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So it seems things are changing for him...


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I Oh yes... how gorgeous is Hammond???


If that's the case Aaurora, I must ba a bloke too...


Poor bugger... we not long saw the footage of the accident... like maybe 1 month ago...


in places where he's not as popular (like the US, Canada and Oz for example), we still would have smaller venues...


I love your multi-quoting :wub2: And the fact that you think Hammond is gorgeous ooooooh yay :wub2: :wub2: His crash actually happened september 06 but bloody SBS is a YEAR LATE with their new eps of TG!


You mentioned that in Oz Mika is less popular and that we would get a smaller venue - I think this is very true. So we still may get the opportunity of a seeing-to out the back after the show! By seeing-to, I mean meet and greet and photo-op :naughty:

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This is not meant to be directed at only one person, but again and again around the forum I keep reading that certain people "deserve" to meet Mika. This is way off base. Just because you've won a contest, have been a member for over a year, or have spent all your waking hours on the MFC devotedly keeping up with breaking news doesn't necessitate your meeting Mika. Just because some people were very generously provided with refreshments while in line at one show doesn't mean that you deserve to be given equal treatment or reimbursed by his management. The fact that some people have developed such a sense of entitlement is pompous, delusional, and it just makes me feel really peeved. This is not limited to things Mika-related... in general I hate it when any sort of elitism is exhibited on such baseless reasoning. :doh:


I don't intend to step on anyone's toes, but I do agree (particularly the bolded part). I have this belief when it comes to all bands that I like (not just Mika). Fans are all capable of creating a sense of entitlement and elitism...and that can be frustrating. All fans are equal....IMO...

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By the way, I'd just like to say that I don't entirely disagree with Mel--it's not like I'm saying that no one's allowed to feel sad at the passing of the intimate gigs, and I totally get the nostalgia and sometimes the feeling of bittersweetness. I don't feel bittersweet, even if I do very much feel nostalgic at times, but I mean, I expected this and I want him to be even more popular and I fully expect what else that may bring. But I understand that others may have a bit of a shellshock at how fast his career has taken off.


My issue was with the, well, the sometimes-expressed feeling of entitlement. Like here:


It's like a mother or a baby sister watching a sibling or a son go off to college... You're happy that they're moving on but you hope they call once and a while or remember the times you shared.


I agree with this 100% until we get to the "you hope they call once in a while" thing. Yes, it is kind of like watching someone leave for better and greater things, knowing that it's what you wanted for them all along. But even though we've supported him in his career and were part of building his success, we are still not the ones responsible for it. We deserve some recognition perhaps, but we are not his parents. He, honestly, has absolutely no responsibility to call us or whatnot.


That said, I know you probably just mis-used word "backfired" Melanie, and you didn't mean it like that, and so my last post was just to illustrate why some people were jumping on that. But on a forum words are all we have, so perhaps you need to be a bit more careful with them if you already feel people are going to misunderstand you--it's not their fault if they read exactly what you've written but you've just decided to use words differently from what they actually mean.


Or else you could add a disclaimer: "words in this post are used separate from their definition." :naughty: For instance, when I said "entitlement" above, I actually meant it in the sense of "carrots," not what it means in the dictionary. :wink2:


I would just also like to add that I see nothing wrong with saying some fans "deserve" to meet Mika. In this case I think it's an obviously loose and somewhat hyperbolic use of the word. For one thing, it doesn't mean that anyone else doesn't deserve to meet him. But people who've been going to his gigs basically ever since he started to rise in fame, people who've participated in his contests, who've been here all this time, etc, and still have not met him... well, it's definitely like they missed the chance everyone else gets, isn't it? If you generally have a 70-80% of meeting Mika (90% in the states, apparently), then these people have consistently been in the 20%, and simply in terms of odds, there's nothing wrong with saying that it's about time their luck turned.


It still doesn't mean that Mika's obligated to meet them or anything, it's just a way of expressing sympathy and well-wishes. And even if he's not obligated, we do know that Mika has, at times, specifically tried to meet with longtime fans who were previously unable to meet him, so nothing wrong with saying you hope that happens for them because they qualify in that category.




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By the way, I'd just like to say that I don't entirely disagree with Mel--it's not like I'm saying that no one's allowed to feel sad at the passing of the intimate gigs, and I totally get the nostalgia and sometimes the feeling of bittersweetness. I don't feel bittersweet, even if I do very much feel nostalgic at times, but I mean, I expected this and I want him to be even more popular and I fully expect what else that may bring. But I understand that others may have a bit of a shellshock at how fast his career has taken off.


