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It's about time! (Hello from Argentina)


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Hello everyone! Ok, I was checking my account and I realized that I've been a member here since september, and I haven't posted even once! I come here every day, read news, gig reviews, watch the videos and have a great time here but haven't introduced myself, and at this point it almost seems rude because I feel like I Know a lot of people here, so here I am:

I'm from Argentina, I'm 33 years old and the first time I heard/watched Mika was at a tv show in april where they showed an interview of him and then played the Grace Kelly video.I didn't pay much attention to the interview (I thought Mika was russian lol!), but 30 seconds into the song I was literally:jawdrop: I thougt how the hell did they let this guy release this song, it's so different from everything out there. So I decided to check the rest of his songs and I was immediately in love with his music.

I love music, but I've never been a fan of the musicians, I just listen to the songs and that's it, and being on a forum is new to me, so I guess that's my excuse for not having the guts to post until now (I'm internet shy, not RL shy go figure)

Sometimes it feels as if the MFC is like the United Nations, a lot of people from different countries, ages and religions joined by a common interest (or passion!)I think it reflects Mika's music, as it is varied, inclusive and passionate.

Ok, this is extremely long for a first post, everybody must be asleep by now,but i just wanted to say hello and sorry for being so late in introducing myself, and I hope I can overcome my internet shyness and post here more often.

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