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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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Hahahahahaha :lmfao:

Exactly. I thought it was the stupidest of the options. And really dissapointed that it got chosen. It's supposed to be a tea set, but then they couldn't figure out how to print on anything but mugs, so it's just a bunch of mugs. And they really expect him to use them or something ... as if he would want to give these dodgily designed mugs, themed on his songs to his guests...

It sounds like a joke to me, to be honest. As long as it gets a laugh out of him then it's served its purpose. :bleh:


But planning his birthday present this early is a bit overzealous isn't it? :blink:

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It sounds like a joke to me, to be honest. As long as it gets a laugh out of him then it's served its purpose. :bleh:


But planning his birthday present this early is a bit overzealous isn't it? :blink:

Hiya !! Hhhhmmm ... well not really ..... it took months for Avoca to organize it last year..... I guess she's just giving everyone time .... for ideas & then the creation & such ...... & now the fanbase has doubled so ....... Unknown-2.gif

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:biggrin2: Fantastic plan. What'll we be studying? Mika101?

Yeah, I finish a lot earlier and start again a lot later. :punk: 7 weeks winter holidays!




3 and a half weeks ago! *msnslap*




Oh yeah, I've been on that Wisteria lane place. Mmmhmmm. Jealous?

Don't watch that show though ... wish I did :naughty:



my holidays don't start until 6 weeks.

we only have a 2 week holiday..:thumbdown:

but that means i can spend all my spare time on the MFC!


OMG YOU DID?!:shocked:

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Mika posted a blog on MySpace... AND he said that he'd gotten lots of msgs from the States and South America. And that he's looking forward to going there!:shocked:


I'm just wondering if we had kept up our campaign of "Please come to Aus", if Australia would have been in that list too!!! *dies*

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Mika posted a blog on MySpace... AND he said that he'd gotten lots of msgs from the States and South America. And that he's looking forward to going there!:shocked:


I'm just wondering if we had kept up our campaign of "Please come to Aus", if Australia would have been in that list too!!! *dies*



Hi CD :biggrin2:

Yay for Mexico & Argentina, I'm happy for them :punk:

BOOOOOOO for us....what did we do to make him not love us :tears:

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well girls I left a message there...



I bet Mika would like to know Australia, now that the 2nd album allows him to do a sort of 'world tour'. You are already in Caz Scripts and Mika will read!!



I celebrated in big letters for the anouncement, and Caz quoted me saying:

"And Australia gets ignored again" :mf_rosetinted:


I felt really bad...we really happy and didn't notice you were waiting for Mika as well!


so I came to cheer you up...you're welcome in our South Mika Fans family (it includes as well southafrica for MikaFreaka :naughty:).

good day (here is midnight)

And relax take it easy.We're on part 12 too :wink2: but we fight since we opened part 2 and look what we achieved. The key is being perseverant, strong, organized, participative in projects, and send thousands of messages to Mika :naughty: If all that doesn't work, we'll tell him to go to Australia

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well girls I left a message there...



I bet Mika would like to know Australia, now that the 2nd album allows him to do a sort of 'world tour'. You are already in Caz Scripts and Mika will read!!



I celebrated in big letters for the anouncement, and Caz quoted me saying:

"And Australia gets ignored again" :mf_rosetinted:


I felt really bad...we really happy and didn't notice you were waiting for Mika as well!


so I came to cheer you up...you're welcome in our South Mika Fans family (it includes as well southafrica for MikaFreaka :naughty:).

good day (here is midnight)

And relax take it easy.We're on part 12 too :wink2: but we fight since we opened part 2 and look what we achieved. The key is being perseverant, strong, organized, participative in projects, and send thousands of messages to Mika :naughty: If all that doesn't work, we'll tell him to go to Australia


Ah Romis, I saw your msg in the other thread and wrote back there. We did have a campaign a couple of months back to send daily msgs to his myspace page, but kelz and I were kind of the push behind it and then i moved house and had no internet access for over a month and it kind of lost momentum.... Makes me wish we had kept it up tho. Oh and go ahead and tell him to get his butt down here. You wouldn't be the first person to do so, but maybe the more people around the world who tell him, the more he might listen and realise that us Aussies have spread our msg across the forum and most of the world on MFC know that we want him to come here.

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Yeah, I left a reply on his myspace, not that I expect him to go back and read it but anyway.....