My issue was with the, well, the sometimes-expressed feeling of entitlement. Like here:




I agree with this 100% until we get to the "you hope they call once in a while" thing. Yes, it is kind of like watching someone leave for better and greater things, knowing that it's what you wanted for them all along. But even though we've supported him in his career and were part of building his success, we are still not the ones responsible for it. We deserve some recognition perhaps, but we are not his parents. He, honestly, has absolutely no responsibility to call us or whatnot.


That said, I know you probably just mis-used word "backfired" Melanie, and you didn't mean it like that, and so my last post was just to illustrate why some people were jumping on that. But on a forum words are all we have, so perhaps you need to be a bit more careful with them if you already feel people are going to misunderstand you--it's not their fault if they read exactly what you've written but you've just decided to use words differently from what they actually mean.


Or else you could add a disclaimer: "words in this post are used separate from their definition." :naughty: For instance, when I said "entitlement" above, I actually meant it in the sense of "carrots," not what it means in the dictionary. :wink2:


I would just also like to add that I see nothing wrong with saying some fans "deserve" to meet Mika. In this case I think it's an obviously loose and somewhat hyperbolic use of the word. For one thing, it doesn't mean that anyone else doesn't deserve to meet him. But people who've been going to his gigs basically ever since he started to rise in fame, people who've participated in his contests, who've been here all this time, etc, and still have not met him... well, it's definitely like they missed the chance everyone else gets, isn't it? If you generally have a 70-80% of meeting Mika (90% in the states, apparently), then these people have consistently been in the 20%, and simply in terms of odds, there's nothing wrong with saying that it's about time their luck turned.


It still doesn't mean that Mika's obligated to meet them or anything, it's just a way of expressing sympathy and well-wishes. And even if he's not obligated, we do know that Mika has, at times, specifically tried to meet with longtime fans who were previously unable to meet him, so nothing wrong with saying you hope that happens for them because they qualify in that category.





I get what you're saying but I didn't think as much into it as you did. I don't feel any sort of entitlement to anything... but, there's a certain sense of an entitlement to feeling a certain way... I don't think Mika should feel obligated to meet with the fans...if he goes out, great..it'll be something that he wants.


The analogy (or whatever you call it lol) wasn't meant to be taken literally...I don't think we should consider ourselves like family.... because I don't of course:roftl: I was just trying to capture a feeling.

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I'm thrilled with his success, his immense success.

BUT, it is bittersweet. As most have predicted, it has become more and more difficult to meet with him after shows. It has become even more difficult to even catch quick glances of him. His management has been setting boundaries (which is good if done in a nice way) and limited meet and greets to just that, something short and sweet (God Willing)


It's lucky to meet him, but it doesn't happen for most people... I understand looking at a line of 200 people is scary and could be annoying...


But in all honesty, this makes me sad. I never wanted to believe that Mika could be capable of shunning his fans, and I still don't believe it. BUT, has the big time changed him for good?


It always seems as though he doesn't do what he does for the respect of the music industry... He has always said that it is for him, that making music makes him happy.


Well he could have sang his songs and played his piano in his basement for the rest of his life...so obviously he wanted the fame.


If you think about it, it is a beautiful sacrifice on our part. For a year now, we've all assisted in passing on the word about this talented guy...WE are responsible for his success because we buy his albums and spread the "mika love." Now that we've done that, now that he's sold out all of these shows because of us it's almost as if we are saying goodbye to an era of our lives.


The sweetness outweighs the bitterness because Mika is happy and successful, getting what he deserves.


Never forget that we were the first to love him, the first to profess that love in THIS INSANE, BUT WONDERFUL WAY.


Tonight was one of those nights when things were on my mind after reading the reports... I went to start a thread and the words just flowed. Please, no fighting:blush-anim-cl:


Can you relate?

I know what you mean!!!

Probably next time he comes to the US; it would be impossible to meet him!!!

Based on the last night reports; his management is setting limitations like you previously mentioned.

But to be very honest with you Melanie, I met MIKA at the Philly show. There were around 200 people waiting for him and JOHN came out and told us that MIKA would NOT be signing anything or taking pictures. When some of the people heard that; around half the crowd left!!

MIKA came out and he took a few pics with some people. I didn't care about getting something sign or even a picture with him. Like he told me back at the GMA: "your heart is the best place to keep a memory" Just by looking at my reaction; he knew I had so much admiration and love for him!!

At the philly show, I felt closer to him than ever!!!

