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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ Terminal 5 in New York City: 02 Feb

Blue Sky

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OK so here comes the more interesting stuff.... sorry the first 4 parts were kinda boring but you know I can't help but write EVERY detail :naughty:


So the security guards let me in at the back of the venue, which was a total shock to me cause it was the first time I didn't have to call Nadja to come and rescue me cause they wouldn't let me in :boxed: . When I got in the venue Nadja saw me and was like : "they let you in !? :blink: " lol....


She introduced me to Amanda, a girl who is an intern at the company she works for and who was Lollipop Girl a couple of times before. She introduced me to the 3 other Lollipop Girls, who were friends of Amanda and two other friends of Amanda, who were not part of the show. Two of the three LG had done it before (some at the Boston gig this week) and one was her first time. So I introduced myself, said it was my third time being a Lollie, that I was from Montréal, and this and that. The Midway State were doing their soundcheck so we kinda had to shout. There was no room ready for us yet, it was cold as hell in the venue and we were told that there was no catering this time... I didn't have dinner, the last meal I had was the crappy salad at the bus stop so I was kinda starving but it was too late to go get food. The girls we're already friends so they had fun together and kinda left me out for quite a while... at this point I was starting to regret being there and wanted to go back in the queue. But I knew that I would have an amazing time onstage anyway and that I would regret it even more if went back. So the guys from Midway State finally ended their soundcheck and went to have a little chat with us. We also had a little chat with Andy (who miraculously didn't have his camera with him at that point :shocked: ). Time was flying by and we started to get worried cause the doors were about to open and we still had no room backstage.


The doors opened and we saw the MFCers make a dash for the stage. Still no room for us. After a while, Nadja came and told us we finally had a room so we followed her backstage. It was kinda crazy for her there was a lot of people backstage at this gig.


It was upstairs on the balcony level. On our way there we saw a room where there was buffet but it wasn't for us so we just looked at it drooooooling lol. We got to our room which had no door and was the balcony space on the side of the stage, behind the black curtains. It was across Mika's room, which was closed of course. We put our stuff there and waited for Nadja to come back for us when the costumes would be ready. In the mean time we watched the Big Girls get their make-up on, which was FABULOUS !!! That make-up artist was a GENIUS. We saw Martin, Mikey and Luke walk in the hallway. Cherisse and Saranayde were downstairs so we didn't see them.


The girls started to talk a little more with me, I started to feel a little more included. After a while, Nadja came and told us to follow her downstairs to go get our costumes.


We got to the tiny room where Yasmine and his mom were and lined up in the narrow hallway to get our costumes....


(to be continued)

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Yasmine saw me and was like : HEEEEEYYYY !!!! Glad to see you again !!! with a huge smile on her face (she's so sweet, I love her.... and must I say, one of the prettiest girl ever with an incredible sense of style). She asked me if I had driven all the way from Montréal so I said no I took the bus and told her our misadventures. She was like : omg really ? but now you're here so all is well ! Just after I said this, someone was trying to make his way in the hall where we were to go inside the costume room. I turn around to see who it is................................................................... and you guessed it, it was Mika.


He was just out of the shower so his hair was still wet, he had a towel around his neck and a toothbrush in his hand. (so no worries microphone, Mika does brush before a gig :naughty: ). He said hi to the other girls who were kinda :shocked: and then looked at me and his face lit up ! A huge smile came across his face and he said : HEEEEYYYY !!! How are you ???? So I kinda forgot all my troubles at that very moment and answered : Great !!!! you ??? with a huge smile on my face (I probably looked a little stupid at that very moment lol !!!). He seemed to be relaxed and in a very good mood, which I was happy about cause he didn't feel so good in Toronto. And then he said he was very happy to have me again on the show and said : So !!! are you gonna do your little dance again ? Do you have a partner yet ? (To those who don't know about my "little dance", in Montréal he made me come up with a 30 second dance routine to do in front of the stage and he loved it and made me do it again in Toronto... see vids and reports from Montréal and Toronto for more info). The other girls saw that he looked very excited about my "little dance" so they we're like : a dance ? a partner ? what ? teach me ! I'll be your partner !! (So yeah they became very friendly with me at that point.... :mf_rosetinted: )


