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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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I can't reveal my plans..


*scratches head*

There's really not much left to give after the first born

*shrugs *

You know what I'm like.. I'll think of something:naughty:


JJL just spammed as well!! Where is everyone else when we're in spam action.. HK have you been spamming??


I spammed already... :bleh:


How about a striptease??? :das:

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:roftl: Ummmm ... well I already have 4 mutts so....... Unknown-2.gif ...... SURE !!! One more can't hurt .... plus it would be sooooooo cuuuuuuute ..... (and long) .... !!!!!


EDIT: Tall !!!

:lmfao: HK!!! *slap*


I spammed already... :bleh:


How about a striptease??? :das:

We want to encourage him, not scare him :naughty: but that gives me an idea..


I saw yours:thumb_yello:

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seems like we've had a Maccas fest tonight :naughty:


I might go to bed shortly.. FY&GN if I don't return here

*blames dc*

I wouldn't have wanted a cheeseburger if he hadn't mentioned it


*doesn't change anything*

I still had a cheeseburger regardless :wink2:

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<crashes into thread with bits of sanwich in teeth spilling coffee>


I come with gifts




I am dirty am I tooo flirttyyyyyyyyyyyyy

:wub2: Haha ... thanks FD ... have seen it ... tho' thanks for the reminder about you ........... :wink2::roftl: :roftl: :roftl: .... eeeuuuwww ... & get that food outta your teeth .... AND wipe up the coffee .... Pfffttt ... *rolls eyes* .... :naughty::wub2:

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<crashes into thread with bits of sanwich in teeth spilling coffee>


I come with gifts




I am dirty am I tooo flirttyyyyyyyyyyyyy :wink2:

Hey Freddie!


Great.. you post a video when I'm on dial up... and I'm thinking of going to bed...


*saves in favourites folder*





Sooooo... I think we need to start recruiting people to come on the dream tour when Mika comes here...

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Yeah, our step looks pretty hard- it is full of oldies who have been doing it for years and are experts. I guess I would pick it after a while but don't want to look like a diick for those first few lessons! And the mini body attack would be just like blast. We used to have attack after jam on a thurs but I preferred to do the half hour abs, butt & thigh class & then jam.


Haha, but looking like a complete idiot is the whole point!


I can soooooo relate to that! Every weekend i'm over at my mates, we have a few drinks, wear our suspenders and watch and dance to the live dvd......its so addictive! :mf_lustslow: It's a good workout too! Poor neighbours must be sick of us hehe


Haha! I wish Les Mills or what ever it's called would use Mika in one of their routines - guys, here's the deal, if you hear it used in one of them, report back so we can all go do it! That would be so excellent.


Hi everyone!!


I got my English assessment back today (you know the one that I thought I did horribly on?). I got a B. That was the best in the class!!


Well I think that another girl also got a B, but lets not talk about her..


Hah! See! Smarty pants :bleh:


Wowza....Subway's the expensive food choice on my campus.


What? :shocked: What's the cheapest and how much does it cost?


I'm not sure how much my muffin costed, or if it has gone up, they didn't have a price, and the person didn't even say, and I was late for class so I couldn't count my change :naughty: But they used to be $2.90


Believe me, that doesn't help. I have mine across the room and when it goes off I stumble out of bed, put it on snooze and then get back on it and go straight back to sleep.


Haha, I love that.


Suprisingly I don't sleep walk...I just turn off alarms in my sleep, or wake up enough to turn them off and then forget I ever turned them as I fall back to sleep


Ohh I do that, the turning it off and then forgetting about it. But it's not what I did today, because it was still set to on, but also said it was set to 7.30 :blink: I'm also skilled at pressing snooze a million times and then going "okay - time to get up!" turning it off, and then going back to sleep instead of getting up.


When I woke up in the morning I realized my door was locked and my curtains were shut. I don't remember doing that. My friend thought that maybe my guy friend came in and did it but I don't think we were really speaking at that moment. It was weird. I guess the same night my suitmate said that she had her window shut and locked and when she woke up it was opened up and she doesn't remember doing that.


That building is apparently haunted so who knows what went on that night. I'm just glad I didn't roll off my bed and fall to the ground or fall while climbing off my bed to my desk because I can lose balance just standing hahaha.


Ooooh, a ghost! Must've been.


My friend's brother sleep walked once. He was all like "I need to go get a pizza!" and the whole family was like "Um .. why?" .. "I NEED TO GO GET A PIZZA!" .. "Your sleeping, go back to bed." "I NEED A PIZZA!" And then he went back to bed and didn't remember a thing :naughty:


JJL just spammed as well!! Where is everyone else when we're in spam action.. HK have you been spamming??


*goes to add daily spam, and to perve on everyone else's*


As Soa said... DC asked for a Mika cookie when he went to Subway after sitting in front of the Forum like a loser from 8:30am... when Bec and I stalked Cacy (DC's friend)...


