had no idea. I bought it on iTunes the other day for like $8.99 and I'm obsessed. Like, for real."


Later on he went on to say, ". So I bought it. And guess what - it totally works. And short-story-long, I'm listening to Mika non-stop."


So there you go, somebody else has joined the group, and I'm glad it's Ross!


Here's his blog, if you want to check it out: http://nbc.com/rossblog



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Well, this just depresses me...

Ross has been one of my myspace friends for ages,

and I sent him a message when Mika was on Jay Leno back in March... so for him to only JUST discover Mika now... well, that means he really doesn't pay attention to the messages he gets, when I thought he really did :-/


Oh well, any time anyone discovers Mika, I guess that's a good thing! :thumb_yello:



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omgosh i love ross...he has like this aura of kindness and comedy as well around him


i wonder what an interview with him and mika would be like...aww i just cant wait for an interview of mika with ross :naughty:

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