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Is having a child really a punishment? I don't think God's sitting up in Heaven like "What's some way I could keep the Earth populated and punish horny teenagers at the same time... BINGO, CHILDREN!"


I don't think so 'cos I don't believe in God.


I'd better not have discussion with Americans about subjects like this....

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I think if you are mature enough to have sex at all, then you should be ready to fully accept the consequences of your actions. If that means a woman gets pregnant and wasn't prepared...well....that woman decided to do it in the first place, so why should the baby pay for those actions?

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I don't think so 'cos I don't believe in God.


I'd better not have discussion with Americans about subjects like this....


What does being American have to do with it?


I'm from Mars, remember?:mf_rosetinted:

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Wow! You all have such decided opinions for ones so young.


I have found that my opinions and priorities do change, according to what I have experienced in life and what's going on around me.


I have also found that no one political party coincides with everything I believe, so you have to compromise.


As far as abortion goes, I am most definately pro-choice, I think that unless you find yourself in the situation you can't judge.

If abortion is illegal, people will find ways of doing it anyway and always have done, better to have it regulated.

Worse things go on in life than legal abortion. War, for instance.


Women leaders! I am surprised at the comments on this from 21st century women! A little shocked to be truthful.

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Women leaders! I am surprised at the comments on this from 21st century women! A little shocked to be truthful.


I just hate women. The whole lot of 'em.:sneaky2: They need to get their asses back in the kitchen and make me some potpie.

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Wow! You all have such decided opinions for ones so young.


I have found that my opinions and priorities do change, according to what I have experienced in life and what's going on around me.


I have also found that no one political party coincides with everything I believe, so you have to compromise.


As far as abortion goes, I am most definately pro-choice, I think that unless you find yourself in the situation you can't judge.

If abortion is illegal, people will find ways of doing it anyway and always have done, better to have it regulated.

Worse things go on in life than legal abortion. War, for instance.


Women leaders! I am surprised at the comments on this from 21st century women! A little shocked to be truthful.


Agree for a 100% with my fellow Babs :thumb_yello:

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Oh this thread has turned into a discussion about abortion..

I'm pro choice. People make mistakes, they shouldn't be punished for it the rest of their lives.

You can't tell me that 'there's always adoption' because giving up a child is a much bigger thing to have to live with than having an abortion.


Now about the Netherlands, we live in a constitutional monarchy.

The party I voted for is the Socialist Party (SP), which is the most left-wing party we have.

I don't have that much to complain about really, I like living here.

The only thing that bugs me at the moment is that the 2 of the 3 parties in the coalition are Christian.. so with some things they're trying to go back in time.

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I agree. There's plenty of people out there who want kids and can't have them. If you don't love your child enough to keep it, why would you care if some other family gave it the love it deserved?



I don't know how I'd be if I were actually IN the situation, BUT: I think if I were raped today, and found out I'd gotten pregnant, I would keep the child. And my dad goes "but you'll always look at that child and be reminded of what happened!"


If you were raped, wouldn't you always remember what happened, whether you keep the child or not? It's not the kid's fault.


Edit: Sorry, forgot to MQ Hilary's post! There we go. :cheerful_h4h:


Once again though, if it is that painful to go on seeing a child that reminds you of that pain, than putting the baby up for adoption would be the best.


If she were raped, than it is not the fault of the child to be born...The child's life should not be taken because someone else took it upon themselves to commit such an aweful act.


The baby should still be born because they are NOT the same as their rapist fathers.


i can see where you are both coming from, but, i personally, would not want to have the child of a person who raped me. i'm already screwed up emotionally as it is, and i think that would push me over the edge.

and that's my personal opinion for my own sake.

case closed.




i don't agree with abortion. at all.

i'm probably the biggest hypocrite on the planet by saying that.

here's my reasoning on the subject:


1. if you are promiscuous and get pregnant, i don't think you should be able to get one. you risked it, you now get to bear the burden.


2. i think if you are raped, you should have the choice to if you want one.


3. if it is going to harm the mother, like if she has a tubal pregnancy, then i think the mother should see what they can do to try and save the child, but if there's nothing else they can do to save the mother and child, then she should have the option to abort it.

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I'm pro the life of young girls who aren't ready to have a child yet :mf_rosetinted:


*leaves thread quietly*


Well, I think that those young girls should be responsible not to get pregnant. It may sound harsh, but in my opinion if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to raise a child.


However, rape changes everything.


Edit: I should clarify about rape. I think that if a girl is raped especially by a family member, think about all the deformities it could have. It could be completely screwed up, and honestly, better off dead.

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i can see where you are both coming from, but, i personally, would not want to have the child of a person who raped me. i'm already screwed up emotionally as it is, and i think that would push me over the edge.

and that's my personal opinion for my own sake.

case closed.




i don't agree with abortion. at all.

i'm probably the biggest hypocrite on the planet by saying that.

here's my reasoning on the subject:


1. if you are promiscuous and get pregnant, i don't think you should be able to get one. you risked it, you now get to bear the burden.


2. i think if you are raped, you should have the choice to if you want one.


3. if it is going to harm the mother, like if she has a tubal pregnancy, then i think the mother should see what they can do to try and save the child, but if there's nothing else they can do to save the mother and child, then she should have the option to abort it.


ROFL, I liked the way you said you were already emotionally screwed up. Not making fun of you, I just thought it was funny the way you incorporated that into the conversation.


Another point I haven't really looked at is, what if the rapist wants rights to see the kid. It is HALF his. Is there any way he can get those kind of rights? Assuming he's only in prison?


