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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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I might post the Cloverfield pic on the "Other Forum". If anyone gets offended... then... Aaah well It won't be the first time it's happened :wink2:

Yes, do it!

And yeah who cares of we use another forum... we breaking the law?:blink:

I know.. Don't worry, it's been exaggerated...

It's just a chill out place for the mikamites. And it's nice having our own guidelines. And btw, we already have 4 honorary's joined up. (who will be next :das:)

...and my cousin emigrated to Australia... The boys here were distraught cos she is a hottie herself.. *That's what people say! She was like a sister to me so no funny ideas about that little point about her* :naughty:

Your hot cousin Kelly?? :wub2:

Yeah and you steal more from other countries to bolster your country of beautiful people :D *See above point*

:roftl: Can't help it if she has good taste.

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It does seem you Aussies sometimes get treated poorly when it comes to tours. I would be spitting bullets if a tour was cancelled. We are lucky in England. We have loads of popular festivals and lots of tours and gigs. Where I live we get some of the biggest bands/artists in the world coming right to my doorsep (3 miles away) to perform. I mean, we had Bon Jovi couple of years ago playing at our football stadium. I have seen pretty much everyone I have wanted to see. So I feel sorry for you guys cos it seems that MIKA doesn't really give a crap about touring OZ. I mean, come one, you have the most beautiful women in the world there. What better reason to pop over there and play some gigs!


Hello everyone! I have been popping in every now and then throughout the last few days even though I haven't posted. I've just been working.


I hate work in the holidays.


Hi everyone who has just posted.


Yay- will have to watch Dance tonight (was planning on it anyway!)


Yes, a tour would be nice (even just one show in

Sydney would do us!)


Am feeling really ill tonight, wish kids would give me a few minutes peace!


:shocked: *runs away to edit*


Dammit! You two just had to quote me, didn't you? Now everyone will know about my embarrassing typo! :naughty:


I was going to correct oyu but couldn't be arsed....


You are still here............


*Stays on the lookout for MIKA in England with random heavies and a white van*


As soon as he's spotted, the boys and I will jump him, put a sack over his head and lumber him into the van, put him on a plane to OZ and make him do a tour at gunpoint... only the guns will be water pistols so hush hush. Direct action is needed here my friends. We'll call it "Operation capturemikaandputasackonhisheadandflyhimtooztotour" Don't worry, he'll still be in one piece when we get him to you:wink2:

:thumb_yello::huglove: ..... & if you are wondering why my posts are less 'smiley interesting' ...... just trying a new laptop & am less skilled with the new keyboard so ...... yeh ..... glad to hear the Mikster will have all his 'bits' in place ....... :naughty::thumb_yello:

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Yes, do it!


I know.. Don't worry, it's been exaggerated...

It's just a chill out place for the mikamites. And it's nice having our own guidelines. And btw, we already have 4 honorary's joined up. (who will be next :das:)


Your hot cousin Kelly?? :wub2:


:roftl: Can't help it if she has good taste.


Oookeeey!! One slightly offensive Cloverfield pic coming up!


Yep! Cousin Kelly. I have no idea what my other cousins look like that live there. They are all male though anyway.

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Hi Jen! That's a bummer about not going the Eiffel Tower- maybe next time you are in Paris!


Next time, for sure!!!



WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Awww :huglove: I miss you guys too!



*repeats reply*


Yes, that thread has been dead, since this one opened.

Yay! Start uploading pictures! Eeeek, turbulence sounds horrible, and crappy about the protestors, what were they protesting?


The turbulence was really odd. I wonder if the crew gets a kick out of seeing peoples reactions because they go through it a lot haha.


A couple days before we made it to Paris we found out that there were riots going on and it had to do with the Olympic torch I guess. I picked up a free news paper, which I obviously couldn't read but it had a couple pics in it of the riot and in one of them you couldn't even make your way to the tower because there were so many people.


Then when we were there it was just really odd. We thought it was a huge tour group and we found out it wasn't once we ended up right in it. I didn't see the people lying down in the street though but some of the guys did. I did see the police had blocked off the road and then got a bit more freaked out. We told people once we met up with the group what we walked through and one of the guys said that it might have had something to do with Tibet. I guess Tibet wants to be its own country but China won't let it or something so they don't want the Olympics there or something. I have no clue really. I've been so out of the loop that the world could be coming to an end I wouldn't have known about it.


