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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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I was actually just writing for the sake of writing.:bleh: I wouldn't call her MY character specifically, but if we're using the same set-up as the last epic saga, then I guess she can be mine.


We just did. My post was completely unrelated to the story we'd been writing since '07.:thumb_yello:


Jump on in, if you'd like.:wink2:



Emmeline Chesterfield was experimenting with dangerous chemicals.


It was a rainy sunday afternoon and she was searching for a cure for hiccups. Leopold had a great love of dog biscuits, but every time he ate one, he developed a terrible case of hiccups. Leopold didn't seem to mind, but the sound disturbed Emmeline when she was trying to invent or philosophize or any other sort of activity during which she required absolute silence and intense mental concentration.

Wearing dark goggles and thick rubber gloves, Emmeline sprinkled some yellow powder from a test tube into a beaker of pink chemical solution. A corner of her thin fairy mouth tipped up in satisfaction as the solution bubbled and fizzed, then turned a glowing green, filling every corner of her basement laboratory with a blinding, intense light. Leopold, sitting on her shoulder and munching on a dog biscuit, started at the bright flash of light and began to hiccup violently, burying his head in the hair at Emmeline's nape in fear.


Chester Chesterfield strolled out from his room into the kitchen, looking for a glass of milk. He glanced out the kitchen window and made a tsking sound when he saw the figure perched on a bench on the porch of the house own the street. Candace was out with her binoculars again and if Emmeline saw her, she'd be in a mood for the rest of the day. Hopefully, Candace would be back inside by the time Emmeline came up from the basement. Chester wasn't sure what his sister did in the basement, but he was sure that if he asked, he wouldn't get much in the way of explanations anyway.

A knock on the front door sounded, and Chester jumped in shock. No one ever knocked on his front door. Nobody on Respectable Street went looking for him when he was at home out of fear of encountering his sister. Considered an oddity in his own right, he was still approachable because he went to school and had a couple of friends and didn't ask too many questions about the past, and that, despite refusing to answer or acknowledge any questions about Emmeline, made him a halfway decent member of society. At least he was when he was away from his house and therefore away from his sister.

Another knock sounded. He raised an eyebrow. Could it be that someone on Respectable Street was finally brave enough to come near the house? A traveling salesman from out of town who didn't know any better, more likely. Either way, Emmeline was better at scaring away visitors. He'd call down to her and have her handle it.


Emmeline didn't flinch as the glowing green light got greener and...glowyer. She didn't flinch as its source, the test tube, got too bright to look at. Nor did she flinch when the glass vial shattered explosively and a substance that looked like a liquid but moved like a gas slipped smoothly down the legs of the table and on to the floor. However, when it started to pool into a perfect, slowly rotating circle directly in front of her, she took a step back. The light was getting so intensely bright that she couldn't look at the stuff directly, but had to use her peripheral vision.

Leopold started to levitate. He did not like it one bit. He had never been on anything but solid floor or shoulder.

Emmeline didn't like it one bit either. She gave an indignated cry and, with an accusing look at the stuff, proceeded to snatch at the air in an attempt to get her friend back--but he was just an inch higher than she could reach. He flew across the room, squealing and hiccuping all the way...

When he was directly above the stuff, his levitation came to an end.

He hung suspended for a moment.

His hiccups stopped.

Then he dropped like a stone into the swirling substance and was gone with a small 'plip'.


Chester Chesterfield moved towards the door. When it banged another time, he opened it.

His eyes widened and he slammed it shut again. It wasn't possible. He wasn't allowed here. But it was possible...Emmeline had described him to Chester a hundred times, and told him what to do if he came--although she always reassured Chester that he couldn't come.

Because of this, Chester had never listened to what Emmeline said he should do.


Emmeline screamed with rage and grief. "LEOPOLD!!" She ran towards her accidental creation, but suddenly, there was a blinding flash and she reeled back, her eyes burning.

When her vision cleared, there was no gaseous liquidous pool. Instead, there was someone standing in front of her.

A girl.

She was small, with short brown curls, a pointy nose, dark chocolate eyes, and a smattering of freckles. She had a distinctly rodent-like air.

The girl grinned impishly at Emmeline.

Then she disappeared.

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Emmeline didn't flinch as the glowing green light got greener and...glowyer. She didn't flinch as its source, the test tube, got too bright to look at. Nor did she flinch when the glass vial shattered explosively and a substance that looked like a liquid but moved like a gas slipped smoothly down the legs of the table and on to the floor. However, when it started to pool into a perfect, slowly rotating circle directly in front of her, she took a step back. The light was getting so intensely bright that she couldn't look at the stuff directly, but had to use her peripheral vision.

Leopold started to levitate. He did not like it one bit. He had never been on anything but solid floor or shoulder.

Emmeline didn't like it one bit either. She gave an indignated cry and, with an accusing look at the stuff, proceeded to snatch at the air in an attempt to get her friend back--but he was just an inch higher than she could reach. He flew across the room, squealing and hiccuping all the way...

When he was directly above the stuff, his levitation came to an end.

He hung suspended for a moment.

His hiccups stopped.

Then he dropped like a stone into the swirling substance and was gone with a small 'plip'.


Chester Chesterfield moved towards the door. When it banged another time, he opened it.

His eyes widened and he slammed it shut again. It wasn't possible. He wasn't allowed here. But it was possible...Emmeline had described him to Chester a hundred times, and told him what to do if he came--although she always reassured Chester that he couldn't come.

