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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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I'm terribly sorry, but I don't know what the verb "to grope" means.... is it to rape? :P




No.. not quite that severe.. It's means to touch affectionately.. :naughty:

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Love the citizen Q's OD

You should make a list of the good Q's and post them on the AMF so that they are hidden and when you need them to ask future honouraries, you can steal them from there and they won't have had time to read them and cheat.. *zhhz*

*Observes how she just put OD in charge of the future citizen tests*


Me? In charge of something? What is the world coming to? Crap, I've been put in charge of two things today? I repeat WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?

(I just made a facebook group for my Costa Rica group, because I saw all the other groups have done it, and no one made one for mine yet :P)


*rubs hands together*....well none of this would be happening if you spent less time on MFC and more time studying...and I don't mean the day before or the morning of your exam like you normally do.....you're grounded - again...how's that for starters!




Well smarty britches....the majority of people in our area are under 30 and most of them are under 25 and they're the ones eating the summer rolls and picnics so ...and the gummi thingies don't sell at all!



The gummi thingies don't sell?


Arj wasn't on his usual form but that Canadian guy was quite funny.


I agree actually.

P.S. I met Arj last year :tongue2:


I watched it, I love Carson and it was good but not as good as the Brit version.


There's a Brit version?


Caramello Koala® 40g 48 $24 $0

Freddo® Twin Strawberry 40g frog 48 $24 $0

Freddo® Twin Peppermint 40g frog 48 $24 $0

Picnic® 35g bar 48 $24 $0

Europe® Nougat Honey Log 40g bar 48 $24 $0

Europe® Summer Roll® 40g bar 48 $24 $0


$2 RRP Product Range

Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 85g block 24 $24 $0

Dairy Milk® with Crunchie® 85g block 24 $24 $0

Dairy Milk® Top Deck® 85g block 24 $24 $0

Dairy Milk® Mint Chips 85g block 24 $24 $0

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Natural Snakes 130g bag 24 $24 $0

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Mixed Jellies 130g bag


Okay, that is my selection.


I so feel like a summer roll, nougat honey log now, am tempted to go round the petrol station to get one...........


*selections noted*

Jees, you're all going for the 'healthy' ones, then?


How desperate is this- before I was putting some nutella onto a Sao for Bailey (he wanted it!) and I so wanted to eat it straight out the jar..... I have resisted temptation of stealing the kids nutella for the past 12months but couldn't resist this time! At least I waited until the kids left the kitchen otherwise I know I will find one of them covered in choc one morning! Am tempted to go and buy the little nutella packs for myslef so I don't go back to their jar!


I am so insanely addicted to nutella right now...


The way that girl is with exams, we'll be lucky if she turns up to give them the damn test




It was sooooo good, and I only went back twice! I need to go back and buy the dodgy/fake nutella to stop my craving!


Right, am going to bed now that I have done some of my woek, otherwise I will be hear all night!


Sweet Dreams!


LOL! That is my mum's tactic! She buys crappy snackfoods and such just so they wont get eaten :insane:




EDIT: I'm a straight down the line Vegemite baby !!!


How ??!! 'Cos I'm not really even remotely a choccie head !! I like a bit occasionally ... but I'm far from one of those 'open a pkt. of Tim Tams & eat the lot' types .... I am , however, a sucker for savoury , salt, sour & spicy ...


Vegemite is the greatest invention...I can eat it by the spoonfull!!!!


Ewww! :insane:


LOL! I just realised on the group I made, ALL the "related groups" are Mika ones ... is it going to be like that for the other people that look at it? Because I made it? Oops ... :fisch:

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Oh OK:blush-anim-cl:Gawd only pervey old me to think of something so severe:mf_rosetinted::naughty:


I'm glad there's 2 computers and a thousand miles between us, because, based on your first interpretation of "groping", I could've been in alot of trouble just then :roftl:

I don't want any "hassle" :naughty:


I was actually expecting you to ask what schmexy meant.

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Ok, Which one of you is Kristen on the MikaSounds Forum??

*racks brain for real names*


I have no idea. I don't know any Kristen's? It's probably Tanya :wink2:


And Thanks.. :sneaky2:

Everytime I read this I feel like toasted tasty cheese sandwiches.. :naughty:


I hate that. People who make the top post on a page should be more considerate...


hello beautifool Aussie girls :punk:


Hello :punk:

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And now we get to read how Pervey Stuckey is, over and over again :das::roftl:


I'm off to bed.. I have lunch with friend (her shout) ft. afternoon of computer work.. Lucky me..

