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The Australian Thread: Part Eleven

Rainbow Sky

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On my version of Audacity, I set it to Stereo Mix, adjust the volume controls and let it record off the sound card.. You might have a newer or older version that looks and functions slightly different.. but, either way, it's perfect for mp3 ripping..


I'll wander over to the LICM thread and check out the question.


Creative recorder might have a way of setting it to save to mp3.. But I've never used it.. This site mentions using Creative Playcentre to convert your wav's to mp3's. Do you have that?



Yes, we have Creative Playcentre, but I've never used it for anything. Hubby's the techy one so I don't usually know how to do anything much. Actually getting into Mika, I'm developing a whole new skill set:naughty:


Oh and thanks for any advice you can give on the fan cd thread.

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Hello everyone *waves*,


I am verra looking forward to hearing Tegan's reports from Bundanoon when she returns home. :D We were planning on going together this year, but in the end I wasna able to get time off work. :thumbdown: Anyways, Teegs rang me yesterday and let me listen to one of the pipe bands playing a song (it sounded fantastic, by the way :biggrin2: ). It was verra cool. I trust she got some lovely pics of men in kilts... :mf_boff:


Until then....

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Hi guys!


Thanks for all the techie stuff re converting files, I normally use keepvid and then convert them using the flv to avi converter but it doesn't always work brilliantly.


Don't know if my ABC2 is 2 hours behind everyone else but there is a live INXS show on there now for the fans out there.....


And I agree with you CD re chocolate- I can't go past Cadbury's- my mum learnt early on that she was better of just buying me blocks of choc for Easter- esp Snack. I do howver like thel indt with the orange filling- could eat that all day, and Red Tulip (Easter eggs only are yummy!) I can't stand povo choc!

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Oh, a question- does anyone have a good mp3 splitter (free of course!) I had one but it was only the trial version and the copy I downloaded off one of the torrent sites didn't work. I use my phone as an mp3 player and my ringtones at the moment suck cause the start of the songs I have on there at the mom take too long to get exciting......

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Yes, we have Creative Playcentre, but I've never used it for anything. Hubby's the techy one so I don't usually know how to do anything much. Actually getting into Mika, I'm developing a whole new skill set:naughty:


Oh and thanks for any advice you can give on the fan cd thread.

Well, from what I read on that page you need to:

  1. Right click the file you want to convert
  2. Click "Make wav into mp3" or something like that..

I found this free wav to mp3 converter

It's only 11mb to download and it's free.

When installing, untick the "Install Pando email" box.. it's on the second page when you run setup. It says some functions on the converter won't work, but I just tested a 1minute wav file and didn't see any problems. So there's another option.. I thought I'd post it in case anyone else here wanted it too. :thumb_yello:


Hello everyone *waves*,


I am verra looking forward to hearing Tegan's reports from Bundanoon when she returns home. :D We were planning on going together this year, but in the end I wasna able to get time off work. :thumbdown: Anyways, Teegs rang me yesterday and let me listen to one of the pipe bands playing a song (it sounded fantastic, by the way ). It was verra cool. I trust she got some lovely pics of men in kilts... :mf_boff:


Until then....

Heya Sliz!!! :punk:

How's your bed?? :das:

Missing Teegs too.. Hope she's having a good time!

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Hi guys!


Thanks for all the techie stuff re converting files, I normally use keepvid and then convert them using the flv to avi converter but it doesn't always work brilliantly.


Don't know if my ABC2 is 2 hours behind everyone else but there is a live INXS show on there now for the fans out there.....


And I agree with you CD re chocolate- I can't go past Cadbury's- my mum learnt early on that she was better of just buying me blocks of choc for Easter- esp Snack. I do howver like thel indt with the orange filling- could eat that all day, and Red Tulip (Easter eggs only are yummy!) I can't stand povo choc!


Oooh thanks Jolene! Suicide Blonde is playing as we speak. *grooves in the computer chair before moving away to attend to children*

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Oh, a question- does anyone have a good mp3 splitter (free of course!) I had one but it was only the trial version and the copy I downloaded off one of the torrent sites didn't work. I use my phone as an mp3 player and my ringtones at the moment suck cause the start of the songs I have on there at the mom take too long to get exciting......

Get Audacity :thumb_yello:


Want me to email it to you?


