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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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We all looked at M. She kept her gaze on the bottle of shampoo.

"Um....M?" Finn started to ask, but she talked over him.

"You know, they say it's all natural, but take a look at the ingredients! I can't pronounce any of these. All natural, my ass."

"M, what was she talking about?" asked Becky in a firmer voice than Finn. M blinked and smiled.

"Oh, she probably got too tired and was a little cranky, you know how Phunky gets..."

"No, she had a vision. About you." said Lolly, her gaze boring into M accusingly.

"Her visions aren't ever wrong," remarked Luke, and Mika nodded.

"And she called you horrid, so obviously, you must have done something horrid."

"To Artsy," finished Calvin. I looked at M, not saying anything. She glanced from one person to the next, looking for sympathy, then finally blurted,

"Come on, guys! You've known me for years! I would never do anything to Arts! I love her!"

"But the vision, babe..." said Finn quietly, "Her visions always come true."

"But Finn! It's Artsy! Why would I do anything to her?"

"We're not sure," said Soa coldly, "Maybe you could answer that."

"I don't have to prove anything to you. The important thing is that Artsy trusts me. And she does, don't you, Arts?" She looked at me with an encouraging smile on her face. I stared back at her, wanting to agree but unable to shake Phunky's words from my mind. To date, her visions really had never been wrong. One way or another, they came true.

"M..." I whispered shakily, "You might not want to now, but situations change in an instant..."

Her face slowly changed from smiling to frowning.

"You too, eh?" she asked, anger beginning to creep into her voice, "Fine. See if I care. I know I would never do anything to you, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not."

She stood and stomped off to her room, leaving us in silence. I propped my chin on my hand, sighing sadly.


JJL and Reece were in the courtyard blissfully unaware of what had happened with the rest of the PPR's.

"You know, if I ever got married this would be the place to do it-" said JJL in one of her more romantic voices

"Married!" Reece spluttered

"-Oh and its so beautiful, especially at night" JJL stood up "C'mon, dance with me" She held out her hand to Reece.

"Dancing, marriage? Are you okay sweetie?" But, took her hand neverless and began to dance with her.

"I'm fine, but what the hell was that ment to mean?"

"It's just you swore off dancing back when you graduated from high school, and you said marriage was overrated"

"Well I didn't think you would come 'round did I, and back in graduation I only knew one decent dancer that didn't think dancing was an easy way to get into my bed and funnily enough that was you"

"Ah, but I did get into your bed didn't I"

JJL snorted "Arts nearly killed you for that"

"It's funny that they bet on our love life"


"I may have put a little bet on whatever is going on between her and Cal" with a rather cheeky expression

"Oh god, how much?"

"Not much, just a pole dancing lesson or three"

"JJL, what are you on?"

"Such accuations!"

"Oh yes, horrible aren't I"

"Good thing I am too, otherwise this would never work"

"But, by the sounds of it you want it to be even more"

"Possibly, I would be lying if I said that getting married to you is something I don't want to happen in the near future"

"Then why don't we"

JJL suddenly stopped dancing "Are you accually proposing?" she said in complete shock

"Maybe" Said Reece holding up a ring with a bit of a sparkle in his eyes

"You know if I was one of those weird faint hearted girls I'd probably faint and then once waken up, jump up and down like a fool. However I am not so lets skip right to the jumping up and down like a fool huh?"

"So that's a yes?"

"No, it's a no. Of course it's a yes fool, now put that ring on my finger so we can go tell everyone"

Reece put the ring on her finger and they walked inside to find....

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JJL and Reece were in the courtyard blissfully unaware of what had happened with the rest of the PPR's.

"You know, if I ever got married this would be the place to do it-" said JJL in one of her more romantic voices

"Married!" Reece spluttered

"-Oh and its so beautiful, especially at night" JJL stood up "C'mon, dance with me" She held out her hand to Reece.

"Dancing, marriage? Are you okay sweetie?" But, took her hand neverless and began to dance with her.

