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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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it's not THAT interesting *makes artsy stand up* I just accidentally rested my hand (it was an accident i swear) on lucy's bum bum and then she freaked out and kept grabbbing my bum bum and then she backed up on my lap in standing position and we were infront of a window and..etc etc it was interesting.

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Well, after reading the 8 threads! I finally reach you guys! lol!

Just want to say that I love your stories...!! :thumb_yello:


So...Calvin and Arsty will be together at any time? they would be a nice couple :bleh::naughty:


Ok, Just want to say hi!, sorry for my bad english... :wink2:



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Well, after reading the 8 threads! I finally reach you guys! lol!

Just want to say that I love your stories...!! :thumb_yello:


So...Calvin and Arsty will be together at any time? they would be a nice couple :bleh::naughty:


Ok, Just want to say hi!, sorry for my bad english... :wink2:



:wub2: How sweet, thanks for popping in. I cannot believe you read our whole story!:shocked::wub2:

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Well, after reading the 8 threads! I finally reach you guys! lol!

Just want to say that I love your stories...!! :thumb_yello:


So...Calvin and Arsty will be together at any time? they would be a nice couple :bleh::naughty:


Ok, Just want to say hi!, sorry for my bad english... :wink2:



You poor love! Your eyes must hurt! But thankyou; we like appreciation every now and then :) If you like, you could join :biggrin2:

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Becky, Cosmo and Glow were playing snakes and ladders with Kairi and Edwin, while watching the others playing poker (I would include myself but I have no clue about how to play :naughty: ).

"It's nice to have the kids settled for a while isn't it?" Glow smiled, while showing Edwin that when you throw a dice, you don't chuck it as hard as you can at the opposite wall.

"Yeah... It gives them a sense of normality. Kairi is already taking an intrest in learning and books." Cosmo smiled, moving his counter up a ladder.

"She and Edwin are getting to the age where they're going to need home-schooling. For now, in a proper house, it'll be easy, but not when we go back to the crazy action stuff." Glow said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, but in a way, travelling all the time could be helpful - especially with subjects like history and geography." Becky smiled, moving down a snake.

"Oooh home-schooling?" Mika interruputed. "I used to be home schooled." Half of the group groaned.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"We all know the 'home-schooling' story already; we don't want to hear it again!" Calvin said, staring at his cards.

"Well, fine then!" Mika said sulkily, going back to looking at his cards.



"Nah... It can't be true..." Jenny muttered, reading the paper. She was sitting on a tube, on her way to work. Sitting was a luxury she didn't usually get, especially not at this time. It was packed solid, and people kept stepping on her foot, but it was so much better than standing up for the hour. At least she could read the paper.

Is it true?

A source tells us that the PPRs are now a subject of the government, claiming they are a 'danger to our society'. We aren't sure whether or not our source is reliable, but if you have anymore information, please call the following number:

Jenny read it over and over again, trying to work out what 'a danger to society' meant.

At work...

Jenny logged straight onto her MSN account, and spoke to one of closer internet buddies and told him what she had read.

Jenz23: Hve u rd 2dyz paper?

Hars92: Npe. Y?

Jenz23: PPRs r in it. It sys da gvmnt tnk dey r a dngr 2 socity. Is it on da syt yt?

Hars92: Dats wll stpd. Dnt fnk so. Ill go fnd out 4 u. Gt bck 2 work!!1 Ull gt in trble.

Jenz23: KK. Spk 2 u l8rz.

Hars92: Bye!!1


Jenny logged off, and went back to doing what she was payed to do.


The two men who had been told to find the PPRs were sitting in the van, talking yet again about the job.

"There must be more to it though." Said the guy who thought they 'should just get on with it'. "'E always 'as a reason to get someone, and it's usually a good'un. I've never 'eard 'danger to society' before. There's more to it, I teel ya."

"The man don't 'ave an 'eart. 'E don't need a reason." The other guy mumbled.

"Oh but 'e does." The other guy replied thoughtfully. "'Member what 'appened last time 'e didn't have a decent reason? And 'a danger to society' ain't a good one. 'E's 'iding something, 'nd I wanna know what."


At Number 10...

"If the real reason gets out," The Prime Minister whispered down the phone to the President of the USA, "I'll be in a mess. The public will go crazy, and we'll all be in trouble. This goes against everything, but its for the sake of us, our families, and our countries."

"Aren't they going to..." The President was interrupted by a low hiss.

"It'll never work and you know it. But if you go against me, you know exactly what'll happen..." The President gulped. He now had no choice and by the looks of things, neither would any of the worlds leaders; he had secrets about them too, supposedly. It was over for the PPRs, unless he could do something about it...


*I very much doubt Gordon Brown is really as manipulative as this :P

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The two men who had been told to find the PPRs were sitting in the van, talking yet again about the job.

"There must be more to it though." Said the guy who thought they 'should just get on with it'. "'E always 'as a reason to get someone, and it's usually a good'un. I've never 'eard 'danger to society' before. There's more to it, I teel ya."