So I said of course I'll do it again and I'll teach it to the girls. So he said : "ok brilliant !" and took the stuff he needed in the room and left to go to his dressing room. One of the girls wished him good luck and he looked at her and was like :boxed: ... so the girl said : whoops !!! that's bad luck right ? he said : yeah you're not supposed to say that ! (but still had a smile on his face, he wasn't mad at her at all lol)


So we got our costumes (and I've just noticed that all my paragraphs start with "so".... oh well) and we went upstairs in our rooms to get dressed...


(To be continued....)

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At that point there was A LOT of people upstairs. There was us 4 Lollies, 4 Big Girls, the make-up artist, The two brass players, the three strings players, Luke, Martin and Mikey and people from the management running around. It was a crazy beehive ! Gotta loooooooove the excitement before a gig !!!!


We all got dressed and everyone told us how adorable we were the four of us. I felt kinda ackward cause the three other girls were so small and I'm quite tall (5'9") I kinda felt like the freak tall Lollipop Girl ! lol !!! We went into the hallway cause there mirrors were there and we wanted to fix our wigs, do our make-up etc and our room was getting a little crowded and the make-up artist was doing a mini photoshoot with the Big Girls. Andy came in and interviewed the Big Girls. I taught one of the girls my little dance (which is so incredibly simple but it's cute... and Mika likes it so hey). At that point I wasn't sure if Mika wanted the four of us to do it or only two and if the four of us did it, all four on the catwalk or two on the catwalk and two on the sides...)


Mika came up and down the hallway a few times, seemed in a really good mood and danced to the music that was playing before the show. He talked to the girls who played the strings who were getting ready and we're not quite sure about their costumes. He explained to them that it does look a little ridiculous like that but on stage everything has to be exaggerated and that it's gonna look great. He acted a little flirty with them... but you know he's Mika, he flirts with everything and everyone lol, he said so himself lol.


We continued getting ready, having a chat with everybody and at one point Mika came to talk to me...


(To be continued...)

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So Mika asked me, always with a big smile on his face (he seemed very happy that night). He said : So !!! The dance !! You're gonna do it ? So I said : Yeah I already taught one of the girls to do it... but do you want two of us of the four of us to do it ? So he said : I don't mind at all... you can do it the four of you... So I said : ok so do you prefer if we all go on the stick-about to do it or two in the front or two in the sides....? So he said : I don't mind really... however you want it... it's up to you, I trust you ! and then he smiled and left.


So I called the girls and we talked about it and we agreed that the best was to do it two in the front and two on the sides. So we practiced the dance and then decided who was gonna be in front and who on the sides. I told them to keep an eye on me cause I was gonna give them the cue to get into position after Mika gives me the cue. We agreed on a cue for WHEN to start the routine.


By that time the supporting act had finished and it was the music playing in the venue. We were back into our room and there was not many people left in the hallway. I was feeling kinda hyper so I went into the hallway and started dancing like a loon. One of the girls was there with me and danced a little with me while she was still fixing her make-up. Then of course that's the moment Andy decides to show up with his camera :naughty: . At that point I really didn't care about making a fool of myself lol... so I just conitnued dancing like there was no tomorrow, making funny moves (some moves look really funny when you have a hot pink dress with a huge petticoat underneath LOL) while Andy filmed the whole thing. So yeah Mika has now a approx 5 minutes footage of me dancing like a crazy person in my lollipop dress. At one point I yelled "MUSH PIT !!!" and the other lollipop girl and me pretented to trash lol (sorry I always call them "other girl" but I forgot their names :blink: ) Then I said : ok we're having way too much fun, made a funny face at Andy who seemed quite happy with the footage he got and went back into our room.


Then we heard people screaming, the show was about to start...