"I'm fine, but what the hell was that ment to mean?"

"It's just you swore off dancing back when you graduated from high school, and you said marriage was overrated"

"Well I didn't think you would come 'round did I, and back in graduation I only knew one decent dancer that didn't think dancing was an easy way to get into my bed and funnily enough that was you"

"Ah, but I did get into your bed didn't I"

JJL snorted "Arts nearly killed you for that"

"It's funny that they bet on our love life"


"I may have put a little bet on whatever is going on between her and Cal" with a rather cheeky expression

"Oh god, how much?"

"Not much, just a pole dancing lesson or three"

"JJL, what are you on?"

"Such accuations!"

"Oh yes, horrible aren't I"

"Good thing I am too, otherwise this would never work"

"But, by the sounds of it you want it to be even more"

"Possibly, I would be lying if I said that getting married to you is something I don't want to happen in the near future"

"Then why don't we"

JJL suddenly stopped dancing "Are you accually proposing?" she said in complete shock

"Maybe" Said Reece holding up a ring with a bit of a sparkle in his eyes

"You know if I was one of those weird faint hearted girls I'd probably faint and then once waken up, jump up and down like a fool. However I am not so lets skip right to the jumping up and down like a fool huh?"

"So that's a yes?"

"No, it's a no. Of course it's a yes fool, now put that ring on my finger so we can go tell everyone"

Reece put the ring on her finger and they walked inside to find....


...complete chaos. Artsy and M were standing in the middle of the room, screaming at eachother and gesturing wildly.

JJL and Reece stood in the doorway, still holding hands, unsure of what to do.

'...well if you weren't so f***ing obsessed with your LOBERMAN the whole time, maybe I could--' screamed Artsy.

However, before she could finish, M hefted the bottle of shampoo she still held in her hand and, with a grunt, hurled it at Artsy's face.

'You leave Finn out of this, you loudmouthed little b*tch!'

Artsy's eyes did what they'd been threatening to do for a while. They flashed green, and her claws shot out.

'Don't you dare!!' she snarled, and launched herself at M. Luckily, several people rushed forwards and grabbed her before she could rip M to shreds. However, her superhuman strength was too much for us to be able to hold her down for a few seconds. It was enough, though, for M to make a speedy getaway. Artsy threw off those pinning her to the floor and ran out of the open door, knocking JJL and Reece aside.

'What the hell,' said JJL, picking herself up, 'was that all about?'

Phunky came out from behind a chair. 'M will never tell you, so I may as well. Apparently she's been lying to Calvin about Artsy because she was scared they might...you know. Become a couple.'

'But...that's awful! Why?' Reece asked, shocked.

'We don't know. She won't tell us. It worked, though; Cal's not sure who to believe and won't speak to Artsy.' I said sadly. It was obvious they'd been flirting with eachother for a while, and they were the two who could understand and relate to eachother the most. They'd both lost their loved ones, and both went through the same thing every month. None of us could understand why M couldn't be happy for them both.

JJL and Reece sat down with us, their engagement forgotten.



'What have you to report?'

'I fed the blonde the story of what Harris might do to the other beast. I just hope she'll do what we wanted.'

'Good. Anything else?'

'That's all, sir.'

'Thankyou. Dismissed.'

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...complete chaos. Artsy and M were standing in the middle of the room, screaming at eachother and gesturing wildly.

JJL and Reece stood in the doorway, still holding hands, unsure of what to do.

'...well if you weren't so f***ing obsessed with your LOBERMAN the whole time, maybe I could--' screamed Artsy.

However, before she could finish, M hefted the bottle of shampoo she still held in her hand and, with a grunt, hurled it at Artsy's face.

'You leave Finn out of this, you loudmouthed little b*tch!'

Artsy's eyes did what they'd been threatening to do for a while. They flashed green, and her claws shot out.