Another thing, I do feel bad for children who's parents kept them simply because they're against abortion. If they don't love the child... I don't know. Give it up for adoption. That's my solution.

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Oh this thread has turned into a discussion about abortion..

I'm pro choice. People make mistakes, they shouldn't be punished for it the rest of their lives.

You can't tell me that 'there's always adoption' because giving up a child is a much bigger thing to have to live with than having an abortion.


Now about the Netherlands, we live in a constitutional monarchy.

The party I voted for is the Socialist Party (SP), which is the most left-wing party we have.

I don't have that much to complain about really, I like living here.

The only thing that bugs me at the moment is that the 2 of the 3 parties in the coalition are Christian.. so with some things they're trying to go back in time.


I could just have written this exactly.


Oh and we won't live in a constitutional monarchy for much longer now Geert Wilders is going to kill the queen :roftl:

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Someone mentioned gay marriages.


Why the hell not?

If two people want to publicly declare their love and commitment to each other and gain the same legal rights as heterosexual couples, great!


The more people that care enough to do that, gay or straight, so much the better!


Who else are they harming anyway?


Just an observation based purely on what I have read here, American politics seems to be based much more on religion than politics in Europe?

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We should change this from an abortion thread back into a politics thread.


Or at least change the topic. Move on to gay marriage, or taxes, or something.

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Well, I think that those young girls should be responsible not to get pregnant. It may sound harsh, but in my opinion if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to raise a child.


However, rape changes everything.


Do all Americans really think this? It just shocks me! I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having sex when you're, like, 16 or 17, but that definatly isn't old enough to raise a child!


Are you all against sex before marriage?

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ROFL, I liked the way you said you were already emotionally screwed up. Not making fun of you, I just thought it was funny the way you incorporated that into the conversation.


Another point I haven't really looked at is, what if the rapist wants rights to see the kid. It is HALF his. Is there any way he can get those kind of rights? Assuming he's only in prison?


Another thing, I do feel bad for children who's parents kept them simply because they're against abortion. If they don't love the child... I don't know. Give it up for adoption. That's my solution.

hehe, well there was really no other way to put what i was thinking without generalizing and making some one upset.


he can try to get the rights, he legally is the child's father, but, i think the woman can get full custody and/or a restraining order, because i don't think the court looks kindly upon sexual predators.

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Just an observation based purely on what I have read here, American politics seems to be based much more on religion than politics in Europe?


Very much so. I can't decide if it's a good thing or not, but they try to base everything here on religion. Then they remember that they took praying / part of the Pledge of Allegiance out of the school system, and they have a "DAMMIT" moment.

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Is having a child really a punishment? I don't think God's sitting up in Heaven like "What's some way I could keep the Earth populated and punish horny teenagers at the same time... BINGO, CHILDREN!"


No, having a child is not a punishment, in fact quite the opposite. It is fun and rewarding and all the other things it should be... when you are ready to have them and can give them the life and the upbringing and the home that they deserve.


I don't really want to get dragged into a debate about abortion, but there are so many things you need to look at. There are many, many different reasons people choose to abort, and surely that decision should be theirs to make. Yes, obviously adoption is a prefered option, but can you imagine if all the accidental pregnancies resulted in babies being put up for adoption - is it likely they would all find loving homes? And those who aren't and kept by mothers who aren't capable to bring them up? What sort of life would this be for those children and subsequently what sort of life would they lead as adults?


In an ideal world maybe better sex education and easier access to free contraception would work?

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hehe, well there was really no other way to put what i was thinking without generalizing and making some one upset.


he can try to get the rights, he legally is the child's father, but, i think the woman can get full custody and/or a restraining order, because i don't think the court looks kindly upon sexual predators.


But what if he's not found guilty of the rape in the first place?


(Not arguing with you, I'm asking a general question. I seriously don't know the answer. Someone here should help us out. :tears:)

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Do all Americans really think this? It just shocks me! I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having sex when you're, like, 16 or 17, but that definatly isn't old enough to raise a child!


Are you all against sex before marriage?


No...but we are taught to take responsibilities for our actions...it has nothing to do with God or abstinence. If you screw up and get pregnant, then you take care of that child or you give it up for adoption. There's no "uh oh, I'm pregnant...oh well to the abortion clinic."

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In an ideal world maybe better sex education and easier access to free contraception would work?


I agree. This is sort of where I differ with my religion. I don't really have a problem with protective contraceptive. I don't mean the morning after pill, I mean condoms, birth control, etc.

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Do all Americans really think this? It just shocks me! I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having sex when you're, like, 16 or 17, but that definatly isn't old enough to raise a child!


Are you all against sex before marriage?

do we have to draw nationality into this?

and no, not all of us believe that.

i don't believe in sex before marriage, but if you want to, then it's your choice. i'm not going to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat, because i've had that done way too many times.


babs, i think that the USA is goverened more by religion because when America was actually settled, they came here basically so they could worship the way they wanted, and so since then religion has played a big part in the government.

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No...but we are taught to take responsibilities for our actions...it has nothing to do with God or abstinence. If you screw up and get pregnant, then you take care of that child or you give it up for adoption. There's no "uh oh, I'm pregnant...oh well to the abortion clinic."


Not to mention that if we legalized abortion for rape/incest/life of the mother, like republicans are talking about doing, how many girls would go to the abortion clinic like "UMMMM.. yea, I was raped... a few weeks ago. And now I don't want it." when they were just being careless.

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