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Please tell me: Why all this sad and angry smileys?

This is a clip that encourages people to vote isn't it?:blink:


Don't you think its important to vote or am I quite mistaken?:wink2:







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Yes it's very important to vote, I really agree!:thumb_yello:


I really wish everyone would know about history, it hasn't always been a self-evident right to have the permission to vote!

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sadly, I missed the vp debate last night, because I was in a pot induced mosh pit:naughty: Mgmt was more important, sorry ya'll...


but I did look a bit of it up on youtube... I think Palin did ok...not as bad as I thought... and hell yes, Biden was chill and aggressive about Bush and all...But I do think that he referred to what Obama would do as president very often, which was good.


And as far as people saying that they won't vote...don't.


But from where I stand, its a privelage to be able to choose a leader. Look at all the countries in the world who don't give the people a voice...whether its the royal bloodline or something else... this is something that I think everyone should do, who is able to of course.

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sadly, I missed the vp debate last night, because I was in a pot induced mosh pit:naughty: Mgmt was more important, sorry ya'll...


but I did look a bit of it up on youtube... I think Palin did ok...not as bad as I thought... and hell yes, Biden was chill and aggressive about Bush and all...But I do think that he referred to what Obama would do as president very often, which was good.


And as far as people saying that they won't vote...don't.


But from where I stand, its a privelage to be able to choose a leader. Look at all the countries in the world who don't give the people a voice...whether its the royal bloodline or something else... this is something that I think everyone should do, who is able to of course.

Chyeah be thankful you dont have a dictator.


*looks at hitler*


Yeaaaaah we should NOT complain about our leaders :roftl: *strokes stephen harper*

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I think (personally) that McCain did better last night.


But that's pretty common knowledge that Obama doesn't like town-hall meetings and McCain thrives on them.

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So check this out.


My dad works at a food warehouse, and he was talking to one of the truck drivers the other day.


He said these guys are mostly gone in the head because they sit alone in a truck cab for days at a shot year round.


Anyway, this guy has a theory:


1. Barack's going to be elected.

2. Biden's going to drop-out last minute.

3. Hillary's going to step in as VP.

4. Barack's going to get assassinated.

5. A race war will start.

6. We'll be lead into another holocaust.

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I've heard the Obama getting assassinated theory so many times.


And he should have just picked Hilary in the first place. They would have been a shoe-in I think. I'm just guessing Obama was afraid Hilary would try to do too much.


But no doubt about the race war and Holocaust.

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I watched the town hall debate, and was obviously more impressed by Obama, but that's a given. I've already decided my vote ya know...


I guess what bothered me was when McCain referred to Obama as "That One..." and pointed at him. The way it was said, shocked me... it was really disrespectful to me, I don't know why.


Yeah, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose, but it says alot, to me about what he thinks of him...and he kept doing his little smirks and head shaking whenever Obama would tell him off. I think in general, he's the more condescending one.


Though yes, both sides are gettin diiiiirty...


I went to the freedom museum the other day for my journalism assignment, and they had a mock up voting booth set up and we all got to put a token into a see through box under either obama or mccain...


I guess you knew you were in Obama's city when you saw that his box was filled to the top:naughty:


and my school is pretty much 98% democrat...we're all artists, not that,that has too much to do with it...but it just seems like artsy people: writers, film makers, actors, painters, musicians are more liberal.

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Chyeah be thankful you dont have a dictator.


*looks at hitler*


Yeaaaaah we should NOT complain about our leaders :roftl: *strokes stephen harper*


In fact, Hitler was democraticly elected by the people, you know? :naughty:

It probably shows why it's important to think before voting :wink2:

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. . .

I went to the freedom museum the other day for my journalism assignment, and they had a mock up voting booth set up and we all got to put a token into a see through box under either obama or mccain...


I guess you knew you were in Obama's city when you saw that his box was filled to the top:naughty:


and my school is pretty much 98% democrat...we're all artists, not that,that has too much to do with it...but it just seems like artsy people: writers, film makers, actors, painters, musicians are more liberal.

!!! C H I C A G O !!!

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I just thought McCain did better, because like I said, Obama's admitted he hates town hall style meetings, and McCain loves them.