'Don't you dare!!' she snarled, and launched herself at M. Luckily, several people rushed forwards and grabbed her before she could rip M to shreds. However, her superhuman strength was too much for us to be able to hold her down for a few seconds. It was enough, though, for M to make a speedy getaway. Artsy threw off those pinning her to the floor and ran out of the open door, knocking JJL and Reece aside.

'What the hell,' said JJL, picking herself up, 'was that all about?'

Phunky came out from behind a chair. 'M will never tell you, so I may as well. Apparently she's been lying to Calvin about Artsy because she was scared they might...you know. Become a couple.'

'But...that's awful! Why?' Reece asked, shocked.

'We don't know. She won't tell us. It worked, though; Cal's not sure who to believe and won't speak to Artsy.' I said sadly. It was obvious they'd been flirting with eachother for a while, and they were the two who could understand and relate to eachother the most. They'd both lost their loved ones, and both went through the same thing every month. None of us could understand why M couldn't be happy for them both.

JJL and Reece sat down with us, their engagement forgotten.



'What have you to report?'

'I fed the blonde the story of what Harris might do to the other beast. I just hope she'll do what we wanted.'

'Good. Anything else?'

'That's all, sir.'

'Thankyou. Dismissed.'


I stormed outside and whirled around, looking for M. The yard was empty. I tried to listen for her, but with her being the one with supernatural hearing, she'd know I was getting close long before I could even hear one of her footsteps. After searching for her a bit more, I looked back at the others standing in the doorway watching. I walked back inside and shut myself up in my room, holding back tears. It wasn't so much that I was upset over Calvin, although I was. It was that one of my oldest and dearest friends had betrayed me.

It wasn't fair and what's more, it didn't make sense. It wasn't as if I went after Cal right after Kevin and Baby had died. And I had talked with M a lot about how lonely I'd been lately. She had never discouraged me from getting closer to Calvin.

"Why can't she let me be happy?" I whispered aloud to myself.


In the meantime outside....

M hid in the bushes and watched me stomp back into the house. She sighed and sat back, sniffling and brushing the tears from her face. Remembering the look of hurt and betrayal on my face, she felt awful to the pit of her stomach. She'd had no choice, however. The mysterious call she'd received yesterday had contained enough information that she already knew to be true, and she was nearly certain that the facts that had been reported were also true. She couldn't take the chance. She'd rather have me angry and screaming at her than dead.

"It's for her own good..." she reassured herself.


JJL sat next to Reece and tapped her foot thoughtfully.

"Well, it's good you didn't bet." she quipped.

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ok, I havn't been on in a while

I've just read most of this thread - so the pprs are staying in a big house somewhere, the pm has hired some guys to kill them (for a reason we don't know) and artsy and M4L have had an argument about calvin and phunky had a vision about M

and reece and JJL are engaged

that right? or have I left out something important?

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are all the PPRC banning themselves? i feel left out!:roftl:

It was a social statement that Jules and I were making, but I feel my point has been made, so I switched back.:naughty:

ok, I havn't been on in a while

I've just read most of this thread - so the pprs are staying in a big house somewhere, the pm has hired some guys to kill them (for a reason we don't know) and artsy and M4L have had an argument about calvin and phunky had a vision about M

and reece and JJL are engaged

that right? or have I left out something important?

That's the gist of it.:thumb_yello:

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I stormed outside and whirled around, looking for M. The yard was empty. I tried to listen for her, but with her being the one with supernatural hearing, she'd know I was getting close long before I could even hear one of her footsteps. After searching for her a bit more, I looked back at the others standing in the doorway watching. I walked back inside and shut myself up in my room, holding back tears. It wasn't so much that I was upset over Calvin, although I was. It was that one of my oldest and dearest friends had betrayed me.

It wasn't fair and what's more, it didn't make sense. It wasn't as if I went after Cal right after Kevin and Baby had died. And I had talked with M a lot about how lonely I'd been lately. She had never discouraged me from getting closer to Calvin.

"Why can't she let me be happy?" I whispered aloud to myself.


In the meantime outside....