Yay!....Welcome back! I'm sorry you didn't get to go up the Eiffel Tower.


Aw thanks! I'll definitely be going back to Paris someday, maybe I'll get sent over there when I get a job or something. Oh well, more to do when I'm over there!

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HIYA PEEJ !!! :punk: Welcome back ... YAY !!


YES ..... there are protests all around the world at this time re: Tibetans & their culture ..... being 'taken over' by the Chinese ..... I feel pretty clear about my views .....


.... anyway hun ..... love ya' & g'night ......... :wub2:

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HIYA PEEJ !!! :punk: Welcome back ... YAY !!


YES ..... there are protests all around the world at this time re: Tibetans & their culture ..... being 'taken over' by the Chinese ..... I feel pretty clear about my views .....


.... anyway hun ..... love ya' & g'night ......... :wub2:


Hiiii! :biggrin2:


Ah okay, that's what we thought the protest might have been about. Any which way I was glad that I went out with the guys that day and I told them and the other girl was thankful too. We couldn't understand anything they were saying but they all yelled as a group in agreement. It was nuts and we were glad we got out of there when we did.


I'll be sharing some pics later if anyone would like to see. :cool:

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I didn't really "get it" at first why we needed an aussie forum :blush-anim-cl:

Italians/polish/whatever have them so they can speak their own language. But I see now. It just an extended, categorised, private, no-smilie-limit, multiquote-less version of the Aussie thread.


I understand the reasons for the separate forum, really I do, but I just don't have the computer time to log in to somewhere else as well as the MFC


Stop coming in here at ridiculous hours then!


And you'd still all be asleep on the other forum :sleep_1:



I hate work in the holidays.


I just hate work


ok, i should really be studying for my chem test and my accounting sac for tomorrow..


Hope tests went well:thumb_yello:


And what is the big deal with us having our own forum anyways? If people are so curious about it, they are more than welcome to join... we're not saying people can't join, it's just a home away from home...


I'd just miss you all if you never posted here at all :crybaby:

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Ooooooooh that reminds me...


I heard Mika TWICE when I was in Italy.


I hopped onto the bus after leaving Venice and Love Today was playing and my friend and I started to sing.


Then later on that night at the hotel when we were having dinner and our professor was talking to all of us Happy Ending came on and my friend and I started singing... quietly and were giggling at each other.


I also saw his CD once at a rest stop when we were traveling to Nice.


I'm such a dork. It reminded me of the friends I have made here on the board though. :wub2:

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Why's that?


Cause their food is practically plastic and they cut down WAY more precious tropical rainforests than are necessary for their fat-arsed cows and one chip is about 300% of your RDA of trans/saturated fats and their food tastes like the deep-fryer it has spent far too long in. I could go on.


How much were they?! I waant!


They were 50 USD incl. shipping. Then add another 20 onto that for how much it cost me to get and send them a money order because stupid Paypal wasn't working. *sneaky2*


Still, it's cheaper than ordering them from the website.



Well, I am back from the city with no boots :tears: I did find the exact boots I had for $35 but only in grey or white :thumbdown: I did also find a really pretty top in Supre (the colour is lemongrass, so its so of a light, pretty green) but alas, xxs somehow didn't fit me all that comfortably (prob cause I am not 8yo) and that was the only size left.....


Crap. Even I don't fit XXS.


Thanks JJL for redirecting me to the new thread. I wouldn't have found it.


*copies and pastes in here*


I'm baaaack! :biggrin2:


Has this thread been dead since I've been gone? :blink:


Anyway, we hit the worst turbulence on the plane. I let out a scream at one point along with the others because it was bumpy but then we dropped suddenly and a lot. It did that repeatedly and it was pretty scary.


I also didn't get to go up the Eiffel Tower as I had dreamed of. We didn't have enough time and as we got there there was some stupid protest going on and it was just insane and scary. The police had blocked off the busy road that we were on and the people protesting where blocking the street and the front of the tower and were lying down on the ground. There was only two of us girls at five guys so we had the guys stick around the two of us.


But yes... I'm back. :naughty:




Wow, protests? Were they with regards to China?


I'm taller than most people :roftl: Aww, poor guy :roftl:



Yeah, I feel really bad for him. He has to get all these weird shots and blood tests every month. He only lost his front teeth last year...He seriously looks 8 or 9...


