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Flight of the Conchords


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What the flip!!! How did I miss the Flight if the Conchords thread????They are funny, intelligent, and I gotsta admit that I find their Kiwi accents veery sexy. :wink2:


Contrary to what you just said apparently the Kiwi accent has been voted one of the most unsexy accents of all time :naughty:


I've been told my accent is stupidly flat and hick sounding :rolls_eyes:



I had a lovely little chat with Bret, and got him to sign my copy of Bust magazine, which featured an awesome Conchords cover photo. I told him about my music, and did my best to quiet my screaming inner fangurl when he put his arm around me for a photo.


Then, Jemaine came outside, looking fly in a vintage leather jacket and a "Canada" trucker hat. LOL! I was surprised at how reserved, and somewhat shy he is in person, because he had such a strong on-stage persona. Not to mention, the characters he's played in movies are so outlandish and outgoing. Now, I try to tell myself that Bret is my favorite, but as soon as I heard his deep sexy voice, I fell apart. For reals. I tried to have a normal conversation with him, like I had with Bret, but my words didn't come out right and I felt like an idiot. Oh well. At least I managed to give him my card, tell him about my song, and get a quick photo. (Sorry they're blurry, I had to use my cellphone camera.)


How gorgeous are these guys? So yeah, sorry Mika. Ok, that's quite enough from me for now. I'm sure I'll be back soon to post some of my favorite pics and vids.



Lol I love the conchords too!! I wouldn't call myself a fangurl though.. but a while back i got to go on a FOTC filming set when i spent the day with my cousin who operates one of the cameras. I got to talk to them breifly and they were really cool :biggrin2: but i didnt know ANY of their stuff then.. seriously, i'd never seen any concords stuff, but since that day, i've been a fan. you made me feel bad for not making more of it :teehee:

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What the flip!!! How did I miss the Flight of the Conchords thread???? I nearly started a new thread, how embarrassing would that have been? I am more than happy to join you in discussing the awesomeness that is Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. They are funny, intelligent, and I gotsta admit that I find their Kiwi accents veery sixy. :wink2:


Anyways, I gotta confess I've been cheating on the MFC for quite some time, over on a Conchords fan forum. :shocked: Oh no! Oh yes, it's true. I've been a fan since watching an episode of their show last Spring. They had me at BOOM! Hee hee...



I've been hooked ever since.


On May 13th, my ultimate Conchords dream came true! They went on a North American tour this Spring, with 3 nights in Seattle! Whoa! Sadly, all 3 shows were sold out. Bummer. Thankfully, I scored some nosebleed tickets off of craigslist for my honey and me, because I figured that nosebleed Conchords were better than none at all.


Of course, the live show was phenomenal. They have so many great songs, they were unable to do all of my favorites, but they covered most of them. (Like Hurt Feelings, Think About It, I Told You I Was Freekie, Business Time, and a hilariously raunchy version of Sugalumps!) They even did a new song called Stana, which is like something out of a low budget wild western movie. LOL! Their banter between songs is the best part, especially when they dealt with the hecklers.


In true fangurl fashion, I waited by the stage door after the show. In the cold. In the rain. My boyfriend went back to the car because he was sick, but there were nice people standing around me, so I didn't mind waiting without him. It was about 10:30pm, and a crew member told us that the guys wouldn't come out for a meet & greet until about 1am. Yikes, that was too late for me because I had work in the morning. I was determined to wait a little longer though, because I brought thank you cards for the guys, and had even written each of them a song. Sadly, I didn't have the songs recorded, but I tucked the lyrics sheets into the cards. I was about ready to give the cards to a crew person, and beg them to deliver them for me. Thankfully, Bret took pity on the group of losers standing in the rain, and he came outside within 20 minutes!


I had a lovely little chat with Bret, and got him to sign my copy of Bust magazine, which featured an awesome Conchords cover photo. I told him about my music, and did my best to quiet my screaming inner fangurl when he put his arm around me for a photo.




Then, Jemaine came outside, looking fly in a vintage leather jacket and a "Canada" trucker hat. LOL! I was surprised at how reserved, and somewhat shy he is in person, because he had such a strong on-stage persona. Not to mention, the characters he's played in movies are so outlandish and outgoing. Now, I try to tell myself that Bret is my favorite, but as soon as I heard his deep sexy voice, I fell apart. For reals. I tried to have a normal conversation with him, like I had with Bret, but my words didn't come out right and I felt like an idiot. Oh well. At least I managed to give him my card, tell him about my song, and get a quick photo. (Sorry they're blurry, I had to use my cellphone camera.)




And here's the cool mag I had them sign.




How gorgeous are these guys? So yeah, sorry Mika. Ok, that's quite enough from me for now. I'm sure I'll be back soon to post some of my favorite pics and vids.



Great report miss mango! Thanks for posting, I really enjoyed reading. I've never seen them live but obviously would like to go. And they sound really nice guys to boot!

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Ahh I love FOTC!

My parents actually started watching it and that's how i noticed it, and started watching it with them :boxed: It's kinda weird. Then my brother saw me watching it one time and now he loves it too. My 10 year old cousin also loves it :roftl:

So there's not going to be another series then?

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Haha, FOTC are awsome! xD

(And they're from New Zealand)


Go New Zealand!


Mika should vist here some day. :]


Yo! I've sent you a PM. Great to see another kiwi MFC'er around these parts!! Mika's new single we are golden premiers at 10 past 10 tonight our (NZ) time :cheerful_h4h:


radio station links on the front page (but you've probs already seen it :biggrin2: )

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Ahh I love FOTC!

My parents actually started watching it and that's how i noticed it, and started watching it with them :boxed: It's kinda weird. Then my brother saw me watching it one time and now he loves it too. My 10 year old cousin also loves it :roftl:

So there's not going to be another series then?


It really doesn't look like there will be a third season, for now anyway. The guys are starting families, and they have other projects they're working on. Jemaine has some upcoming movies, which ought to be hilarious!


(And whomever says a Kiwi accent is unsexy is terribly mistaken in my book!)

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