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Hello:P (For lack of a more original title)


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Hello, my name is Lauralai and i'm for Michigan. I found Mika through a friend when i was looking through her iPod and ever since then there hasn't been a day where i haven't listened to him. My friends are getting quite tired of it actually, I tend to act like a compete idiot whenever his name or songs are mentioned (i.e. bursting into song during school- who cares what people think, i'll only be here for another year, right? haha. You see, many times when people are talking, what they say will remind me of a song lyric, so i have to sing it. I don't just sit in class and start singing during a lecture...most of the time...) I suppose the "acting like an idiot" part isn't helped with the fact that I'm seeing him in concert in eleven days!!!!!!!!


Anyways, a little bit about myself is...I play guitar and clarinet in my school SWI (I grow increasingly board of it though, clarinet that is, not guitar). I'm on colorguard (if you don't know what that is, then just know i twirl flags around, its quite fun.) during marching season- i'm a bit of a band nerd....OH WELL!:) I play soccer and run (although i hate running really, i just do it so i can listen to my music and get out of doing the dishes) I speak a bit of spanish and french and quite obviously english and i applaud anybody who actually reads this whole thing, i tend to write novels like this, but its only because i have so much to say!

Oh, and the most exciting thing is i made up a rutine with my flag (colorguard) to "Love Today" and since i'll be captain i'm going to make that the try-out rutine for the newbies Exciting!



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there hasn't been a day where i haven't listened to him. My friends are getting quite tired of it actually, I tend to act like a compete idiot whenever his name or songs are mentioned (i.e. bursting into song during school- who cares what people think, i'll only be here for another year, right?




That sounds familiar for some reason....:roftl: :roftl:


Welcome!! You'll fit right in!!

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That sounds familiar for some reason....:roftl: :roftl:


Welcome!! You'll fit right in!!


familiar in a good or bad way?? (i suppose everybody says that, but it actually means something because everybody actually means it here! Even if its bad, please say good though...:wink2: )

but i'm glad that i'll fit in! Belonging...such a lovely feeling.


Thank you for your welcome everybody!! You see, my friends say that i'm obsessed, but i prefer "passionate". If you're not passionate about something, life gets incredibly boring until eventually you end up folding your socks and actually getting around to fixing all the little things that are broken in your home. Can't have that, it's those quirks which make your life unique:)

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Thank you!!! I'm a bit upset at myself for not joining the Mika fan club before. It's like how you wonder how you lived before you heard your first mika song. You just want to slap yourself for not trying harder to find the song you hadn't known was out there haha....i suppose that doesn't make any sense though does it...oh well:P:biggrin2:

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Hey Lauralai, Can I just start by saying I think you have a beautiful name!


Hope you enjoy our little (or not so little) Mika World.


I saw you over at the Birthday Brainstormingthread so it's great to see you making the most of the place already. :)

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Hey Lauralai, Can I just start by saying I think you have a beautiful name!


Hope you enjoy our little (or not so little) Mika World.


I saw you over at the Birthday Brainstormingthread so it's great to see you making the most of the place already. :)


hehe, thank you and thank you. I'll probably be posting on here a lot more after midterms are over. (i'm actually supposed to be studying now...oops. If anybody wants to quiz me on spanish feel free...really!) Midterms end on friday! yay-ah. And then i see a mika concert on tuesday! (EEEEK!!!!:D) and then i get to post on here about how wonderful he is for the next...well... forever! As far as the mika birthday brainstorming...i think buying part of the moon and naming it mikatopia is a grand idea (lmao, don't judge me!!! haha)

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