So I have one dodgy ankle that I sprain badly once every year since year eight :blink::bleh:


(Always in the most stupid ways. For example, last year it was: Racing someone down the stairs at uni, and the year before: running to catch the bus to go to the gym for the first time in many months)


So my parents are painting our house, and so while they move everything around to paint the walls they are also throwing crap away, and they decided to throw away one of my dog's couches (yeah, he has two :blink:), which was previously it the middle of a big room-bit separating it into two parts.


This morning just before work I exclaimed how fantastic and spacious it is now, and to proove this started runing back and forth through the newly aquired space. (on purpose to make the dog crazy, because if anyone starts running he goes insane and starts trying to tackle their legs), and my mum started yelling "You get her Ambrose! Trip her over! Tell her no running in the house!" ... and then he tripped me over, and sprained my fricking ankle.


It hurts so much to drive especially :sneaky2: Last year I was still learning so I just stopped getting lessons for a month or so...


But at least now I've got this year's sprain out of the way, it won't happen while Mika's here :newyear:


Do you like it better when I split my pointlessly detailed stories out into smaller paragraphs, Kelz? :newyear:


*applauds* A stellar performance.


I love shopping for boots, but takes forever to find the type I want.

Supre, have some really nice clothes, but they really need to get a grip and get bigger sizes in.. xxs is ridiculous when the latest polls say that the Average Aussie woman is a size 16

I always rip the tags off things I buy from there *zhhz*



That is ridiculous. Any idea what a size 16 is, relatively? Is it the same as English sizing? (Like, the smallest woman's size is 8? Hopefully I've grown since two years ago cause I had to go to the kid's section for jeans in this one store.)





Haha, aww, that sucks.

Am I the only one that finds it mildly disturbing that they sell the exact same adult clothes in children's sizes in supre? :boxed:


Jesus, from what I've heard, their idea of kids must be absolute midgets.


Oh yeah, that's right, I can still watch it, what time is it?


Oh crap! No I can't! I have a lab report and a speech to research and write tonight! :boxed:


Y'know, 9 times out of 10 you mention having homework you haven't started and school in a few hours when you come on here.


I love you even more now ER! :wub2:



*cough* *coughcupboardlovecough*






HIYA PEEJ !!! :punk: Welcome back ... YAY !!


YES ..... there are protests all around the world at this time re: Tibetans & their culture ..... being 'taken over' by the Chinese ..... I feel pretty clear about my views .....


.... anyway hun ..... love ya' & g'night ......... :wub2:


Me too. I just wish I could protest and actually make a difference...cause there's no way I'd be going to the Olympics anyways...there's not much I can do except spread the word and sign petitions, but I guess that does make a difference, however small.


Hiiii! :biggrin2:


Ah okay, that's what we thought the protest might have been about. Any which way I was glad that I went out with the guys that day and I told them and the other girl was thankful too. We couldn't understand anything they were saying but they all yelled as a group in agreement. It was nuts and we were glad we got out of there when we did.


I'll be sharing some pics later if anyone would like to see. :cool:


I WANT. To see them.

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Hiya all !! ...... & yes ER ...... every little bit helps ..... with the older monks dying out now , the ones who had to flee Tibet with the Dalai Lama in 1959 , there are genuine fears of the traditional Tibetan culture disappearing with them ..... :thumbdown: ...... I do my bit to support the Gyuto Monastry in Northern India ..... :thumb_yello:

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Hey HK...Really? That's awful. I heard about what the Chinese were saying about the Dalai Lama being behind it all, and it all being one big conspiracy...it made me so mad. And then he said he'd step down, if it helps! :tears:

I knoooooowww ...... grrrrrr ...... & that's just like him to offer ..... :tears:

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LOOOOL! I clicked on this thread from the front page, before checking subscribed threads int he usual manner, and :lmao:!




I thought for a split second that Scut wrote it! :lmao:

And I just thought ":jawdrop: WTF?!??!?!"


Yep. That is all. Now I will go back and MQ.

I realised I would probably lose the link somewhere in my MQing by copy and pasting something different or something :wink2::bleh:

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*Stays on the lookout for MIKA in England with random heavies and a white van*


As soon as he's spotted, the boys and I will jump him, put a sack over his head and lumber him into the van, put him on a plane to OZ and make him do a tour at gunpoint... only the guns will be water pistols so hush hush. Direct action is needed here my friends. We'll call it "Operation capturemikaandputasackonhisheadandflyhimtooztotour" Don't worry, he'll still be in one piece when we get him to you








..... & if you are wondering why my posts are less 'smiley interesting' ...... just trying a new laptop & am less skilled with the new keyboard so ......


