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help with homework??


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about the wolfs. here in romania, my country are living the third part of the wolfs from entire europe. people are living together with these beautiful animal cause they are making natural parks protected by law with fonds from govern and non profit foundations. people raise rabbits and small birds and leave them in forrest in wild and wolfs hunt them and not the sheep. they also include that park in a hollyday tour so turist can go to the country and eat natural products made at home like milk, butter, ementaler, cheese anything you like , chiken meat, eggs . all is bio. and on another hand handcrafts are developing. so the tradition is there, the tourism and money are there and the wolfs are protected as well. hope you understand me and that will help you.

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but i'd prefer this article (though it's quite long), it's one of my fave and it's a real article, not just question+answer: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2007/07/08/svmika08.xml


Oh Mellody, you're right! It's a nice article...somehow I just haven't read it so far :blink: So: Dankeschön!!


Btw, you're coming to Neuschloss? Will be cool to meet you! :mf_rosetinted:

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Oh Mellody, you're right! It's a nice article...somehow I just haven't read it so far :blink: So: Dankeschön!!


Btw, you're coming to Neuschloss? Will be cool to meet you! :mf_rosetinted:


huh? :blink: ah you mean newcastle! lol! so you're coming there too, cool! you're gonna join us having a party after the show? :biggrin2:

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huh? :blink: ah you mean newcastle! lol! so you're coming there too, cool! you're gonna join us having a party after the show? :biggrin2:


well, I'd love to :biggrin2: But I don't know yet since I'm going there with friends who DO like Mika's music but they aren't actually BIG fans...hmmm, I'll see...But it would definitely be cool!


and: I'm sorry for using my stupid German translation...me and my friends always do so...actually it is NOT funny (I know it)...or what do you think of "Leberbad"...wellwell, bonne nuit!

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Anyone want to magically cram and force the basis of US Government in the 1700s, and standards of all government in general, into my head tonight? I've got a test tomorrow and studying blows. Far more than magic, at least. And apparently, trying to make an opinion of the Happy ending video, because that's what's keeping me. :naughty:

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Anyone want to magically cram and force the basis of US Government in the 1700s, and standards of all government in general, into my head tonight? I've got a test tomorrow and studying blows. Far more than magic, at least. And apparently, trying to make an opinion of the Happy ending video, because that's what's keeping me. :naughty:


I'd help you , but I am Canadian...I can help you not study tho!



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Some people have it built in XD. Like my friend who crams like this all the time. Neither of us read the second chapter yet, as of today, and she procrastinates way more than me so I'm sure she still hasn't even as of now. However, I KNOW she will do way better than me no matter what. It just floats into her brain. :fisch:

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Some people have it built in XD. Like my friend who crams like this all the time. Neither of us read the second chapter yet, as of today, and she procrastinates way more than me so I'm sure she still hasn't even as of now. However, I KNOW she will do way better than me no matter what. It just floats into her brain. :fisch:

I'm kind of like that actually. I'm the worst procrastinator ever...I wonder how I ever make good grades, but somehow I always do well. I think I've got a photographic memory. Thank goodness for that. lol

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Does anyone know who the Prussian officer who helped train American troops in the Revolution is? It's not in my book, and I am dreadfully horrible at American History...mainly because I'm English :biggrin2:

Anyways, if anyone knows the answer, please let me know! THANK YOU!!!

Howe’s capture of Philadelphia.


Germain approved both Burgoyne’s plan for British troops to cut off New England from the south, and Howe’s plan to move south with the main British army and attack Philadelphia. Such plans, Howe imagined, would quickly end the war. He landed (August 25) at the head of Chesapeake Bay and marched on Philadelphia. Washington vainly tried to check him at Brandywine Creek, Pa., but on September 26 Howe entered Philadelphia. Before his advance, the Continental Congress fled, first to York, Pa., and then to Baltimore. On October 4, Washington attacked Howe at Germantown, just north of Philadelphia, but was defeated after hard fighting. Washington, with about 11,000 men, then went into winter quarters at Valley Forge. A few months later he was joined by Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, the Prussian officer who would help forge the Continental army into a professional fighting force and take part in the Battle of Monmouth and the siege of Yorktown.


Is this who you were talking about? Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben?


I'm not sure if that's correct or not, I just googled it and it came up with information from History.com (the History Channel's website).

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lol yeah!!!! i think it'd be great!!!!!!!


wnna see a map about the population of the UK?? :lmao:


hoo !!!! yay !!!!

plz ! plz !

What homework do u have else tomorrow ? I have a stupid italian test about italian phonetic ....


It's not actually final but well...

It might become a dialogue too :biggrin2:


We're against the wolf action plan suggested by the french govnerment. Today, wolves are endangered mostly because lots of them have already been killed in order to stop the flocks murder porblems and the government has plans to kill even more wolves ! But we cannot/should not let this happen anymore !

We're all the same,we all need to make room for each other and wolves have as well a right to live and therefore must kill and eat sheep by way of their survival.(We have to create a balance in nature).If we kill such big carnivores like wolves,we'll break the food chain.

Furthermore, wolves only kill what they need to survive. On the opposite,dogs gone wild just slaughter sheep.

What kills sheep is mostly panic in the Alps as they start running and just fall from cliffs!That's why farmers and shepherds should be more careful.They should set up high fences so that they can close the grazing areas and there would be less losses then.


Gosh that was long to type !^^

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wow melman, that's really good!!


saw a few comments there that was said yesterday:thumb_yello: lol


oh geography homework... again :S


and i don't get it... hey ho, i guess i can't do it!!!!:roftl:


Lol thx ! Well MOST of arguments were...(bad me) *slaps*but I think I'm gonna add some things of my own


needs help ?:biggrin2: quick though I have to go in a few mins =S

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