Because of this, Chester had never listened to what Emmeline said he should do.


Emmeline screamed with rage and grief. "LEOPOLD!!" She ran towards her accidental creation, but suddenly, there was a blinding flash and she reeled back, her eyes burning.

When her vision cleared, there was no gaseous liquidous pool. Instead, there was someone standing in front of her.

A girl.

She was small, with short brown curls, a pointy nose, dark chocolate eyes, and a smattering of freckles. She had a distinctly rodent-like air.

The girl grinned impishly at Emmeline.

Then she disappeared.


Yay! Post! I will write tonight and then do my English H/W. Only 3 lessons and an assembly tomorrow =) How are you all? (because I know you'll all come back to see the brand new post^ :biggrin2: )

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Amelia couldn’t just knock on the door when no one knew who she was. No. She may disagree with this lifestyle but she wasn’t stupid.

So instead, she snuck to the side of the house, noticing through the window, a particularly bright green light. At first, it astounded her, and she suddenly forgot how to breathe. She caught herself, and snapped back to reality as Emmeline cried in anger at the puddle the green had left. Amelia was sure she saw a person appear from the puddle, and disappear as quick as she came, however that would be impossible. Surely? Emmeline seemed to have noticed too, and was rather shocked, before looking upwards, distracted. She didn’t notice Amelia, face almost pressed to the window, and she left the room.

Amelia crept around to the side where the front door was, imagining ways she could get to speak to Emmeline. She doubted Emmeline, as a woman, was able to answer the door. She hated the way women were treated. As idiots. Idiots couldn’t create lights so alluring.

She peeked around the corner, only to see a man at the door. Before Amelia could take in any details, she dived behind the wall in fear of being seen. She weighed up her options - go over, and pretend to be a friend of Emmeline’s, or wait it out, with the possibility of being caught. Hiding would be best - the story would only last until someone reached the door.

She heard the door slam relatively loudly, and assumed the man had entered. However, when she peeped again, he was still standing there, waiting. Again, few details were taken in, terrified she would be caught. Amelia had never had her heart beating so fast before. It was likely to be an eventful evening.

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OMFG. It was practically a novel. And I f*cking closed the window by accident.


I'll just summarise it then...

Candace is spying and sees that the guy in front of the door has flaming red hair, and she recognizes him. She runs back inside, forgetting the binoculars, when he turns and looks at her.


Emmeline comes upstairs to see what the commotion is, and finds Chester hiding. He tells her, "It's him!" and she tells him to get into the basement, stat. After crashing around upstairs briefly she follows him, and starts looking for the handle of a trapdoor to a secret passage when she hears Amelia outside the window. Emmeline smashes the window and tells Amelia that she isn't safe outside and to get in here now.


Meanwhile, Candace screams a warning to her family and opens a secret door in her wall. Desperately trying to save her skin from the redhaired guy, who she is convinced will try to follow her, she runs like a madwoman through the maze of tunnels and then smashes headlong into Emmeline.

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“I thought he died?” The girl beside me asked Emmeline. The small boy, red hair as bright and curly as Emmeline’s, looked very frightened. In fact, even the adults who were with the young girl were scared, while staring at Emmeline, the boy and myself like we were a new species. It was a strange scene - I think we must have been in an old, cleaned out sewer - they didn‘t have drainpipe, or holes in the ground covered by metal. Pipes were just used. It was almost shiny, except grey bricks could never shine. They are too dull.

“Of course not. Where did you get such nonsense?” Emmeline sniffed at the young girl, though looking doubtful. “Probably the stupid rumours you enjoy to spread so much.”

“I don’t spread-”

“I see you, staring at my house, through your binoculars, like it’s your business. Maybe it you stuck to your own business, you wouldn’t be here, and you’d be at home, being as your expected to be. A normal child of society.”

“Maybe if you weren’t so strange, and didn’t light up your home with green, I wouldn’t feel the need to find out.”

“As much as you hate to admit it, you’re just like us. You hate your life. The reason you get involved with other people’s business is because you want answers.” The young boy suddenly said, despite his obvious fear. Emmeline was the most shocked at his outburst.

“Our daughter does not spy.” The man spoke up. He was wearing a suit, and a hat. He had mousy brown hair - the little of which was showing from his hat.

“How did she discover that he was outside our house then?” Emmeline asked. She was trying to keep her temper down.

“She told us - she just happened to glance through the window, did you not, Candace?” The woman, wearing a dress, and looked so much like her daughter, asked.

“Of course, mother.” Candace replied, clearly lying, yet the parents firmly believed her.

“Can someone explain what is going on?” I asked quietly. “Why are we hidden here?”

“That man - he is a our father.” Emmeline explained. “To say he caused trouble would be an understatement. I’ll explain another time.”

And so we sat in a awkward silence, waiting, waiting, until we heard the creak of a trapdoor.


Not much but beeter than nowt :biggrin2:

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Understandingwise, basically its years and years in the future, and we seem to have retreacted in time. Ladylikeness, suits and long dresses are expected. You comply with the rules. There is no 'against' to these rules. No one likes the outcasts, especially not the ones protesting, somewhere the normal people don't take much notice of. Amelia doesn't like this place, Emmeline and Chester just acceot thats the way other people are, and Candace, you character, is a little too curious to be normal. And now this dude had turned up, and there panic. A bit easier, or not really? =)

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