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The Australian Thread: Part Eleven

Rainbow Sky

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Soy, you should never have listed those post count numbers from the previous Aussie Thread.


This one is going to get filled with nothingness now.




:shocked::sneaky2: ....shouldn't you be studying young lady?


Studying? But-but ... what's that? :shocked:

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LOL!! Yeah, it's my favorite video. I laugh all over every time I watch it. It's like being there again. That was such a fantastic night. I can't beleive it's been so long now. :(


:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:




That is fantastic! I only saw a really crappy video of just the "wrong note" bit before. This one is awesome! You are fantastic! I'm super jealous :wub2:


*goes to watch again*

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LOL!! Yeah, it's my favorite video. I laugh all over every time I watch it. It's like being there again. That was such a fantastic night. I can't beleive it's been so long now.


:wub2::punk: I love it. I love who ever invented videos :roftl:


*saves your youtube to look at the rest later*


My computer just threw a spaz and closed al my windows :tears:

And don't anyone say it is a sign for me to get lost and start studying, because it happened exactly as I started typing the school url in to START studying :sneaky2:

But I need to study all the same, so I am going to go now anyway :wink2:



EURGH! There is tomato sauce all over my laptop charger cord :boxed:

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Right, I want to know which one of you guys gave me this damn cold.


I feel like absolute ****.


Glas to see we are official and that I have missed out on all the action today

Wasn't me unless you have tonsilitis








I know how you can hide on invisible and not be found...

It's called not posting *zhhz*






I'll have to try that sometime



Anyways see you when you get back teegs

LOL - on late news just now - they were talking about what a fabulous song writer john williams is for writing a song that got a frog to number 1 (rainbow connection - kermit).


... I wouldn't call getting a frog to number 1 a fantastic amazing acheivement.


*shudders at the thought of crazy frog*


*shudders as well*

I officially am dropping out of the postwhoring competition. OD, you have to kick Soy's butt.:naughty:





Bye Arts.. you better be on msn sometimes....


And I wasn't even competing

Hardest :fisch:

(Which ever sneaky tactics that entails ...)

(Lol, I had to use the :fisch:'s because the posts were too short :sneaky2:)




Soy, you should never have listed those post count numbers from the previous Aussie Thread.


This one is going to get filled with nothingness now.


I noticed.



And I just want to point out to OD that none of my posts involved pointless post whoring just to win....


I wasn't even competing



So as a rule... to the 'unoffical' competition, anyone who does pointless postwhores delibaretly to win is disqualifed :newyear::cool:


(beause no one wants to read pages of nothingess... we have standards :newyear:)


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...also because I just watched a fricking fantastic Everybody's Talking...

... no idea why I never watched all these SLC videos...

... *favourites them all* ... :wub2:

... must get to that studying.


*wouldnt be mika would it *



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Aha, you're always there :roftl:




:blush-anim-cl: Haha .... technically speaking OKD , 'tis not true .... I'm not usually on between 3am & 3pm EST ..... :wink2::naughty::roftl:


Oh & loved reading all your 'nothing' ... in fact, it was the most entertaining 'nothing' that I've read in ages !!! :lmfao:

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Haha .... technically speaking OKD , 'tis not true .... I'm not usually on between 3am & 3pm EST .....


Oh & loved reading all your 'nothing' ... in fact, it was the most entertaining 'nothing' that I've read in ages !!!



Okay, you're always here really late :wink2::roftl:


:roftl: Nothing is entertaining? :blink: *smug look* :roftl:

Not my fault no one else gets up pre-noon *hmph*


Oh & Hello Everyone !!



(But I'm not here :wink2: I'm "studying")

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Hello aussies/non-aussies! :punk:

Hows it going?


It's raining right now....


Finally...less than perfect weather for you...


I was going to say.."Wow, it's raining here too" and then, I realized who I was talking to.




Here it is! http://www.myspace.com/cheryl_ann_tweedy


Pop on there and say "Hows Ashley? He banged any other women in nightclubs lately?"


OK, you know what? Never mind. Anyone who has their Myspace background plastered with pictures of THEMSELF in a bikini just isn't worth my time.



Just popping in just in case if I don't get to say bye in the morning.


See you all most likely in the next thread.





Ahhh, so today I went to the talky thing from ISV (intl student volunteers) and I so seriously want to go. I went to their talk last year as well, but this time I filled in the application form and everything. :shocked: Am I crazy? God damn, those people talk in such in exciting way I can't help it. I hope I don't sound like a fool talking about this, at least someone else should've experienced these crazily enthusiastic recruiters at some point at uni? I wanna go to Costa Riiicaaaaaaaa :tears: But I *also* want to go to Holland in July ... Miiikkaaaaa ... but ... Costa Riiiicccaaaaaa!







Kelz is going to have a c*ck-sucking cowboy on Bec's behalf.


Excuse me??


6,000 posts. :yay:


Woot! Congrats!


WOOT ! Sold some tix on ebay ... WOOT ... YAY !:wub2:


At below half price ... lost a grand ... still ... better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick ....... :naughty: :wink:


You lost...$1000??!


OMG... slacker...






Go and watch RHPS 50 times! Go on!








Shall we make a petition about it?






I will be MQing it all.


I look forward to it.


Oh, that's gotta hurt....


I am still (barely!) awake, might post some yummy pictures of Adam Levine on here to keep me awake....


*SQUEES at pictures*



A present from Laurel (and me)


Sweet dreams


*DIES at picture*


That one gets me..every...single...time.


I officially am dropping out of the postwhoring competition. OD, you have to kick Soy's butt.:naughty:




But...You can't leave me with....the GRANDPARENTS???!!!


*tries to reach page 125, and snatch away the top post from SD*


*laughs cause you failed*


*then notices there's a whole page of OD*



Here you go!





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