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Worried Mika will become too big....

DS Nightly

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yeah i'm also worried about this. also for selfish reasons, but not only. i was so lucky to see him in that tiny bar in ibiza, it was so intimate, but i'll probably never see him on such a small stage again. :tears: but i think he'll always be grateful to us here on the mfc who supported him from the beginning, and this is actually all i need to know to be happy.


i'm more worried though about him. i mean, see what happens to so many big stars, i'd even say most of them... their character changes for the worse. AND also a lot of them are unhappy, you see it cause they have problems with drugs and alcoholism and they can never be with a partner for more than a few years max.. ok there are exceptions, but a lot of really famous people are like this. and what worries me even more, what will happen to mika in the not-so-successful times of his life? he said he wants to go on doing this for the next 35 years, and this automatically means that he'll have at least one flop album - you can't be ALWAYS successful, for everyone there are good and bad times. i just hope mika will be able to cope with this. he's worked so hard for his success and i'm scared that if one day he's not so successful anymore, it might break him. i don't know him, but i know he has a strong and a soft side, so i just can hope that his will to fight always will be stronger than his sensitivity.


u said that perfectly!

i read all 3 pages and i agree with everyone.

i feel for mika because he already has such a harsh schedule and is exhausted, so when he becomes more famous this is a big issue.

also, i want him to get known everywhere..i want him to become a household name, but the selfish part of me disagrees a bit, because i have never seen him live, my only hopes is if he comes trinidad, which would only happen if he become really big, but then that would mean everyone would be crazy over him and i won't be able to meet him andhe'll bejust another celebrity :( and also i'm the only trinidadian and i guess i'll be a bit jealous to see other trini girls swooning over him (for superficial reasons) if he does come here and is known here in t'dad, while i was behind him all along and i go through quite a bit of teasing because of my mika "obsession".

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You read my thoughts! I was thinking excatly about that, this morning. And it's one of my worst fears. Of course I want him to have all the success he deserves (and he'll certainly have to do so if I wish him to come to this far away country). But, at the same time, I wish the number of his fans wouldn't increase at such a terrifying speed!

I just think everything is so unfair! I loved Mika ever since I heard his songs and I don't have the slightest possibility of meeting him. And I'm afraid I will never have: by the time he comes to Argentina (if he ever comes), he will be enormously famous and I doubt I will ever even have the chance to buy a ticket for his show. Things like that have already happened to me in the past, and I'm really worried it's going to happen again. I wouldn't be ble to stand it; I love Mika and meeting him has become one of my biggest dreams. Of course, I know he's a star and (saddly) he's not our friend. I'm not even asking him to be my friend, that would be asking too much; I'll be happy just meeting him. That's all.

I'll stop here, because I'm in great peril of getting depressed.


Do you really think that might happen?

I mean, maybe at festivals but he said that he himself didn't like seeing acts at big arenas, and I certainly hope that he doesn't forget about us when he's all big and godly (Or more so :))


Believe me: it's going to happen. You are not taking into account the BIG power of internet and globalization. And Mika has an enormous talent. People are not stupid, you know. There's going to be tons of new fans as time goes by. Well, I guess I have to guet used to this idea. :(

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You read my thoughts! I was thinking excatly about that, this morning. And it's one of my worst fears. Of course I want him to have all the success he deserves (and he'll certainly have to do so if I wish him to come to this far away country). But, at the same time, I wish the number of his fans wouldn't increase at such a terrifying speed!

I just think everything is so unfair! I loved Mika ever since I heard his songs and I don't have the slightest possibility of meeting him. And I'm afraid I will never have: by the time he comes to Argentina (if he ever comes), he will be enormously famous and I doubt I will ever even have the chance to buy a ticket for his show. Things like that have already happened to me in the past, and I'm really worried it's going to happen again. I wouldn't be ble to stand it; I love Mika and meeting him has become one of my biggest dreams. Of course, I know he's a star and (saddly) he's not our friend. I'm not even asking him to be my friend, that would be asking too much; I'll be happy just meeting him. That's all.

I'll stop here, because I'm in great peril of getting depressed.