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By the way, I'd just like to say that I don't entirely disagree with Mel--it's not like I'm saying that no one's allowed to feel sad at the passing of the intimate gigs, and I totally get the nostalgia and sometimes the feeling of bittersweetness. I don't feel bittersweet, even if I do very much feel nostalgic at times, but I mean, I expected this and I want him to be even more popular and I fully expect what else that may bring. But I understand that others may have a bit of a shellshock at how fast his career has taken off.


My issue was with the, well, the sometimes-expressed feeling of entitlement. Like here:




I agree with this 100% until we get to the "you hope they call once in a while" thing. Yes, it is kind of like watching someone leave for better and greater things, knowing that it's what you wanted for them all along. But even though we've supported him in his career and were part of building his success, we are still not the ones responsible for it. We deserve some recognition perhaps, but we are not his parents. He, honestly, has absolutely no responsibility to call us or whatnot.


That said, I know you probably just mis-used word "backfired" Melanie, and you didn't mean it like that, and so my last post was just to illustrate why some people were jumping on that. But on a forum words are all we have, so perhaps you need to be a bit more careful with them if you already feel people are going to misunderstand you--it's not their fault if they read exactly what you've written but you've just decided to use words differently from what they actually mean.


Or else you could add a disclaimer: "words in this post are used separate from their definition." :naughty: For instance, when I said "entitlement" above, I actually meant it in the sense of "carrots," not what it means in the dictionary. :wink2:


I would just also like to add that I see nothing wrong with saying some fans "deserve" to meet Mika. In this case I think it's an obviously loose and somewhat hyperbolic use of the word. For one thing, it doesn't mean that anyone else doesn't deserve to meet him. But people who've been going to his gigs basically ever since he started to rise in fame, people who've participated in his contests, who've been here all this time, etc, and still have not met him... well, it's definitely like they missed the chance everyone else gets, isn't it? If you generally have a 70-80% of meeting Mika (90% in the states, apparently), then these people have consistently been in the 20%, and simply in terms of odds, there's nothing wrong with saying that it's about time their luck turned.


It still doesn't mean that Mika's obligated to meet them or anything, it's just a way of expressing sympathy and well-wishes. And even if he's not obligated, we do know that Mika has, at times, specifically tried to meet with longtime fans who were previously unable to meet him, so nothing wrong with saying you hope that happens for them because they qualify in that category.





Well, sticking with the theme of paying attention to words' conventional definitions, I still don't think anyone "deserves" to meet Mika. Sure, it'd be nice for them if they got to meet Mika because they have a desire to do so or have unfortunately missed out on past opportunities, but it doesn't mean that they should be entitled to a visit with him anymore than the next fan who may've just discovered Mika that week. A caste system of fans is just appalling. And it may not seem fair that certain people have been fortunate enough to meet him several times or newer fans have met him (while there are some ones from the beginning who haven't had the opportunity to see Mika live yet), but that's just the way things happen sometimes. There's nothing wrong with saying that it'd be cool for so-and-so to get to meet ____ because so-and-so made ____ a very special gift or travelled from far away, but doing those things still doesn't make them deserve it.



to have earned as a right by one's actions; to be worthy of


A hungry child deserves to be fed. A professor who's devoted his life to teaching deserves to be recognized. A fan doesn't deserve to meet their favorite musician. It would be nice if a fan got a chance to meet them, but if they don't... c'est la vie. There's nothing wrong with temporarily feeling frustrated about that either and being annoyed with others for always having such luck in the meeting department (hey, we're human :bleh:) but one just has to let it go eventually. And perhaps someday when one least expects it, they'll get the chance anyway.


Anyway, I'm sorry to pick at minutiae like that but certain words used in a certain context press my buttons. I'm also struggling trying to put into words what I really mean without sounding redundant, but oh well. I hope you know what I mean. (I suppose I just don't like that word in most cases... "deserve"...dirty word :roftl:)

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Well then by your definition you don't believe any fan is worthy of meeting mica?


Sorry to pick at minutiae but some ideas expressed in any context push my buttons. lol


I always thought being worthy of something was to be worthy of an item and I don't really think of Mika as some item that people can be worthy of :bleh: I'm probably wrong..

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to have earned as a right by one's actions; to be worthy of


A hungry child deserves to be fed. A professor who's devoted his life to teaching deserves to be recognized. A fan doesn't deserve to meet their favorite musician.


Actually by your definition I don't see why a hungry child deserves to be fed, either. What have they done to earn it?


If anything the fans who have supported Mika nonstop from the start have more of a claim to the idea of "earning as a right by one's actions" since there is actually some action involved.




