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Mika @ Le Summum, Grenoble (14-10-2007) GIG REVIEWS


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I went to his hotel & waited a bit but afterwards someone told me he came late at this hotel.I tried again this morning but he had already left for Montpellier.

I am so disapointed,but anyway I loved the concert :)


that's the most important thing anyway

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Hi everybody!


The first review is mine.

Unfortunately, no pics and no chatting with Mika to talk about... I'm a very busy girl and had to left tooooo soon to go to Swiss with my boyfriend for work. Actually my boyfriend is a very busy man! ;)


BUT we had a good time. I hope to be able to go to another gig soon.

The Summum was small, but I wished I had seen Mika in a smaller place.


Actually, I will be in Rome in November (beginning of the month). Has anybody heard about a gig round there ?

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Hi Diridis, welcome here and thank you for the review! :thumb_yello:


Too bad you had to leave early, but good to hear that you had a great time! Mika is touring northwest Europe during the first half of November (Germany, Benelux, Scandinavia) so unfortunately no gig around Rome.

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Hi everybody!


The first review is mine.

Unfortunately, no pics and no chatting with Mika to talk about... I'm a very busy girl and had to left tooooo soon to go to Swiss with my boyfriend for work. Actually my boyfriend is a very busy man! ;)


BUT we had a good time. I hope to be able to go to another gig soon.

The Summum was small, but I wished I had seen Mika in a smaller place.


Actually, I will be in Rome in November (beginning of the month). Has anybody heard about a gig round there ?


no honey, no Rome for MIKA, sigh....

but i'm sure you'll enjoy the city, maybe more, not having mika as a distraction! :biggrin2:

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Hi everybody!


The first review is mine.

Unfortunately, no pics and no chatting with Mika to talk about... I'm a very busy girl and had to left tooooo soon to go to Swiss with my boyfriend for work. Actually my boyfriend is a very busy man! ;)


BUT we had a good time. I hope to be able to go to another gig soon.

The Summum was small, but I wished I had seen Mika in a smaller place.


Actually, I will be in Rome in November (beginning of the month). Has anybody heard about a gig round there ?

Glad you enjoyed the night! of course!:bleh: No gigs in Rome for Mika this round, only Torino and Bologna but...Rome.. :tears: what a beautiful city....Try to visit every corner of it, it's one of the most wonderful city in the world!


Yes, I think I'll enjoy the city! I have lived a few months in Milan. So I know a bit northern Italy. I don't know what to begin with in Rome! There are so many places to see and things to try...

Ow, please don't let me start talking about Rome..I'd be your Cicerone if I could!!

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Aw he wore the tee shirt! That's great!


No he did not wear the t-shirt that the girl offered him, he wore the same one as in Nantes (source: Mikawebsite and the girl who offered it, she saw a picture of the gig and confirmed it's not hers it's the one from Nantes).

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No he did not wear the t-shirt that the girl offered him' date=' he wore the same one as in Nantes (source: Mikawebsite and the girl who offered it, she saw a picture of the gig and confirmed it's not hers it's the one from Nantes).[/quote']


i'm sorry...

so it's confirmed...mika does not wear our pressies! :naughty: :naughty:


maybe not to spoil them? :wink2:

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In the youtube dcdeb posted, did anyone notice there is a new arrangement for In Any other world??


No, I'm trying to limit the amount of videos to watch...no much waiting, and I've already spoiled the Lollipop and LT surprise....:boxed:


Hehe, I can confirm he does! :bleh:


And as a result I had that weird dream the other day. :naughty:

Weird dream?? :das:

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i'm sorry...

so it's confirmed...mika does not wear our pressies! :naughty: :naughty:


maybe not to spoil them? :wink2:


Hehe, I can confirm he does! :bleh:


But he wore the yukata (kimono) the Japanese fans gave him. Must depend on some random thing on the day.



And how could anyone forget the by-now FAMOUS Tartan Trousers?





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  • 6 months later...

Hi everyone !

HO MY GOD !! I was just checking the topics when I ended up on this topic! Well…I was at the gig in Grenoble on October the 14th 2007…I am soooo late! But It’s never too late I guess. My computer had a big crash and I couldn’t use internet from September to December….so when I came back on December I changed all my passwords…and also my name member I used on the MFC.

But anyway this is not what I am supposed to talk about.

I am gonna try to depict you that crazy day! Well, I don’t want to be too boring … because sometimes I can’t stop but writing every details lol …I am gonna do it briefly!

- 14 October : 8 am . my best friend and I arrived to the gate. ( yes I know it was very soon but I was very stressed and I desperately wanted to be first row. My arm was broken when I went to the Olympia the 30th of June and I had to sit upstairs….)

- 9.am . Our boyfriends arrived with some croissants lol.:thumb_yello:

- 10.30 am . some people arrived and 2 other friends of us joined the group. We had a lot of fun with the people there…they were so amazing! Obviously, we talked about Mika and planned to see each other after the gig.

-3 pm. The guards opened the first gate. At that time we were almost 40 people.We needed to cross a large parking.They asked us to organise 4 queues in front of the revolving doors. It was so sunny and hot!A lot of people were playing loudly Mika on their mobile. During the wait we had a lot of fun with the guards who watched over our queue. I missed having a heart attack when one said to me that Mika had a cold! Lol …He said us that He would manage to let us pass through the gate just some seconds before the other guards would do it for their queue! LOVE THIS MAN lol!:mf_lustslow:

-6pm. They opened the gates and we rushed to the middle of the scene. All my friends and the people who were waiting with us since the morning were front row! Great!

