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I miss him constantly :crybaby:even in my dreams cos I know they are dreams and I will wake up from them. (what a sad cow I am lol).


But yeah I know what you mean.


lol, i know the feeling...about the dreams, that is.


I haven't seen Mika yet, but i will in Nov. I'm afraid i'll experience it after that!

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No, but I have missed him at a gig. :bleh:


I was waiting for someone to say that. The week after is pretty depressing but luckily, everytime I've seen him so far he's announced the next concert. By the time I went to the Birmingham one I'd got Somerset House booked and when I went to that I'd got a handful booked for Novembe/Decemberr :)

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I was waiting for someone to say that. The week after is pretty depressing but luckily, everytime I've seen him so far he's announced the next concert. By the time I went to the Birmingham one I'd got Somerset House booked and when I went to that I'd got a handful booked for Novembe/Decemberr :)


Well, some of you are lucky! :wink2:

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yep i did ! i saw him in may and cried like a baby on the way home ! :naughty: then i saw him at t4 on the beach and wondered if i would feel the same and surprisingly i didnt, but i think that is because i know im going to see him in november :thumb_yello: but lets see how i feel after that ...:blink:

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Yesterday I saw Mika on GMA.(:punk: )That day when I got home from the concert,I missed him.This morning,I missed him EVEN MORE!It's like once you see Mika you wanna see him all the time!Have you ever missed Mika after a gig?


i miss him even though i've never been to a gig nor met him!lol!i think it has to do w/ the obsession!:naughty:

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