Goonie Dightey, you pervy Official Mika Fan club Fans

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I'm not saying just that I'm not going to spend 8 hours on MFC every day, obsessively refreshing my 'User CP' page looking for replies :naughty:

... if I fail any one class I get kicked out :boxed:


We won't talk to you then:naughty: Seriously you really must get down to studying, the MFC will always be here (:wink2:) but you will only get one shot at this and we don't want you to fail.



*Observes how she just put OD in charge of the future citizen tests*


:lmfao: Hahaha ... nuh - uh , ODK had ALREADY taken it upon HERSELF to be the boss of the HFC tests !!! :roftl:


So maybe we should stop putting temptation in OD's way and someone else should look after the tests?



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We won't talk to you then:naughty: Seriously you really must get down to studying, the MFC will always be here (:wink2:) but you will only get one shot at this and we don't want you to fail.







So maybe we should stop putting temptation in OD's way and someone else should look after the tests?





I was going to abuse you for not posting a pretty picture- but then scrolled down and saw that it was the next post- I thought you had let us down! :naughty: I need my morning Mikster pic to get me going!

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Impressive. How the hell did you get it there?




Don't kid yourself, you think I would've started studying yet? Pshhh. I've been adding things to my facebook instead

Dammit. It's just that I skip practically all my lectures, so then when I get exams all I can do is skim over the lecture notes/slides the day before, and then if I don't get through it all I don't even have a clue. Stupid really. So I want to catch up on all my lectures properly by my final exams, and that's in three weeks. And I have a good ... *uses calculator* 144 hours of lectures to listen to. Which means ... actually spending time doing school stuff at home.


*adopts voice of Ted Bullpit* Well, back in MY day, we had to crawl over 10 miles of broken glass in the snow just to look at a picture of a university!


But seriously, back in my day, you had to go to the lectures, cos the notes weren't on the intranet or photocopied and put in the library like they were by the time my hubby was doing IT as a mature age student. If I didn't go, I didn't have any notes unless I could cadge some off a friend. But still, go ahead and ask me how much lecture time I spent either in the cafeteria, shopping, or down the beach? LOL! (I was at Edith Cowan Churchlands campus, which I don't think is running anymore.)


Hey, could you guys do me a huge favour? (yeah, still not studying)




Me and my friends are going to order some of these to sell through the year to fundraise for Costa Rica. But it's kind of hard to pick which ones to order, because it's just going by our own tastes, and one of us doesn't even eat chocolate :naughty: So yeah, could you tell me which ones you would buy yourself? Or which ones you think would sell the best?



The kids at church have had great success with these fundraising boxes for camps and things and we always have the $1 box with the Freddos (mixed flavours, but plain actually sells best) and the Caramellos.


Arj Barker on GNW now :-D But too late for you guys I guess.

Did anyone watch that hwo to look good naked show?


I watched the How to Look Good Naked show and thought it was great! I love Carson, he's always so upbeat and positive. And I didn't know there was a British version...


How desperate is this- before I was putting some nutella onto a Sao for Bailey (he wanted it!) and I so wanted to eat it straight out the jar..... I have resisted temptation of stealing the kids nutella for the past 12months but couldn't resist this time! At least I waited until the kids left the kitchen otherwise I know I will find one of them covered in choc one morning! Am tempted to go and buy the little nutella packs for myslef so I don't go back to their jar!


When I was growing up my sister would eat Nutella straight from the jar and I thought it was disgusting (both the act and the Nutella), but Mum let her do it, because at that time she was anorexic and Nutella was one of the few things she would eat and Mum was just happy to have her eat.


I "discovered" Nutella again after having my first baby and oh!:mf_lustslow::wub2: I purposely don't have it in the house anymore cos I eat it straight from the jar and a jar will only last a couple of days!


Ok, Which one of you is Kristen on the MikaSounds Forum??

*racks brain for real names* :naughty:


Not me!:no:

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Ok, Which one of you is Kristen on the MikaSounds Forum??

*racks brain for real names*


Not me...I have an account but I've never posted!


Hey Perv

Don't grope me.. I haven't had my schmexy pills today..