EDIT: I found the link : Audacity 1.2.6

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Yes, we have Creative Playcentre, but I've never used it for anything. Hubby's the techy one so I don't usually know how to do anything much. Actually getting into Mika, I'm developing a whole new skill set:naughty:


Oh and thanks for any advice you can give on the fan cd thread.


hey chickadee, my post has nothing to do with yours i just read ur reply to one of mine ages ago so am replying to this one


um yeh im still around occasionally i found i had nothing to contribute to most conversations and the longer i stayed away the less i knew what was going on, but now i am unemployed and "a lady of leisure" i will most likely be back on here a lot more, untill i run outta money and have to live on the street and have no internet


how have you been? and what real life things have kept you from us?? (nothing bad i hope)

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It's really raining or are you just joking?:blink:


No for real! Not anymore. Nice and sunny now, but it was bucketing down for a few hours right after you made that post! :lmao:


OOOH YES...that reminds me. We saw a she-turtle laying her eggs!! It was so special...it was really late at night, and the moon was up, and we had to be really really quiet...it's so sad, though, cause turtle eggs are always being poached over there and now they're endangered...


Oh awesome! Yeah, there are a bunch of projects to choose from, and one of them is going along the beach and collecting eggs after the turtles lay them, bringing them back to incubate and hatch them, and then bringing the baby turtles back to the beach and guidng them to the water! :wub2: :wub2:


Don't worry, I'll be giving him a big slap myself tomorrow :naughty: The same *cough*expert*cough told me you couldn't burn CD's from i-Tunes that would play on CD players....I figured out how to do that all by myself and I'll bet you're surprised to hear that


Wow - well done! :wink2::shocked:

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Form for New or Existing Tax File Number....and I think with Centrelink you have to call them but make sure you've got something to do because you'll be on there all day!




Thanks! :wub2:

Damn, that is going to take *ages*! I was meant to hand it in yesterday :shocked:


yeah opshop ladies are awesome. She would have been in her fifties...........i havent shown anyone a pic of my shirt yet! I have to get the photos off my mates camera! But i will show you :P

But im disappointed, i got the wrong kind of fabric for the iron on transfer....it didnt turn out the way i wanted it to, but still, its got Mika on it so it doesnt matter!


Haha! That is so fantastic! So this op shop lady and your uncle norm, both totally into Mika :punk:

Hurry! I wanna see!


Ohh my mate and i have made another movie.......its dodgy i know, but still, fun to make :P



And we have faster internet now, so the Leave Mika Alone video has been submitted hehe


Haha! Awesome! So much fun :thumb_yello:



They released a movie last year that is based on the old Anglo-Saxon epic hero poem, Beowulf. How true to the original it is I don't know. You can look it up on Wiki, there's an outline of the story there, but I didn't re-read it, I just double checked that it was actually a poem like I thought. Actually, Tolkein was very interested in Beowulf. But I only found that out about 8 years ago.


Ohhh, okay. Hmm, might have to look it up (to be read: download it)


Actually, you can be disappointed by chocolate. I'm a real Cadbury girl. My husband is a Lindt man. I really don't like Lindt. Or most of the more expensive chocolate makers actually. I don't like "cheap", just Cadbury. Some Nestle. Red Tulip in a pinch. Pink Lady if I'm desperate. Anyway, my parents buy Lindt for my hubby, but they also tend to buy Lindt or expensive chocolates for me. I know they think they are doing something nice, and I should just be damn grateful for any chocolate I receive, but I can't help it, I like what I like. And so I am usually disappointed on my birthday or at Christmas by a beautiful box of expensive chocolates that i won't enjoy half as much as a couple of blocks of Cadbury. But I wouldn't dare tell my mother. To start with, I'm a little ashamed of having such plebian tastes, but also, I was brought up with the mindset of you don't complain, you're just grateful for what you get given and accept it graciously and if you have an issue with it, you deal with it yourself later.

Actually, my husband gave me Lindt at Easter. He knows I don't like Lindt. He also gave me Cadbury so that was ok, but I did a trade with my daughter for some of her Cadbury and hubby will never have to know and she and I are both happy and it's all good.


I don't particularly, mind, but I if we're going by price-quantity, I would much prefer several blocks of cadbury than a few measly pieces of lindt or something :roftl:


Just thought I would say I have just woken up and it's 4am (Going back to bed after this, I woke up hungry and had some toast) It's snowing like hell so I took a few pictures.... YAY!!! I am so excited... I know it is sad...


Yay! Snow!


It snows here occasionally, (like once a year) but never enough to settle. But I vaguely remember having snowball fights as a kid, although I might have only been 2 or 3 years old so it doesn't seem like a real memory.


LOL! I love those kinds of memories :roftl:


Don't know if my ABC2 is 2 hours behind everyone else but there is a live INXS show on there now for the fans out there.....


ABC2 is so confusing and weird. My friend (who is like 10 minutes down the road) gets everything on abc2 like 2 hours earlier than me :blink: wtf?