M hid in the bushes and watched me stomp back into the house. She sighed and sat back, sniffling and brushing the tears from her face. Remembering the look of hurt and betrayal on my face, she felt awful to the pit of her stomach. She'd had no choice, however. The mysterious call she'd received yesterday had contained enough information that she already knew to be true, and she was nearly certain that the facts that had been reported were also true. She couldn't take the chance. She'd rather have me angry and screaming at her than dead.

"It's for her own good..." she reassured herself.


JJL sat next to Reece and tapped her foot thoughtfully.

"Well, it's good you didn't bet." she quipped.

I watched closely as a dog came and peed on me.

"EFF!" i screamed as the poodle ran off to go eat another bunny.

I huffed and folded my arms as I saw finn come around the corner jogging briskly.

"FINN." I yelled in a hushed whisper.

He looked around.


"IN here." I called out.

he peeked into the bush.

"Did you wet yourself, hun?"

I narrowed my eyed.

"blame fluffy."

He chuckled.

"Come apologize to Arts, she is your ultimare best friend and i think you may have ruined that."

I started to wheep.

"But some guy called me and.. Oi. fine I'll just..come. But you owe me."

He did grinned and helped me up and we both jogged back to the house.

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I watched closely as a dog came and peed on me.

"EFF!" i screamed as the poodle ran off to go eat another bunny.

I huffed and folded my arms as I saw finn come around the corner jogging briskly.

"FINN." I yelled in a hushed whisper.

He looked around.


"IN here." I called out.

he peeked into the bush.

"Did you wet yourself, hun?"

I narrowed my eyed.

"blame fluffy."

He chuckled.

"Come apologize to Arts, she is your ultimare best friend and i think you may have ruined that."

I started to wheep.

"But some guy called me and.. Oi. fine I'll just..come. But you owe me."

He did grinned and helped me up and we both jogged back to the house.

Artsy sat on her bed. She wiped a dried tear from her cheek and sighed. Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She reached for it and opened it. It was a text from M. She growled and closed her phone. She wasn't ready to talk yet...


"Dangit, Artsy." M snapped as she closed her phone.

"She might need to cool down first." Finn suggested.

"NO, I'm just gonna go see her now!" M shouted and began to go up the stairs when her phone vibrated. She quickly opened it to see, not a message from Artsy, but from someone else. She read the message quickly, her expression darkening. She quickly turned around and ran downstairs. She couldn't face this alone.



"This should do it." a man in a blue coat said, closing his phone.

"What did you tell her?"

"Oh nothing much, just that Harris plans to use the other girl in some deadly ritual...can't wait to see how this all works out..."

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Artsy sat on her bed. She wiped a dried tear from her cheek and sighed. Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She reached for it and opened it. It was a text from M. She growled and closed her phone. She wasn't ready to talk yet...


"Dangit, Artsy." M snapped as she closed her phone.

"She might need to cool down first." Finn suggested.

"NO, I'm just gonna go see her now!" M shouted and began to go up the stairs when her phone vibrated. She quickly opened it to see, not a message from Artsy, but from someone else. She read the message quickly, her expression darkening. She quickly turned around and ran downstairs. She couldn't face this alone.



"This should do it." a man in a blue coat said, closing his phone.

"What did you tell her?"

"Oh nothing much, just that Harris plans to use the other girl in some deadly ritual...can't wait to see how this all works out..."


"So now what?" asked JJL

"I have no idea" replied Reece

"Helpful much?" was the slightly sarcastic reply that came back

"Meh, I'm as lost as you"

"Well I'm going to talk to M she needs some support at the moment" said JJL standing up "Who's coming with me?"

"I'll come" said Mika standing up

"Anyone else?" No one else stood up "Pffft boo to you all, c'mon you"


JJL and Mika ran into M in the hallway

"C'mon M you can come talk to us, you look very preoccupied" said JJL

"You aren't going to yell or scream at me for apparentally betraying Arts are you guys?" asked M

"No of course not, just talk to us explain your side of it all"

"Alright, well.........

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