But whatever. At least we can all (for the most part) agree to disagree.:thumb_yello:


I bought a John McCain halloween mask today.:naughty:

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So...not that the national campaigns aren't fascinating, but I'd like to hear about some local issues from everyone. Things weren't terribly exciting in my hometown, but in the town I've just moved to, the local issues are starting to heat up.


One issue in particular is Measure L, a move to lower sewer service charges. A few years ago, a sewer main broke during the flood season, and raw sewage was on the verge of spilling into the streets.(:shocked:) Developers borrowed money from the municipal securities market (as in, there wasn't enough money in the budget at the time, so they used the money that had been allotted for future sewer repairs) to build and install a new pipe. It installed with no problem and all was well.

The issue is that the money that was borrowed needed to be replaced, so the city increased the sewer service costs for residential and commercial users to help make up the discrepancy. If passed, Measure L would reduce the service charges back to the rates they were before the incident in 2006. Some people say that we never should have increased the rates in the first place, since it wasn't the citizens' job to pay for the sewer main, and the developers put an unnecessary burden on us.

Others say that lowering the rates now, before the missing money has been regained, will bankrupt the city. The ad campaigns are getting vicious. "Do you want property values to decrease? Do you want local businesses to close? Do you want Rohnert Park to become bankrupt like Vallejo? NO ON L.":blink:


Anyone else have anything interesting in their local elections?

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Vallejo... isn't that where the Zodiac killer lived?


Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


To be honest, I'm not really all that interested in politics, local or national. I know politics are important obviously, but they just don't entirely fascinate me.


Not a ton of interesting local issues. I live right near the Susquehanna River, and there's this big debate about putting a giant hole in the wall as an entrance to an ampitheatre or something? I don't understand it really. Basically, alot of men back in "the day" (including my Pap) had to go sandbag the river and add another 3 inches of cement to the wall, which saved the city from total crazy flooding. Now they want to make a hole in it, and everyone's all mad.


And they just put in a huge mall thingy with stores people normally have to travel about 2 hours for (Target, Kohls, Dick's sporting goods, Petco, etc.) and everyone's mad because they aren't putting in more road lanes or something.



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Yes, that's one of it's claims to fame.:naughty:

Ah, beloved California. If it's not slutty celebrities, it's serial killers.


They want to make a hole in the wall, after all that work?:blink: Uncool. I can understand why people aren't happy.:thumbdown:


There's been arguments about the same thing here too! The nearest mall is in Santa Rosa, and they just built a Costco and Target here, but they're on the far side of town and the college students here have been protesting because the city bus routes don't go to the stores.

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It is dumb.:thumbdown:


I'm obsessed with the Zodiac. Well, not in a creepy way. Just in a I-watch-every-show-on-tv-having-to-do-with-him kind of way.


My dad's big on it, too.


I started reading a book about it a few months ago, but it was SO creepily written. Like... way way way creepier than the shows. I couldn't put it down, but it was giving me nightmares. So I cut the last half of the book up into tiny pieces so I wouldn't be tempted to finish it.:thumb_yello:

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I just thought McCain did better, because like I said, Obama's admitted he hates town hall style meetings, and McCain loves them.


But whatever. At least we can all (for the most part) agree to disagree.:thumb_yello:


I bought a John McCain halloween mask today.:naughty:


I bought a John McCain mask a few weeks ago :naughty:


During the last election my brother and one of his friends were George Bush and John Kerry for halloween :naughty: I hope they'll do that again this year since we have the John McCain mask and his friend just bought the Barack Obama one.. :bleh:

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I didn't know they had an Obama one.:shocked:


I looked at Walmart and CVS, and all I could find was McCain, Hillary, and Bill Clinton.:thumbdown:


Maybe they sold out of them..we got all of ours at Walmart.


Something about the Obama one is weird to me..I can't decide what it is though.:blink:



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Maybe they sold out of them..we got all of ours at Walmart.


Something about the Obama one is weird to me..I can't decide what it is though.:blink:




That's neat!


I came home today and showed my dad, and he goes "Did they have any Obama ones?" and I said "Nope, I didn't see any there OR at CVS" and he goes ":shocked:But the ones they sell out of are usually the ones who win the election."


I said "Yeah but I've NEVER seen one, so many they don't make them...?"



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