I thought schmexy was a naturally occurring substance:wink2:


No.. not quite that severe.. It's means to touch affectionately..


I've never heard groping descriped quite like that before:roftl:


Me? In charge of something? What is the world coming to? Crap, I've been put in charge of two things today? I repeat WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?

(I just made a facebook group for my Costa Rica group, because I saw all the other groups have done it, and no one made one for mine yet :P)


OMG the end of the world is closer than we thought:shocked:





You did ask...does that mean you would like me to go back to being nice *prays she will say no*....and just because you're not posting on here as much, doesn't mean you're not here somewhere instead of studying.


I agree actually.

P.S. I met Arj last year


HOLY CRAP....you agree....with me:shocked:

*demands photos*



There's a Brit version?


Yep, but it's on cable which is probably why you haven't seen it.



LOL! I just realised on the group I made, ALL the "related groups" are Mika ones ... is it going to be like that for the other people that look at it? Because I made it? Oops ...


:roftl:...knob head! People just don't understand a good Mika obsession!


I have no idea. I don't know any Kristen's? It's probably Tanya


I've said it before, and I'll say it again.....Bite me pee wee!


*adopts voice of Ted Bullpit* Well, back in MY day, we had to crawl over 10 miles of broken glass in the snow just to look at a picture of a university!


But seriously, back in my day, you had to go to the lectures, cos the notes weren't on the intranet or photocopied and put in the library like they were by the time my hubby was doing IT as a mature age student. If I didn't go, I didn't have any notes unless I could cadge some off a friend. But still, go ahead and ask me how much lecture time I spent either in the cafeteria, shopping, or down the beach? LOL! (I was at Edith Cowan Churchlands campus, which I don't think is running anymore.)


Never mind the end bit....we all did that at some stage or another....some of us still do except now it's at work :fisch: OD needs to do as we say.... not as we do!

CD am I still supposed to be sending tim tams?

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So yeah... Spring day.... rode the bull, played in the money machine, won a $25 itunes gift card. :punk:


I can't wait to be done with school. Next week after finals I'm leaving but as of right now I'm stuck trying to write a 12-15 minute speech for class tomorrow. Hate speeches. Hate them, hate them, hate them!


I'm kind of worried about this summer though. Around where I live we have the highest unemployment rate so finding a job is going to be hard... plus back home they don't like to hire college students because they'll only be there for 3ish months... they prefer to hire high schoolers just because they'll be there longer. I smell discrimination. :mf_rosetinted:

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So yeah... Spring day.... rode the bull, played in the money machine, won a $25 itunes gift card. :punk:


I can't wait to be done with school. Next week after finals I'm leaving but as of right now I'm stuck trying to write a 12-15 minute speech for class tomorrow. Hate speeches. Hate them, hate them, hate them!


I'm kind of worried about this summer though. Around where I live we have the highest unemployment rate so finding a job is going to be hard... plus back home they don't like to hire college students because they'll only be there for 3ish months... they prefer to hire high schoolers just because they'll be there longer. I smell discrimination. :mf_rosetinted:


Hi there!:punk:


How long did you stay on? ....yay for winning the itunes card!


OMG another one.....what are you doing here if you have a speech to write for class tomorrow......*taps foot and waits for an explanation*


You'll get a job first shot....who wouldn't want to hire you:wink2:

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I thought schmexy was a naturally occurring substance:wink2:


Never mind the end bit....we all did that at some stage or another....some of us still do except now it's at work :fisch: OD needs to do as we say.... not as we do!


CD am I still supposed to be sending tim tams?


Aren't you confusing schmexy with "a white secretion of the sebaceous glands of the ......."?:sneaky2:


And I don't know about the Tim Tams. I haven't heard from Jess or seen her on the boards in the last couple of days.

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Hi there!:punk:


How long did you stay on? ....yay for winning the itunes card!


OMG another one.....what are you doing here if you have a speech to write for class tomorrow......*taps foot and waits for an explanation*


You'll get a job first shot....who wouldn't want to hire you:wink2:


I had to try it three times. The first two were only for 2 seconds then the next time was 7 seconds. It's a lot harder than it looks.