Still pretty smilie intensive :sneaky2: I like smilies too, so I have to go through and cut all yours out :roftl:


The turbulence was really odd. I wonder if the crew gets a kick out of seeing peoples reactions because they go through it a lot haha.


lol! They probably do. You hear lots of stories of people having this kind of thing. But it sounds so fricking scary, I never want it to happen to me. Some metal box bouncing all around XXXXkm above the ground? No thanks. How does it even stay up like that?


A couple days before we made it to Paris we found out that there were riots going on and it had to do with the Olympic torch I guess. I picked up a free news paper, which I obviously couldn't read but it had a couple pics in it of the riot and in one of them you couldn't even make your way to the tower because there were so many people.


Then when we were there it was just really odd. We thought it was a huge tour group and we found out it wasn't once we ended up right in it. I didn't see the people lying down in the street though but some of the guys did. I did see the police had blocked off the road and then got a bit more freaked out. We told people once we met up with the group what we walked through and one of the guys said that it might have had something to do with Tibet. I guess Tibet wants to be its own country but China won't let it or something so they don't want the Olympics there or something. I have no clue really. I've been so out of the loop that the world could be coming to an end I wouldn't have known about it.


I don't know anything about this tibet-china thing either :blink: I feel mightily out of the loop. HK, ER, do you have a rundown of the situation? How are China taking over Tibet, and why?


I'll be sharing some pics later if anyone would like to see.


Like? Like? :insane:


I understand the reasons for the separate forum, really I do, but I just don't have the computer time to log in to somewhere else as well as the MFC


:P Me either, I haven't been there much at all...




My teddy bear!


But you can give him a cuddle too


Aww, thanks, so sweet of you!


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I heard Mika TWICE when I was in Italy.


I hopped onto the bus after leaving Venice and Love Today was playing and my friend and I started to sing.


Then later on that night at the hotel when we were having dinner and our professor was talking to all of us Happy Ending came on and my friend and I started singing... quietly and were giggling at each other.


:punk: Is this the "singing to Erase in the car" friend?


Good morning! (it's still morning in Perth isn't it?)


Yep, well, it was when you posted this - 10am :P


Cause their food is practically plastic and they cut down WAY more precious tropical rainforests than are necessary for their fat-arsed cows and one chip is about 300% of your RDA of trans/saturated fats and their food tastes like the deep-fryer it has spent far too long in. I could go on.


Mmmhmm, I hate all fastfood anyway :mf_rosetinted: Just subway.


They were 50 USD incl. shipping. Then add another 20 onto that for how much it cost me to get and send them a money order because stupid Paypal wasn't working. *sneaky2*

Still, it's cheaper than ordering them from the website.


That's pretty good, where did you get them from?


Crap. Even I don't fit XXS.


And supre sizes are off by like two, so XXS is really XXXXS :P


Yeah, I feel really bad for him. He has to get all these weird shots and blood tests every month. He only lost his front teeth last year...He seriously looks 8 or 9...


:boxed: Weird...


*applauds* A stellar performance.




That is ridiculous. Any idea what a size 16 is, relatively? Is it the same as English sizing? (Like, the smallest woman's size is 8? Hopefully I've grown since two years ago cause I had to go to the kid's section for jeans in this one store.)




US/Canada 4 is to UK 6 is to Australia 8


But 8 is the smallest I'd say? Usually, and then sometimes there'll be a 6 for really tiny people :P


Y'know, 9 times out of 10 you mention having homework you haven't started and school in a few hours when you come on here.


I have an essay to research and write, I have to email it in today :boxed:


Oh ....... & by the way ..... I have finally closed part eleven .....


Haha - about time!



i am so excited!

i just got my MFC bracelet in the mail today!!


:punk: ! Picture? Oh, wait, was it from Tanya? Picture anyway!

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:punk: ! Picture? Oh, wait, was it from Tanya? Picture anyway!


yeah, it was from Tan!

haha, i'll post a picture of it another day..

i'm trying to write an oral for english on 'the apology' at the moment :naughty:

i'm running out of ideas!

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