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Thanks! :wub2:

Damn, that is going to take *ages*! I was meant to hand it in yesterday :shocked:


Is it just me, or do you always leave things until the last possible minute:wink2:


I Hate Day Light Savings


*agrees 100%*....is not natural:thumb_yello:

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I Hate Day Light Savings


I looooovvvvveeeeeeee DLS- it feels so cold and dark without it :cool:


Having said which it is heaps easier to put the kids to bed at night, unfortunately I fall asleep straight after them too!


Thanks Kelz, am checking out Audacity now :wub2:

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I looooovvvvveeeeeeee DLS- it feels so cold and dark without it :cool:


Having said which it is heaps easier to put the kids to bed at night, unfortunately I fall asleep straight after them too!


Thanks Kelz, am checking out Audacity now :wub2:



im dreading going to work tommorow 15 toddlers god i hope there in a good mood

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im dreading going to work tommorow 15 toddlers god i hope there in a good mood


Toddlers- good mood? Never gonna happen unless you give them lots of drugs :roftl:


I just read the bulletin from FD on myspace- he says late next week :boxed:


Oh, I also had someone request me to be their friend- Darren Hayes :blink:



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Toddlers- good mood? Never gonna happen unless you give them lots of drugs :roftl:


I just read the bulletin from FD on myspace- he says late next week :boxed:


Oh, I also had someone request me to be their friend- Darren Hayes :blink:




I added you just a few minutes ago.......

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I love new PJs. I want some.


I love new pjs as well...


And marshmallow socks




Look what I found....






I brought lots.....


*so you won't need to steal mine*



Be careful with the blue.... they can stain things blue if they come back up... and turn other bodily liquids blue at times as well :wink2:


*walks in and mistakes Aussie thread for the Bar*




Bursts into song "Ho-oo-oo-ook me up"




*is amused by all the invisible posting going on around here...*


*is amused as well*


Hooray! It's only 8:30pm because of Daylight Savings!

Thats one thing I like about daylight savings, extra hour of sleep.






Oh and i was opshopping today and i was wearing my mika shirt i made for the v festival, and the lady who served me saw my shirt and said: 'Ohhhhhh Mika......he's really weird, but still, i like him'. I thought it was hilarious :P


Oh nice...


A friend pointed out a brief thing about Mika in famous while we were at the 24 hour kmart (more coming later) and her housemate said she loved Mika... my friend looked at us and told us we were crazy and both walking home :naughty:




He's an I.T. Specialist.

I'm a find-a-way-to-not-pay Specialist


*raises hand* me too


Heya all ... yes ... late on again .... pffft ... that pesky RL ..


So ... if anyone is interested ... Calvin Harris is guest programming RAGE tonight


*goes back to catch up on thread*


Sounds worth watching... if I had known






But-but .. don't you have a neice of equal or older age?




What did you get and what were your first preference?


I have 4 uncles and a step uncle younger than me :wink2: (so niece of equal age to her sister isn't weird)



And Their green and penguin ones... but I wanted the rainbow ones that came with socks.


: *feels OBVIOUSLY un-MQ'd by OKD*


EDIT: *insert 'hhrumph' smiley here *



Don't worry HK, she cheats.... she breaks up her MQs when they go over the image limit, not the character limit :newyear:





a). Get my tax file number ... I lost the peice of paper I had it on :blink:

b). Tell centrelink I got a job ... I expect I need some kind of paperwork to show them? I don't want to stand in line for four hours just to be told I don't have the right stuff, does anyone know what they'll want?

Centrelink you just ring, and then you have to ring them every fortnight to report how much you earn




But we need somewhere else to drink - Freddie's bar is full of younglings again drinking coffee. What's a poor alcoholic to do?

Tsk tsk tsk



Just thought I would say I have just woken up and it's 4am (Going back to bed after this, I woke up hungry and had some toast) It's snowing like hell so I took a few pictures.... YAY!!! I am so excited... I know it is sad... Me : Snow


Snow *insert wub2 smilie*




OKay now a quick sum up. Went to my friends, via the good ol public transport. We watched movies, (My girl... in English, and then parts in Spanish, Dutch, French and Italian), played some Wii and then decided to go to the 24 hour kmart (had to wait till after midnight, because otherwise its not as cool... the thrill is in being there when all other kmarts are closed).


We got the desparate housewives computer game for $4.65 (bargain even if I don't play it *insert naughty smile* and I also got marshmallow socks... I wanted slipper socks, but marshmallow socks are comfier, their woolen socks made of that fluffy wool, with a non slip bottom... so comfy.


Anyways, after kmart we stopped by a 24 hour maccas, for a cheeseburger meal with a choc mint shake (yum)...


And then played more wii, slept, got subway and starbucks (had to get the drinks remade since some people not paying attention took ours instead of theirs), played some more wii and then finally came home... all in all fun fun fun :thumb_yello:

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