Believe me: it's going to happen. You are not taking into account the BIG power of internet and globalization. And Mika has an enormous talent. People are not stupid, you know. There's going to be tons of new fans as time goes by. Well, I guess I have to guet used to this idea. :(


exactly...i just want to see him live and meet him!

i mean he's the type to make a really good friend and i'm sure all of us wish he was a friend, but that's impossible given who he is...so i just want to meet him and get an autograph :biggrin2:

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u know what i would hate to see - all these new "fans" he'll get because he'll be so popular and all and most of them would like him because of superficial reasons, whereas we on mfc were with him when he was sort of new to the scene and supported him although ppl give us weird looks, u know.

i think he'll get tons of new fans, but not true fans.

i hope i made sense :S

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The other problem is that (it's the case in France) some medias like to reduce his "new" big public to just some idiot too excited teenage females:shocked: :shocked: (what we can do??? they are everywhere...)

I'm so afraid that it can discredit his music and his ambitions...



Popularity have his B-sides I guess... it's sure that it will become harder to see him after concert...But we have to do with this and surmont this...


i agree..but what i hope the most is that he will stay down to earth, which will become harder as time passes by.

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Of a star, that is....Like, now we have SO MANY opportunities to get all close to him and actually meet him in person (esp in America!), but if he DOES become a huge figure (which no doubt he will within the next few years), it'll be sad that his arenas will be bigger and more more MORE people in them. I mean, it's good for Mika, but bad for the fans that been with him since he started. :( It's like a win-lose situation.


Anyone else agree?


I totally agree ! Even if I haven't join the club 'til july cuz I haven't noticed (I'am lil" slow),I was one of the first fan in France,when nobody I knew,actually knew him,and I never got a chance to meet him.Now my dream is getting further and further away...:sad:

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u know what i would hate to see - all these new "fans" he'll get because he'll be so popular and all and most of them would like him because of superficial reasons, whereas we on mfc were with him when he was sort of new to the scene and supported him although ppl give us weird looks, u know.

i think he'll get tons of new fans, but not true fans.

i hope i made sense :S


Don't worry, you made perfect sense. And I agree. Many people will like him now because he's getting more and more famous, whereas we, his true and faithful fans, have loved him all along. But I guess we are talking of something we can't control here. His getting famous is inevitable. Let's hope for the best.

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u know what i would hate to see - all these new "fans" he'll get because he'll be so popular and all and most of them would like him because of superficial reasons, whereas we on mfc were with him when he was sort of new to the scene and supported him although ppl give us weird looks, u know.

i think he'll get tons of new fans, but not true fans.

i hope i made sense :S


I totally agree ! I find it so sad! And it's already happening :tears:

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Don't worry, you made perfect sense. And I agree. Many people will like him now because he's getting more and more famous, whereas we, his true and faithful fans, have loved him all along. But I guess we are talking of something we can't control here. His getting famous is inevitable. Let's hope for the best.


I totally agree ! I find it so sad! And it's already happening :tears:


glad i made sense lol.

yeah it's like the people who tease me and think i'm weird 4 liking mika would be "fans" when he becomes like the next say justin timberlake, u know.

i know it's sad. but we just have to continue supporting him and hopefully he holds a special place for mfcers *wishful thinking*

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glad i made sense lol.

yeah it's like the people who tease me and think i'm weird 4 liking mika would be "fans" when he becomes like the next say justin timberlake, u know.

i know it's sad. but we just have to continue supporting him and hopefully he holds a special place for mfcers *wishful thinking*


I really hope those new fans won't invade MFC :tears: It wouldn't make much sense anymore...

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I really hope those new fans won't invade MFC :tears: It wouldn't make much sense anymore...


i know! i mean it sounds selfish, but mfc is an awesome place for true mika fans that would support him in highs and lows!

mfc is special to me and i made tons of friends..but then if it gets so big and stuff it'll be just another fanclub, while now here feels like my home with friends, not just a mika fan club.

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I like a close group of old fands too. but it's good he's getting new friends. but you can't forbid them to come to MFC. If they are a real fan, why not? If they are fake, I wouldn't want them either. But how would you feel if you were not really accepted here. Where WOULD you be accepted then?

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i know! i mean it sounds selfish, but mfc is an awesome place for true mika fans that would support him in highs and lows!

mfc is special to me and i made tons of friends..but then if it gets so big and stuff it'll be just another fanclub, while now here feels like my home with friends, not just a mika fan club.

Amen Kavi! I couldn't agree more!


The MFC is so special, I've never seen a fanclub like this before, with all the real support we show Mika AND the band...I've never seen a fanclub come together to create amazing gifts to show their support! This place is one of a kind :D

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It is like everything in life: you always have to buy a whole package containing postive as well as negative aspects. Nothing is just black or white but shades of grey. And I think the term 'win-lose situation' hits the mark there.