UGH! I hate speeches. This one is a stupid persuasive speech that's supposed to be 12-15 minutes long. Honeslty... I have nothing to persuade people about for that long. Most of the things I can think of I don't have a lot of information on and there's no way to get it. I'm just thinking of doing one persuading people to not drink and drive. I know half the class won't give a crap because I'm sure they do it and find it fun so ugh. I've just heard so much talk lately from people being all, "it's so much fun. It makes the drive more interesting and more fun." :sneaky2:


No one is going to want to higher me because I won't even be there for three months. :thumbdown: I plan on moving into the house with my housemates around the second week of August so I'd leave my job before then... kind of have to since I'll be living in another state... so I'll only be there for two. I found out tonight that where I'm from has the highest unemployment rate in the state. It blows. The reason for it is because people fight EVERYTHING that wants to come up here. We were supposed to get a walmart years ago and that would have opened up so many jobs for people who don't have any... still no walmart. There has been other things that people have fought too and it's all because it'll affect the smaller stores and the landscape. People around here seem to like living in the stone age. I guess they'll think about things differently once gas hits over $4 a gallon seems how we have to travel 45 minutes to 2 hours for any real stores that aren't auto part or grocery stores. :mf_rosetinted: Although I can just see people complaining but it's their own fault that we don't have anything up here! :boxed:

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Aren't you confusing schmexy with "a white secretion of the sebaceous glands of the ......."?:sneaky2:


And I don't know about the Tim Tams. I haven't heard from Jess or seen her on the boards in the last couple of days.

^^^^^ :lmfao: ^^^^^ THAT my dear CD is EXACTLY what I was thinking ... :roftl::roftl: ..... *goes back to dirty mind corner which incidentally DOESN'T smell of cat pee ... :naughty:!!*


Hello everyone !! I'm in & out this arvo ... but here for a bit right now !! :biggrin2: *waves*

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WOW Peej !! I live in a town with no major stores either , on the coast, & mostly I love it ... but we do have to drive for an hour for lot's of other things ... :sneaky2:


And hey, I was trying to think of a persuasive topic for your speech ... but then you came up with the drink driving thing & I reckon that's EXCELLENT !! There are SO many compelling reasons why ppl shouldn't drink & dr !!ive ... here in Aus. the slogan which is used is .... 'If you drink & drive you are a bloody idiot !' ..... also... even googling DUI stuff ... like state emergency services have explicit photos of car crash victims as a result of drink driving ... very persuasive !! They are really heavy on it here in Australia !!:thumb_yello:

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^^^^^ :lmfao: ^^^^^ THAT my dear CD is EXACTLY what I was thinking ... :roftl::roftl: ..... *goes back to dirty mind corner which incidentally DOESN'T smell of cat pee ... :naughty:!!*


Hello everyone !! I'm in & out this arvo ... but here for a bit right now !! :biggrin2: *waves*


You girls crack me up :roftl:


I too am not really here needed a quick break from writing dumb reports and replying to even dumber emails. I am however trying to get a new phone (mine dropped on the road and a big chunk fell off) so I sent a sucky email to the IT guy who is in charge of them I even put in a (not so subtle!) request for a Blackberry, but that is just really dangerous!

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Aren't you confusing schmexy with "a white secretion of the sebaceous glands of the ......."?


And I don't know about the Tim Tams. I haven't heard from Jess or seen her on the boards in the last couple of days.


^^^^^ ^^^^^ THAT my dear CD is EXACTLY what I was thinking ... ..... *goes back to dirty mind corner which incidentally DOESN'T smell of cat pee ... !!*


Hello everyone !! I'm in & out this arvo ... but here for a bit right now !! *waves*


:lmfao:....sh!t...I didn't realise I had written what I was thinking...I forgot that with you lot around, I have to be careful and scan everything I post....besides we're all a bunch of filthy little trolls...*said with much love and affection:naughty:*


I had to try it three times. The first two were only for 2 seconds then the next time was 7 seconds. It's a lot harder than it looks.


UGH! I hate speeches. This one is a stupid persuasive speech that's supposed to be 12-15 minutes long. Honeslty... I have nothing to persuade people about for that long. Most of the things I can think of I don't have a lot of information on and there's no way to get it. I'm just thinking of doing one persuading people to not drink and drive. I know half the class won't give a crap because I'm sure they do it and find it fun so ugh. I've just heard so much talk lately from people being all, "it's so much fun. It makes the drive more interesting and more fun."