-7 pm . Yelle and her band began the show! It was great! My friends are fans of her and I was very happy they enjoyed the moment! (just one of my 5 friends was a Mika fan).The crowd was wild!

-8pm. MIKA!!!!!! AWESOME!!!! I was in total shocked when he jumped on the scene…I couldn’t realize that he was just at 50 cm from me…lol The crowd screamed so loudly that I couldn’t understand what my friends were saying!

MIKA wore: white skinny jeans with silver embroideries on the sides and a white shirt with silver glitters as suspenders and silver shoes ( I spend some seconds staring at his shoes …to be sure he was real lol). For Relax, Mika wore a golden jacket, for missionary man he wore a blue jacket with colourful spots and for lollipop until the end he wore the tee shirt you talked about ( the one from Nantes…).

Some funny moments I remember: at the beginning he told he have been watching the match of rugby the day before and that all the crew was for England but Mickey and him were kinda for France .He also asked some stuffs in French but his crew couldn’t understand ..I can’t remember what he asked…

Then he added that he didn’t expect that grenoble was that hot! He wanted to see snow lol!

He explained He tried to put some hairspray on his hair to get it wilder but all of it was flowing in his eyes ...lol He pushed his hair back and tried to put it off his eyes...

When Mika and Cherisse where drumming on the bins together , Cherisse had trouble with the battery in the pocket of her trouser.

A man came to put it properly but he couldn’t! Cherisse was jumping around and the poor man was desperately trying to do it…obviously he was touching cherisse’s bottom and Mika and the crew were laughting.At that point he just fixed it and left away.

Hum… it’s quite confused in my mind…I went to 3 MIKA gigs and all my memories are a bit mixed.I prefer not say things that I am not totally sure.

Well, The gig was fantastic! Every single song was brilliant and a lot of people knew the lyrics by heart(except for Holy Johnny and HMDYLM ) . Mika had a lot of contact with the crowd… it was so impressive watching somebody giving so much of himself for his fans.

I don’t know how many times I received drops of Mika’s sweat on my face lol !

The crew was great , Saranayde did an awesome job! One of my friend fall in love with her lol!

Mika gave me one of his drumsticks (at that point I felt like a bench of people wanted to kill me)… Lollipop ended and the crowd didn’t stop applauding, then Mika sang “Relax” again and thanked everybody for coming and etc…

My friends were totally stunned! They were like : ho my god ho my f*cking goddddd! Awesommmeee!:thumb_yello:

A girl came to ask me if she could touch the drumstick lol ..I replied that she could but… she licked it instead!!!!!! EWWWWWW so GROSS! :shocked:then, she went away …!

My friends got 3 ballons and we rushed our way out to go to the queue for waiting.

-10.30 pm.almost 60 people waiting.It’s been 45 min we were waiting…it was so cold but people were in really good mood. Nobody was pushing or etc..we all chatted each other about the show.

A guard went out and said that Mika would come in 45 min at least! So some people left the queue.We were almost 50 now.

-10.40.pm .MIKA appeared! ( I guess they said wrong information because they only wanted people that really longed meeting Mika.) His manager pleased us to don’t ask Mika for a picture with him.Mika was soooo handsome! When he appeared from the corner everybody did a quiet: wwooaaaaa lol. The meeting was very quiet and we were all waiting our turn and chatting each others.

MIKA seemed really happy .He was smiling and giggling with everybody. He wore a pair of blue jeans, a brown coat and a black scarf.When it was our turn…one of my friend and I couldn’t realize what was happening lol..He is so tall and impressive!

I guess I looked like I had run a marathon! He was so lovely… he asked us how was the gig and if we had a good time…

Obviously we replied a loud ‘ WOOO YES’ , he signed our stuffs and I gave him a big candy flower ( pink sugared almonds as petals …) ..He asked me if the sweets were “ dragées” and I replied that I ate one flower the day before to make sure they were good and he needed to be careful about his teeth!

Then he talked to my friends and after a little while he looked every one of us and said that we were a quite crazy front row during the show lol…well..I couldn’t talk for 2 days after the gig ,so I think we were…

We left … our heart were so light…it was like walking on clouds…2 posters of MIKA were left on the street..we took them and managed to go back home …(with MIKA CD playing of course lol).

Well, I guess my report is very long…If you want more details about things I didn’t write about ,there's no problem.

Tonight my English sucks , so please forgive me about that.

About the pictures and videos: herm…sometimes I want to kick myself! I did the most stupid thing I could ever do…I'd brought with me my very good camera ( I was so thrilled to make high quality videos and etc..) but….20 minutes before the gig began, I realized that I'd forgotten the memory card at home! SH*T!:thumbdown: I was so gutted! we did some crap quality videos and pictures with our mobiles instead lol!

Okay ! have a lovely evening everyone! MFC is great ! I am very busy and I can’t use internet very often but I am always checking the news and reading the threads. I hope to meet a lot of you on the 4th of July!

Loads of love….xxx Uri.:wub2:

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Thank you for the report uricans :biggrin2:


I enjoyed reading it.


That was gross about the drum stick...you should have hit the girl with it after she licked it :naughty:



I loved all of the little bits you remembered



so thanks!

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another surprise gift for us in the mika desert!:thumb_yello:

thanks so much Uri, this one together with the carphone first live report are something we need to pass through these next lonely months of Mika deprivation...


welcome here again!

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