What, as in .. "Hi, can I have a Mika cookie?" .. "A what?" "A Mika cookie?" "Uuh, I'll just give you an m&m one ..."


Great... I went to say okie doke.. .then realised i can't really say it without getting the attention of Oakie Doke...


You called?

:blush-anim-cl: Sorry.



I was reading my lab guide on the way home and realised I start dissecting tomorrow which meant I had a million things to organise, and have only just finished. Well, as much as I could. I hope they open their emails early tomorrow and feel helpful to me...

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What, as in .. "Hi, can I have a Mika cookie?" .. "A what?" "A Mika cookie?" "Uuh, I'll just give you an m&m one ..."






p.s. My friend Casey (or CACY as Mika spelt it) is doing the talking... this was 2 months after the intitial incident at Mika's concert.. this one took place before Lily Allens show! :mf_rosetinted:


p.p.s. I'm off to bed, FY&GN! :punk:

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p.s. My friend Casey (or CACY as Mika spelt it) is doing the talking... this was 2 months after the intitial incident at Mika's concert.. this one took place before Lily Allens show!


p.p.s. I'm off to bed, FY&GN!


Yep, okay, you are as crazy as I presumed :naughty:

I'd say the craziest thing is the blatantly obvious filming in a Subway store :bleh:

I love the "Which one?" "Mika cookie ... MI-KA MI-KA!" "Ohhh, okay" :roftl:


I would legally change my name to what ever Mika wanted it to be :wub2:


... actually, my username for most things is a weird spelling some complete random stranger made of my name :naughty:


Nighty night :smile:




I shall get myself in between the sheets (I'd say go to bed, but I'm laying on the bed now...)


Nighty night FD and HK!


Lol! I am already between my sheets. I'd have to say "go to sleep". ...which I am going to do now, nighty night :wink2:


P.S. Kelz, your comments are made of fantastic.

P.P.S. Freddie ... WTF? You could have at least mentioned that he needs to come to Australia :naughty:

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I come with gifts

Heya Freddie! So where's the gifts :naughty::wink2:

I love watching that clip.. why did he have to change and become a popstar..

Sooooo... I think we need to start recruiting people to come on the dream tour when Mika comes here...

Recruiting who??? for what?? We are the CREW! and the groupies

*goes to add daily spam, and to perve on everyone else's*

Wooo more spamming!! :punk:




p.s. My friend Casey (or CACY as Mika spelt it) is doing the talking... this was 2 months after the intitial incident at Mika's concert.. this one took place before Lily Allens show! :mf_rosetinted:

p.p.s. I'm off to bed, FY&GN! :punk:

That clip's hilarious..

Goodnight Defuncto *pink bow smiley*


Goodnight Everyone..

Goodnight HK :huglove:

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Heya Freddie! So where's the gifts :naughty::wink2:

I love watching that clip.. why did he have to change and become a popstar..


Recruiting who??? for what?? We are the CREW! and the groupies


Wooo more spamming!! :punk:


That clip's hilarious..

Goodnight Defuncto *pink bow smiley*


Goodnight Everyone..

Goodnight HK :huglove:

Goodnight KZ ..... & a general G'night to all ...... :wub2:

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:shocked: OKD !!! I live in one of the smallest towns around here .... & just then I read you mention Les Mills ????!!!

We have a studio here in our town that is all based on his workouts !!!

WOW !!! Do you like them ???!! (am thinking to start) :wink2:


Lol! *points to around lunch time today ... around page 222-ish I think*

Les Mills be everywhere! I think it's American, actually? Well they have them in the tiny little gym in my suburb, and then in the next suburb along at the aquatic centre (where I go because the classes are bigger so less embarrasing), soangel has them, Jolene has them ...


They are good fun, particularly if you are extremely uncoordinated, because then it's just downright funny. It's like group workout routines to music :wink2: I've only done Jam, Combat and Pump ... and that's the order of those ones from easiest to hardest :thumb_yello:

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P.S. Kelz, your comments are made of fantastic.

P.P.S. Freddie ... WTF? You could have at least mentioned that he needs to come to Australia :naughty:


:naughty:Thanks.. I got accused by a person in Mika's latest blog of not giving enough back to Mika.. so I offered him my first born.. :roftl: I'm stumped what I should offer tomorrow.. What's left to give? Unless he wants my mum :mf_rosetinted:


And Fred, I agree.. you could represent!! :lmfao: *no pressure :wink2:*

Goodnight now!!

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:naughty:Thanks.. I got accused by a person in Mika's latest blog of not giving enough back to Mika.. so I offered him my first born.. I'm stumped what I should offer tomorrow.. What's left to give? Unless he wants my mum :mf_rosetinted:


And Fred, I agree.. you could represent!! :lmfao: *no pressure :wink2:*

Goodnight now!!


Lol, good work. I wonder if he is going to take you up on all these offers? :naughty:

Ah well, it's for the team. :bleh: Keep them coming :thumb_yello:


*pressure* *pressure*


Yes, I am leaving this time also!

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