"The man don't 'ave an 'eart. 'E don't need a reason." The other guy mumbled.

"Oh but 'e does." The other guy replied thoughtfully. "'Member what 'appened last time 'e didn't have a decent reason? And 'a danger to society' ain't a good one. 'E's 'iding something, 'nd I wanna know what."


At Number 10...

"If the real reason gets out," The Prime Minister whispered down the phone to the President of the USA, "I'll be in a mess. The public will go crazy, and we'll all be in trouble. This goes against everything, but its for the sake of us, our families, and our countries."

"Aren't they going to..." The President was interrupted by a low hiss.

"It'll never work and you know it. But if you go against me, you know exactly what'll happen..." The President gulped. He now had no choice and by the looks of things, neither would any of the worlds leaders; he had secrets about them too, supposedly. It was over for the PPRs, unless he could do something about it...


*I very much doubt Gordon Brown is really as manipulative as this :P

We all giggled and smiled at each other. It felt good to smile.

I glanced down at my cards and i made a "good move" by logics.

Finn highfived me and I had won 10 dollars.

I leaned over to give Phunks a hug when she fell on the floor.

"Oi, not this drama again." Muttered Mika getting up to join the circle that had evolved around her.

"No, M, NO!" She screamed.

I quickly shifted my eyed to the window as if I didn't hear her.

"Please..no...m..please..." she whispered her eyes fixed on the light above our heads.

Everyone glanced at me with wonder in their eyes and I pretended i was reading a shampoo bottle with the utter most curiosity.

"Wow 45% more than before at the same price! Shocking." I said grinning.

Phunky screeched out "DUCT TAPE!" before awaking in a cool sweat.

She started breathing heavily and narrowed her eyes at me.

"You're a horrid girl." She muttered getting helped to her feet by cosmo.

I creased my brow in concern and tried to help her up but she just stormed off to her room without a word.

"AND STAY AWAY FROM ARTSY." she added before slamming her door.

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Well, after reading the 8 threads! I finally reach you guys! lol!

Just want to say that I love your stories...!! :thumb_yello:


So...Calvin and Arsty will be together at any time? they would be a nice couple :bleh::naughty:


Ok, Just want to say hi!, sorry for my bad english... :wink2:




*waves* Hi! You read all 8 threads!!:shocked:

I bow to you. I haven't even read all of part 1. I feel so inadequate.


Come on in anytime!:thumb_yello:

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We all giggled and smiled at each other. It felt good to smile.

I glanced down at my cards and i made a "good move" by logics.

Finn highfived me and I had won 10 dollars.

I leaned over to give Phunks a hug when she fell on the floor.

"Oi, not this drama again." Muttered Mika getting up to join the circle that had evolved around her.

"No, M, NO!" She screamed.

I quickly shifted my eyed to the window as if I didn't hear her.

"Please..no...m..please..." she whispered her eyes fixed on the light above our heads.

Everyone glanced at me with wonder in their eyes and I pretended i was reading a shampoo bottle with the utter most curiosity.

"Wow 45% more than before at the same price! Shocking." I said grinning.

Phunky screeched out "DUCT TAPE!" before awaking in a cool sweat.

She started breathing heavily and narrowed her eyes at me.

"You're a horrid girl." She muttered getting helped to her feet by cosmo.

I creased my brow in concern and tried to help her up but she just stormed off to her room without a word.

"AND STAY AWAY FROM ARTSY." she added before slamming her door.


We all looked at M. She kept her gaze on the bottle of shampoo.

"Um....M?" Finn started to ask, but she talked over him.

"You know, they say it's all natural, but take a look at the ingredients! I can't pronounce any of these. All natural, my ass."

"M, what was she talking about?" asked Becky in a firmer voice than Finn. M blinked and smiled.

"Oh, she probably got too tired and was a little cranky, you know how Phunky gets..."

"No, she had a vision. About you." said Lolly, her gaze boring into M accusingly.

"Her visions aren't ever wrong," remarked Luke, and Mika nodded.

"And she called you horrid, so obviously, you must have done something horrid."

"To Artsy," finished Calvin. I looked at M, not saying anything. She glanced from one person to the next, looking for sympathy, then finally blurted,

"Come on, guys! You've known me for years! I would never do anything to Arts! I love her!"

"But the vision, babe..." said Finn quietly, "Her visions always come true."

"But Finn! It's Artsy! Why would I do anything to her?"

"We're not sure," said Soa coldly, "Maybe you could answer that."

"I don't have to prove anything to you. The important thing is that Artsy trusts me. And she does, don't you, Arts?" She looked at me with an encouraging smile on her face. I stared back at her, wanting to agree but unable to shake Phunky's words from my mind. To date, her visions really had never been wrong. One way or another, they came true.

"M..." I whispered shakily, "You might not want to now, but situations change in an instant..."

Her face slowly changed from smiling to frowning.

"You too, eh?" she asked, anger beginning to creep into her voice, "Fine. See if I care. I know I would never do anything to you, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not."

She stood and stomped off to her room, leaving us in silence. I propped my chin on my hand, sighing sadly.

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