(To be continued)

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The show started and we heard everybody going nuts in the venue. We watched the show peeking through the black curtains so we had a very good view. The show was awesome as usual. This time I was the only MFCer backstage, the only super fan so I couldn't dance and sing along witht the other girls. So I just watched the show and sang along to myself, completely amazed at his talent. The other girls enjoyed the show and kept on saying how gifted he was. I was completely in my own little world, my own little bubble, watching the show like it was the first time I saw it. I looked at the crowd and searched with my eyes to see where my friends were. I was really happy to see they had great spots.


The whole time I was starving and was a little worried that I might faint onstage cause I was too hungry...


As usual the show went by SUPER fast and soon we heard the infamous KACHINGA and I knew Lollipop was coming. Nobody was coming to get us and we started to get a little worried. So we went in the hallway towards the stairs while we heard the first notes of Teddy Bear picnic. Finally Nadja appeared in the stairs and we hurried downstairs and went to side of the stage. Mika was putting on his animal head, he gave us a big smile and went on the stage. We waited for Lollipop to start and I couldn't wait to go onstage !!! I was all hyper, ready for it cause I knew what was coming !!! Then they finally gave us the signal so we went for it !!! I said to myself : OK, enjoy EVERY second of this one cause it's the last time you get to do this !!!


I had so much on stage, and as usual I had no saliva and was hot as hell and out of breath... but omg the thrill to be there onstage with him and the band, it's out of this world. The stage wasn't so big and there was a lot of us onstage so it was kinda crazy... I bumped into Mika like two times. And at one point, I smashed a baloon and made the microphone stand fall.... WHOOPS !!! Mika picked it up but he didn't see me do it :fisch:


At one point Mika looked at me and gave me the cue for my little dance. So I looked at the other girls to give them the cue but none of them was lookng at me !!! So I tried desperatly to catch their attention but alas... Mika looked at me again like : go ! but I looked at him with a meaningfull look : I'm trying !! So I finally manage to give the cue to the other girls to get into position... and then I give the cue to start the dance... but everything messed up. We didn't all start together, it didn't fit with the song, and we didn't do all the moves at the same time.


At that point I was feeling a little frustrated cause I wanted it to be perfect and let's face it, it's not that hard. And since Mika was happy about us doing my little dance, I wanted to make him proud ! It was perfect when we rehearsed it, I don't know why it all went wrong... oh well, what can you do !


Apart from that little frustration, I had TONS of fun onstage, it was as awesome as usual, I really could do this for a living !!! This time I knew where my peeps were in the crowd so I could throw balloons at them and look at them and wave at them. It was so awesomely awesome. And getting to interact with Mika while being on stage with him is just.... WOW !!!


Then towards the end he started to pull people up onstage. We had fun with the people on stage and I remember Finkster was there with us and she seemed to be having the time of her life !!!


Then the song ended and they started the intro of Relax. Mika snuck backstage and they ended the show with this.


Then I took one last look at the stage, the crowd, the band, tried to engrave this in my mind forever and we went off the stage and went backstage...


(To be continued tomorrow cause it's almost 3h00 am and I have to go to work tomorrow !!!)

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Thanks again everyone for the reports and pics!


Maybe the next NY concert I'll get a chance to go and meet everyone! :thumb_yello:


Vero! I can't wait to read the end of your report! But for now, congrats on being a lollipop girl again!


Danie! Becky! wooooooh! I am soo happy you got a chance to get your CDs signed! it was 'bout time, after all those concerts!


I am also happy everything turned out ok at the end, I was thinking about you all the time!

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My highlight was definitely to meet Jack! I was about to stay beside her for the concert but I managed to found my friends front row in front of Martin :blink:


I wondered where you'd gone to, but then I saw you all on the side! :thumb_yello:


It was wonderful meeting you too, I wish I weren't so tired and achy after the show so I would have had the energy to stick around and chat more...


And of course you get a photo of me right after Lollipop where I look like a drowned rat. :roftl: And you look impeccable!



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Ah! Vero great report- can't wait to read the rest! Glad to know i was the 'good' lollipop partner lol. That dance should be the official lollipop dance, it should be written down so future lollies can learn it! I'll be looking for the rest of the review tonight!

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