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Awww my mommy's putting a pic of MIKA on by birthday cake


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She wants to know which one I want... I know the obvious would be the one I took with him:wub2:

BUT I don't know... besides that one does anyone have any suggestions????




I would definitely go for the one you took with him, because it's unique and a very lovely pic!

I bet it's going to be the most delicious birthdaycake ever:naughty: :wink2:

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...what about a collage of photos?


the one with him in the center...and around other small pics of mika...


sorry maybe it's a stupid idea...but i think it's the best way to have different photos...:wink2:


yeah, I was thinking about that!

I just might do it:mf_lustslow:

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my mum'll make me pick out a picture and it will be of him topless drumming on the drums












:lmao: And my realtives will be like :shocked: And i'll be like :original: Yum!





Please do it! And film it! Seriously, you'd be my hero:thumb_yello:

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You must be excited to be turning 18 Mel! It was an exciting time for us. A collage of photos would be great that way you would have many photos of Mika.:wub2: :wub2: Would love to see the cake when it is all done. Will have to remember to suggest to everyone on our birthday July 20th about putting Mika on our cake. We'll be turning 22.


That is so neat that she is doing that for you. How sweet.

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She wants to know which one I want... I know the obvious would be the one I took with him:wub2:

BUT I don't know... besides that one does anyone have any suggestions????





I think you should should go with a shirtless pic, just to see the reaction from your family and friends... LOL Something like this: :shocked:


Must see pics of the "final product" before you cut it to bits and eat it with a big grin on your face... :naughty: LOL

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She wants to know which one I want... I know the obvious would be the one I took with him:wub2:

BUT I don't know... besides that one does anyone have any suggestions????




awww..dats just so sweet!i tried asking my mom,but she said no :sneaky2:

put the cutest pic of him,and when u eat the cake,it's like "he's so cute,ur eating him up!" :roftl:


dun 4get 2 post the pic of the cake here ok.:wink2:

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could u really eat the cake with him on it tho...i wouldnt wanna cut him :P


mhm...I was just thinking the same thing...:roftl:


awww..dats just so sweet!i tried asking my mom,but she said no :sneaky2:

put the cutest pic of him,and when u eat the cake,it's like "he's so cute,ur eating him up!" :roftl:

dun 4get 2 post the pic of the cake here ok.:wink2:


:roftl: :roftl:

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THANKS GUYS! My cake will be at my party on saturday:mf_lustslow:


Today I walked into school, went to my locker and who do I see??????




My friend Beth was so sweet and put up a big sign with "Happy Birthday Melanie" and a picture of Audrey Hepburn and MIKA:wub2:


soooo lovely!

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