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Well, sticking with the theme of paying attention to words' conventional definitions, I still don't think anyone "deserves" to meet Mika. Sure, it'd be nice for them if they got to meet Mika because they have a desire to do so or have unfortunately missed out on past opportunities, but it doesn't mean that they should be entitled to a visit with him anymore than the next fan who may've just discovered Mika that week. A caste system of fans is just appalling. And it may not seem fair that certain people have been fortunate enough to meet him several times or newer fans have met him (while there are some ones from the beginning who haven't had the opportunity to see Mika live yet), but that's just the way things happen sometimes. There's nothing wrong with saying that it'd be cool for so-and-so to get to meet ____ because so-and-so made ____ a very special gift or travelled from far away, but doing those things still doesn't make them deserve it.



to have earned as a right by one's actions; to be worthy of


A hungry child deserves to be fed. A professor who's devoted his life to teaching deserves to be recognized. A fan doesn't deserve to meet their favorite musician. It would be nice if a fan got a chance to meet them, but if they don't... c'est la vie. There's nothing wrong with temporarily feeling frustrated about that either and being annoyed with others for always having such luck in the meeting department (hey, we're human :bleh:) but one just has to let it go eventually. And perhaps someday when one least expects it, they'll get the chance anyway.


Anyway, I'm sorry to pick at minutiae like that but certain words used in a certain context press my buttons. I'm also struggling trying to put into words what I really mean without sounding redundant, but oh well. I hope you know what I mean. (I suppose I just don't like that word in most cases... "deserve"...dirty word :roftl:)






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Nono, I have always felt that people, by default, are worthy of anything, everything, until they act in a way that makes them undeserving. Worth has always seemed like to human rights, to me. We are born or created equal. We are born or created worthy. To say we aren't makes it seem like Mica is this God that we are fortunate to be in the mere presence of. Don't get me wrong, I think he is brilliant, but I reject the notion that we are lesser beings that must work to simply be deserving of his company.


I wasn't disagreeing with you....*is confused* haha

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Wtf is going on? :blink:


Lets just put it this way.


You've just got to be there at the right place and right time and maybe you'll get lucky and meet him. It might not happen the first time around or maybe even the fifth. Heck it might not even happen at all. It just all stems from what I said before, just being there at the right place and at the right time.


I'm not sure what my feelings are on people "deserving" to meet him. I kind of just look at it like if you get to meet him it's the icing on the cake of a fantastic night.


Yes I'm all for people getting a chance to meet someone that they look up to, I'm just not sure of the word deserve. It kind of makes it feel like other people deserve to meet him more than others. I think we're pretty much all equal and in the same boat. :thumb_yello:

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I don't really have the time to read through this whole thread, but I've read some things lately that have made me think..

Yes, I'm selfish and I want to meet Mika as much as possible and I want to have a "moment" with him, who doesn't?

and it may sound hypocritical because I have had the privilege of meeting Mika, however I'm beginning to think that we're expecting too much from him. We all knew in the back of our heads that it would just be a matter of time before the meet and greets would come to an end, and I guess it seemed to come suddenly to some...

We can't expect him to be everywhere and to please everyone. He's one person. I think we all have to be a bit more understanding..I'm sure it gets rather tiring rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing, planning everything, trying to make sure things run smoothly, stress, performing, running around, singing. He's got to be exhausted at the end of the day, and going outside to see 200 people waiting for him to come out for the chance of meeting him when he probably just wants to go home and sleep, and having to wake up the next day to do the same thing all over, probably isn't fun. When I'm exhausted and have had a busy day, the last thing I want to do is talk to a bunch of people. I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep.

I think we all have to stop expecting so much from him and be more grateful with the moments we do get.

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Actually by your definition I don't see why a hungry child deserves to be fed, either. What have they done to earn it?


If anything the fans who have supported Mika nonstop from the start have more of a claim to the idea of "earning as a right by one's actions" since there is actually some action involved.





But it's all relative. Not getting to meet Mika isn't life-threatening and it's not a life necessity. Without food, you die.


And this is just my opinion. Others are allowed to think differently but that won't keep me from vocalizing how I feel about something, even if others find it stupid or want to mock the way I present my viewpoint.

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Actually by your definition I don't see why a hungry child deserves to be fed, either. What have they done to earn it?


If anything the fans who have supported Mika nonstop from the start have more of a claim to the idea of "earning as a right by one's actions" since there is actually some action involved.





You don't earn anything for being a fan no matter what you do or how long you've been a fan in my opinion. :bleh:

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