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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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i was hoping his brother was a little closer to my age. around hmmm....18? five yr age difference, but once i turned 18, i could legally dat his brother, then have an affair with lukas and eventually get married, then move to africa where his brother would hunt us down, but get shot in the head, so we would be safe and move backt o england and party and i could meet mika, and marry luke!


Haha...:lmfao: Oh Phunks, I love your imagination!

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i was hoping his brother was a little closer to my age. around hmmm....18? five yr age difference, but once i turned 18, i could legally dat his brother, then have an affair with lukas and eventually get married, then move to africa where his brother would hunt us down, but get shot in the head, so we would be safe and move backt o england and party and i could meet mika, and marry luke!

:lmfao: What an imagination!

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I blushed, wishing I had a few more clothes on. I glared at M.

"Emmy....darling, you didn't tell me the boys came in." I whispered through gritted teeth, reaching for my turkey robe and slipping it on over my bra and slip. The other girls giggled and the boys all averted their eyes until I got covered up.


In a dark room in the midst of London...

"Why does the PM want them gone?"

"Does it matter? He's paying us well enough for the trouble."

"But they haven't done anything to anyone."

"A conscience doesn't pay the bills, mate."

"But three of them are young children."

"...well, they must have done something to deserve it. Not even the children are blameless."

"It's just not sittin' well with me, this job."

"It doesn't have to sit well with you as long as you do what you're told."


We had been relaxing and unwinding for a week. It felt as if huge loads had been taken off our shoulders, and we were cheerful and easy in eachother's presence. Differences that had been shoved aside could finally be settled, and they had been. However, being the PPRs and therefore danger junkies whether we liked it or not, we were inevitably starting to get bored at this lack of action.

One evening, some of us sat in a circle playing poker with small things we'd found around the mansion. So far, I had a pepper shaker and a china dog. There was a lull in the conversation, and we heard the distinctive sound of a ringtone.

Jack's head turned, and he extricated himself from underneath Lolly, who sighed grumpily. 'That's mine...I thought I got rid of it,' he said, heading off to answer it.

He returned a few moments later with the phone. 'It was in my jeans...I don't know the caller. I guess they must've called the wrong number, cause I told everyone I know that we weren't going to use our phones anymore.' He shrugged, and gently tossed it aside.

'You didn't answer it, did you?' Artsy asked.

Jack shook his head. Artsy frowned at the discarded phone for a moment, but then went back to looking at her hand.

I watched as Jack sat down and Lolly snuggled up to him again, and sighed wistfully. Almost unwittingly, I found my gaze sweeping round the circle to land on Nikolai's face. He really was quite handsome, but he was so serious...all of a sudden, his head snapped up and I found myself staring directly into his eyes.

After a second, I blushed and went back to looking at my cards.


Meanwhile, in London...

'Anything yet?' said an impatient voice.

'Not much. I got a ring out of one of their phones, but there was no answer. I don't suppose we can track it?' Came the reply.

'Unfortunately not, but the fact that it rang could mean something. Obviously, he or she didn't cancel the phone number. It could lead somewhere.'

There was a pause.

Then: 'Do you have those documents I asked for?' said the first voice.

Another pause, smaller this time. A sigh. 'Yeah. Yeah, I did. Although it defnitely doesn't sit well with me. This whole thing is wrong.'

'It's by order of the government. Now, hand the file over.'

A thick manilla folder was passed between two pairs of hands.

There was silence for a moment, broken only by the sound of shuffling papers as the file was flipped through.

'Excellent work,' the first voice said quietly. 'Yes, most excellent. I expect you back here on thursday at the same time.'

'Yes, sir.'

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coughety cough cough COUGH becky, and i didnt know it was artsy'd bday, but she didnt know it was mine either. what a coco! sorry, im acting like a retard tonight!


Yes, yes, I know. It deleted the bit I did yesterday! When we were going inside... I will try and finish it this morning, if not, you're going to have to wait til Tuesday, because I have to update my psychology coursework (one mark from an A soo that means 1 A for Becky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and to finish off my creative writing task for English. Along with revising today for a Maths exam on Monday:thumbdown:

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