No one is going to want to higher me because I won't even be there for three months. I plan on moving into the house with my housemates around the second week of August so I'd leave my job before then... kind of have to since I'll be living in another state... so I'll only be there for two. I found out tonight that where I'm from has the highest unemployment rate in the state. It blows. The reason for it is because people fight EVERYTHING that wants to come up here. We were supposed to get a walmart years ago and that would have opened up so many jobs for people who don't have any... still no walmart. There has been other things that people have fought too and it's all because it'll affect the smaller stores and the landscape. People around here seem to like living in the stone age. I guess they'll think about things differently once gas hits over $4 a gallon seems how we have to travel 45 minutes to 2 hours for any real stores that aren't auto part or grocery stores. :mf_rosetinted: Although I can just see people complaining but it's their own fault that we don't have anything up here! :boxed:


Sounds like fun...although, I think I'd fall off if I just heard it start up!


I hate speeches period:thumbdown:...people really say it makes the drive more interesting?:shocked:


You poor bugger... that'd make it nice and competitive for the few jobs around....see that's why I would never live any further than 45 minutes from the city...what are you going to do now?

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You girls crack me up :roftl:


I too am not really here needed a quick break from writing dumb reports and replying to even dumber emails. I am however trying to get a new phone (mine dropped on the road and a big chunk fell off) so I sent a sucky email to the IT guy who is in charge of them I even put in a (not so subtle!) request for a Blackberry, but that is just really dangerous!

:roftl:Hiya Jols !! Glad to be of service !! :naughty:

Hope you get the phone you want !!! :thumb_yello:

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WOW Peej !! I live in a town with no major stores either , on the coast, & mostly I love it ... but we do have to drive for an hour for lot's of other things ... :sneaky2:


And hey, I was trying to think of a persuasive topic for your speech ... but then you came up with the drink driving thing & I reckon that's EXCELLENT !! There are SO many compelling reasons why ppl shouldn't drink & dr !!ive ... here in Aus. the slogan which is used is .... 'If you drink & drive you are a bloody idiot !' ..... also... even googling DUI stuff ... like state emergency services have explicit photos of car crash victims as a result of drink driving ... very persuasive !! They are really heavy on it here in Australia !!:thumb_yello:


That's true we are very heavy on it here...did you see the one where they put all the drink drive and speed adds together with Powderfinger's These DAys in the background....that damn add made me cry, I used to have to change the station.


You girls crack me up :roftl:


I too am not really here needed a quick break from writing dumb reports and replying to even dumber emails. I am however trying to get a new phone (mine dropped on the road and a big chunk fell off) so I sent a sucky email to the IT guy who is in charge of them I even put in a (not so subtle!) request for a Blackberry, but that is just really dangerous!


Hi Jols (even though you're not here:wink2:)


Your days are starting to sound more and more like mine all the time. Someone sent a complaint e-mail to my manager that I wasn't doing things quick enough and cc'd me (nice of her) so I sent one back cc'd to both managers reminding her that I am doing two jobs and basically telling her to f**k off nicely...at least my managers backed me up....cow!....don't these people realise we're brilliant:wink2:


What is it with us and phones lately!...good luck getting a phone period let alone a blackberry

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No I didn't see that P/finger thing Tan, would have made me ... :tears: ...

My b/f is a performer & he was in one of the first TAC commercials, he played the distraught father (on hearing news about his child's car crash:tears:) .... I'm pretty sure that ad won an award that year ... :shocked:

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You girls crack me up :roftl:


I too am not really here needed a quick break from writing dumb reports and replying to even dumber emails. I am however trying to get a new phone (mine dropped on the road and a big chunk fell off) so I sent a sucky email to the IT guy who is in charge of them I even put in a (not so subtle!) request for a Blackberry, but that is just really dangerous!


Oo, ooh! I want a Blackberry too!! (I agree tho, very dangerous)


:lmfao:....sh!t...I didn't realise I had written what I was thinking...I forgot that with you lot around, I have to be careful and scan everything I post....besides we're all a bunch of filthy little trolls...*said with much love and affection:naughty:*


Scuse me! I'm not a dirty little troll. Ex-trained nurse here and that's what my mind does! (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!:sneaky2::wink2:)


Rightio !! I gotta go now ... see ya' later !! *waves*


Hey HK, I just noticed how much your siggy is like mine, except yours moves... Beautiful...:wub2: *sigh*

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