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MIKA the LEO man!


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let's start with that i'm not a superstitious person at all. i don't believe in magic, future telling, mind reading etc.

about a year ago my sister discovered this astrologer named "Linda Goodman" and bought her book she told me that hey she's really good! this is all true stuff! you'll be surprised etc! so i started reading it and for that it had this very good style of writing (almost like reading a story) and it was actually true (well 70% of it)! so i decided to put this up...this is a part of her astrology for LEO man which means our guy MIKA!


The LEO Man


" 'Tis love-'tis love that nukes the world go round!"


When Gray wrote the lines about a flower "born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air," he certainly wasn't describing a Leo. You might see this man basking in the bright sunlight, and you may find him making flowery speeches, but it won't be in the solitude of the desert. Most likely it will be on a stage or in front of a circle of adoring friends and relatives (and fans...) He may waste money, but he's not about to waste his sweetness in the empty air (why should he?!). There will always be an audience.( yeah, me!)


There you are, in a nutshell. The secret of snaring the lion is that simple. Be his audience. Totally different from the reluctant Virgo and Aquarian males, your Leo pal will happily succumb to the throes of delicious romance, if you play your cards right, adore him, flatter him, and respect him. (i always knew he likes to be respected!who doesnt?! IRM!)


Is he a flamboyant August male?( ohhh yes! ) Wear dark glasses and submit to his brilliant sunlight. Is he one of the gentle, quiet Leos? Don't be taken in by his sleek softness. Stroke him the wrong way and sparks will fly.

Remember, he's only playing the role of the meek soul. Beneath his courteous manner and patient fixity are smoldering fires of proud dignity and arrogant vanity, ready to flame up and bum the pushy female silly enough to think she can rule him. (0_0)


The lion will be a chivalrous and gallant suitor, tenderly protective and sentimentally affectionate. You won't need to lay much of a trap to tempt him into romantic advances. One might say Leos possess a kind of instant passion. Just add opportunity-mix well with candlelight and lush violins-and love's in bloom like the red, red rose. As a matter of fact, you can leave out the candles and music if they're not handy, and just use the first ingredient. Same thing. =]


If love is missing from his life, the fiery lion will simply pine away-dramatically, of course. He has to be worshiped or die, and you can just about take that literally. Leo males seldom spare expenses when they're courting. You'll be taken to the best restaurants, showered with perfume and flowers, proudly escorted to the theater and you'll tie a ribbon around some pretty fantastic love letters. To tell you the truth, you'd have to have a heart made of stone to resist.( who likes to resist?!)


By now, you're probably thinking you've got it made.

Think again. That leonine romance won't be completely trouble free. You might take a lesson from the pampered favorites of royalty. Leo will invite you into his den and warm you at the hearth of his big heart, BUT....


follow the article if your intrested on : http://mizian.com.ne.kr/englishwiz/library/names/zodiac/leo.htm


it may asks you to install korean font on your computer...cancel it, it doesnt affect at all =]


That just cracked me up!:roftl:

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Love Today ha got to be one of the most Leo songs ever x interesting thing with leos is that if you love love them they love love you right back, making you feel you r the only n most important person in the world (even if you have to share that title with 2,3, 10 or 100,000 other ppl :))

Btw, noone seems to have mentioned the Leo mane yet - every leo guy i've met has had amazing hair in some way x

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Oh gosh, that description of the Sagittarian woman is so accurate, it cracked me up in places :roftl:


I actually find that out of all the sun signs, I get along best with Leos, 'cause we tend to have a lot in common, and they tend to understand my sense of humour too (I love being able to make people laugh). Many of my closest friends are Leos. =D

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I've done quite a bit of Mika's chart and the most interesting bit for me is that his Venus is in Virgo.


In simple terms Venus is the planet of romantic/sexual/feminine love and Virgo is the sign of the virgin...prim/pure/uptight/clean........this is a person who definitely brushes their teeth before a snog!! (and probably brushes them at lots of other times in between!!)


It can mean that they remain batchelors (or spinsters) or even celebate due to finding the imperfections of others too much to handle. This type may also find sex a bit on the yukky side due to their need for pure, unsullied relationships. They can be quite obsessive about everything being beautiful and perfect which doesn't leave much room for reality!


Team this with the Leo pride and lust for life (and other things) and you may have a confused boy who probably has the urge to "go for it" yet finds that he's a bit freaked out by the "messy" side of "mingling" with others.....on an "intimate" level! I hope you catch my drift!!


I would love to do his full chart if I ever got to ask him for his time of birth, etc.


Vix x

that is so so interesting!


I love this thread,btw!!!really, its so interesting!:yay:

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Is he a flamboyant August male?( ohhh yes! )ready to flame up and BUM the pushy female silly enough to think she can RULE HIM! The lion will be a chivalrous and gallant suitor, tenderly protectiveand sentimentally affectionate.You won't need to lay much of a trap to tempt him into romantic advances. One might say Leos possess a kind ofinstant passion. Just add opportunity-mix well with candlelight and lush violins-and love's in bloom like the red, red rose. As a matter of fact, you can leave out the candles and music if they're not handy, and just use the first ingredient.


OK look above the words that I made big, black, bold are the one's that interest me, 1st Virgo I'm Virgo and my name starts with a V Virgo and Victoria and 2nd BUM the pushy female:naughty:silly if you know what I'm thinking of! and instant passion, and tenderly PROTECTIVE:das::drool: hehe! and also sentimentally affectionate how sweet and :das: that's what I had to say:wink2: love ya! -Victoria and KISSES xoxoSorry, jusr noticed this lok at the thread reply above me....VIRGO and all the etc. about it!

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I have just seen messages from this thread.


From last year!!




Well, there's a whole bunch of great old stuff that I keep stumbling across that I've never seen before and I figure the people who joined after me may not have seen it before either and why not resurrect some of these threads for further comment?

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