There is nothing special or suprising about Mika's rise, we all knew from the beginning, he would make it, didn't we? That's why we are here. His gain is our loss in a way but that is how the story goes and just a side effect. But his gain will be massive and in the sum it will overcapitalize our losses. I am not exactly familiar with that business but I can imagine that degree of popularity and weight of voice in business matters are directly proportional. Mika will probably have to struggle less to assert his ideas, let alone the fact that he eventually will be able to get a mobile contract :bleh: (meaning that he'll hit the break even mark and get paid off sooner the better and faster his career will develop)

It is sad though, I don't deny it. And while Christine says 10.000 people capacity venues put her off, I say this happens to me already concerning the 5000/6000 people venues for the fall gigs in Germany. Maybe this is because crowds in general make me feel uncomfortable when it comes to intrude my personal spacial comfort zone... but that is not Mika's problem for he will take over larger places than that with or without me.

The opportunities of actually meeting him... yes most probably that will change, you'll need a lot more luck to get hold of him before or after a gig and most probably there won't be long chats with fans after his performances but nobody knows that for sure.

For me personally I can still say that I won't ever find myself in a queue after one of his gigs to get stuff signed or pics taken but that is just me and my weird view on things and doesn't mean I think people who do so were strange or not normal. I know it is me who is not normal in this regard for I just don't see the point. Yet it is not that I would not want to meet him but this is a whole other story...

To put it in a nutshell, I'm quite sad for having missed the smaller venues back in spring but this can't be helped anymore. Mika has deeply impressed me and he keeps on doing so and this is something that didn't happen a lot to me lately. Thus I wish him all the very very very best he can get and if this is professional succes for the moment then may it be so. Go Mika!

:original: 'You Have Bewitched Me, Body and Soul'

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i agree!!!

ive loved him ever since January/February and Im dieing to meet him!!!

hes big in Europe

he's getting big in Asia...

even in the US too!! :blink:


all i could ever do was to hope he'll come here!!

and then when I found out he did... i was like...spazzing!!! (gaaah... mum recorded the whole thing =.=)

and i was like FINALYY!!!!


.....then it said it was for 18+

wtf?? :blink:



he's tickets are even sold out!


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i know! i mean it sounds selfish, but mfc is an awesome place for true mika fans that would support him in highs and lows!

mfc is special to me and i made tons of friends..but then if it gets so big and stuff it'll be just another fanclub, while now here feels like my home with friends, not just a mika fan club.


Very well-said :wink2: MFC today really feels like home for me too.:biggrin2:


I like a close group of old fands too. but it's good he's getting new friends. but you can't forbid them to come to MFC. If they are a real fan, why not? If they are fake, I wouldn't want them either. But how would you feel if you were not really accepted here. Where WOULD you be accepted then?


You're right though.A close group is good indeed but it would be totally selflish to not letting him have new fans.The new fan won't necessarily be fake fans.They could be fans that had just discovered Mika and had not noticed him yet or old fans that had just discover the MFC cuz they were to slow like me. :bleh:.And I'd like to welcome the real fans as well as I was welcomed when I arrived.

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It is like everything in life: you always have to buy a whole package containing postive as well as negative aspects. Nothing is just black or white but shades of grey. And I think the term 'win-lose situation' hits the mark there.

There is nothing special or suprising about Mika's rise, we all knew from the beginning, he would make it, didn't we? That's why we are here. His gain is our loss in a way but that is how the story goes and just a side effect. But his gain will be massive and in the sum it will overcapitalize our losses. I am not exactly familiar with that business but I can imagine that degree of popularity and weight of voice in business matters are directly proportional. Mika will probably have to struggle less to assert his ideas, let alone the fact that he eventually will be able to get a mobile contract :bleh: (meaning that he'll hit the break even mark and get paid off sooner the better and faster his career will develop)

It is sad though, I don't deny it. And while Christine says 10.000 people capacity venues put her off, I say this happens to me already concerning the 5000/6000 people venues for the fall gigs in Germany. Maybe this is because crowds in general make me feel uncomfortable when it comes to intrude my personal spacial comfort zone... but that is not Mika's problem for he will take over larger places than that with or without me.

The opportunities of actually meeting him... yes most probably that will change, you'll need a lot more luck to get hold of him before or after a gig and most probably there won't be long chats with fans after his performances but nobody knows that for sure.

For me personally I can still say that I won't ever find myself in a queue after one of his gigs to get stuff signed or pics taken but that is just me and my weird view on things and doesn't mean I think people who do so were strange or not normal. I know it is me who is not normal in this regard for I just don't see the point. Yet it is not that I would not want to meet him but this is a whole other story...

To put it in a nutshell, I'm quite sad for having missed the smaller venues back in spring but this can't be helped anymore. Mika has deeply impressed me and he keeps on doing so and this is something that didn't happen a lot to me lately. Thus I wish him all the very very very best he can get and if this is professional succes for the moment then may it be so. Go Mika!

:original: 'You Have Bewitched Me, Body and Soul'

Very well put, Violet :)


You are helping me feel better about this whole situation :)

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I like a close group of old fands too. but it's good he's getting new friends. but you can't forbid them to come to MFC. If they are a real fan, why not? If they are fake, I wouldn't want them either. But how would you feel if you were not really accepted here. Where WOULD you be accepted then?


I never suggested not liking new members to come to this forum! It's true I said I'm sad because Mika is getting too famous and that means my chances to meet him get thinner and thinner, but that doesn't mean I don't love to share this place with people who love Mika as much as I do. Everyone who loves the man is really welcome. I was referring to those people who go crazy when they see a famous person, no matter who he/she is.

As I said before, people are not stupid and, since Mika's voice and talent are so amazing, the increase in the number of his fans can't be helped. I only wish it didn`t happen as quickly as it's already happening. That's all. I think fan clubs are FOR FANS. If nobody came, what would this be? I shudder only to tthink about it.

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No no, don't get me wrong. i welcome new mika fans with open arms!

the ones i'm talking about are those who claim to be fans and by next month or so u never see them again.

also those who don't like him now and then when he becomes famous likes him then.

ah well, that's the negative side of mika becoming big and i guess we'll all have to somehow deal with it...just follow mika's example right!

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Of a star, that is....Like, now we have SO MANY opportunities to get all close to him and actually meet him in person (esp in America!), but if he DOES become a huge figure (which no doubt he will within the next few years), it'll be sad that his arenas will be bigger and more more MORE people in them. I mean, it's good for Mika, but bad for the fans that been with him since he started. :( It's like a win-lose situation.


Anyone else agree?


I want to become successful because he derserves after all the hard work. But at the same time I want to continue having the intimacy with him. Unfortunately, that is the way it goes. Let's just hope he does more small gigs instead of just one big arena.

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It's happening now and it's gonna keep happening. I'm glad I found this place in January and managed to see him in tiny venues and meet him etc. before it's 'too late'. I know it sounds selfish saying we'd rather him stay doing smaller venues and keep him all to ourselves but if we could all have our own ways that's probably what we'd chose. We just need to make the most of what it's like at the moment and who knows what'll it'll be like in the future but we need to look at it from his perspective too...


I'm tired and have a really bad headache so that probably didn't make any sense whatsoever - sorry.

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i think that has happened already... iit is kinda putting me off. and its just gonna get worse :thumbdown:


You probably have a point. BUt I have to say: when I arrived here the first time, it felt really strange to read all these post of people who seemed to be connecting very well (am I saying that right?) I mean: lot's of inside jokes, lot's of 'hi guys, I'm back' 'oooh, finally, we've missed you'

I was surprised to see that, and it is not very easy to find a place for yourself in this crazy little world. Don't take this wrong! I've been welcomed and I don't feel like a complete outcast or something, but it's a bit like starting in a new class where all the other students already know eachother.


But I would like to say: don't be afraid of new people to come here: new subgroups will be formed, but still with one big common goal: Mika. There's space enough!

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You probably have a point. BUt I have to say: when I arrived here the first time, it felt really strange to read all these post of people who seemed to be connecting very well (am I saying that right?) I mean: lot's of inside jokes, lot's of 'hi guys, I'm back' 'oooh, finally, we've missed you'

I was surprised to see that, and it is not very easy to find a place for yourself in this crazy little world. Don't take this wrong! I've been welcomed and I don't feel like a complete outcast or something, but it's a bit like starting in a new class where all the other students already know eachother.


But I would like to say: don't be afraid of new people to come here: new subgroups will be formed, but still with one big common goal: Mika. There's space enough!


well said.:thumb_yello:

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