Who knows, good things may be just around the corner! Do you know what is really freaky- Mika was in a dream I had last night (no, not that sort of dream :drool: !) I was walking past a door and he was there getting ready for a concert and then we went and coffee or something and everyone from this threads names were on a sheet of paper to go backstage or something. It was pretty cool. And then I come out to the copm this morning and his blog is there!


Anyway, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed..... I told him he has to come do an acoustic version of Relax on Sunrise :wub2:


Hi to anyone lurking out there!



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Yeah, I left a reply on his myspace, not that I expect him to go back and read it but anyway.....


Who knows, good things may be just around the corner! Do you know what is really freaky- Mika was in a dream I had last night (no, not that sort of dream :drool: !) I was walking past a door and he was there getting ready for a concert and then we went and coffee or something and everyone from this threads names were on a sheet of paper to go backstage or something. It was pretty cool. And then I come out to the copm this morning and his blog is there!


Anyway, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed..... I told him he has to come do an acoustic version of Relax on Sunrise :wub2:


Hi to anyone lurking out there!




hey Jols, I saw your msg on his myspace.

Funnily enough I had a mika dream the other night (my first) and he was playing at a small venue near me and it was somewhere that I was comfortable enough with (ie had been to enough) to know my way around backstage etc and so my son and I were just wandering around looking at stuff and then we were on the platform (wasn't really a stage) and looking at all the gear and my son started touching Cherisse's drum kit and Mika caught him and told him off. And I was so disappointed cos I'd hoped they would get along, cos in my dream Mika's curls were like an Afro, not individual curls, just this thick, wiry, boofy look that my son's hair does and I was hoping he would notice they had the same hair and befriend him. Or something like that. It all made sense in the dream.

But I prefer your dream!

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hey Jols, I saw your msg on his myspace.

Funnily enough I had a mika dream the other night (my first) and he was playing at a small venue near me and it was somewhere that I was comfortable enough with (ie had been to enough) to know my way around backstage etc and so my son and I were just wandering around looking at stuff and then we were on the platform (wasn't really a stage) and looking at all the gear and my son started touching Cherisse's drum kit and Mika caught him and told him off. And I was so disappointed cos I'd hoped they would get along, cos in my dream Mika's curls were like an Afro, not individual curls, just this thick, wiry, boofy look that my son's hair does and I was hoping he would notice they had the same hair and befriend him. Or something like that. It all made sense in the dream.

But I prefer your dream!


That's a cute dream- I am picturing "angry Mika" now :naughty:


It's a shame he didn't mention anything further about when he would be on the road again, besides those few festivals in Europe.....


we continue to wait patiently........

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*drools at your siggy* :drool:



*drools along with you*



Hey ya!


And I'm gone...


Hi/bye Teegs...


*laughs at that word ... phenomenom ... that can't be right, can it?*





Why are you on MFC when you should be studying?



You even bothered to ask?





i thought i'd spend a few minutes on here, but half and hour has already passed..:

i'll just stay on here then.

unless someone can help me with my music..


I'm a music nerd, what do you need help with?



*Gives Em a reason to use the drool smiley*




:drool: x 10000000000000000



I don't get the mug projects: why would Mika need a dozen mugs? :blink:


Who knows...I'm pretty annoyed, I mean, I'm in the "teapot" group and I was all excited for it but guess what, no teapot. The whole tea set idea was pretty cool but...mugs? Meh...


I feel so distant from this thread lately.


*gropes M*


hey Jols, I saw your msg on his myspace.

Funnily enough I had a mika dream the other night (my first) and he was playing at a small venue near me and it was somewhere that I was comfortable enough with (ie had been to enough) to know my way around backstage etc and so my son and I were just wandering around looking at stuff and then we were on the platform (wasn't really a stage) and looking at all the gear and my son started touching Cherisse's drum kit and Mika caught him and told him off. And I was so disappointed cos I'd hoped they would get along, cos in my dream Mika's curls were like an Afro, not individual curls, just this thick, wiry, boofy look that my son's hair does and I was hoping he would notice they had the same hair and befriend him. Or something like that. It all made sense in the dream.

But I prefer your dream!


I've only had one Mika dream...it was pretty :das:

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Tis me - back from afar!!


Well I never really went anywhere...but I wanted to say hi to everyone.

hey Joels :)




Hello lovey! Has that child of yours started school yet? :naughty: It seems like forever since we spoke! Hope you are enjoying the rain- I have stuff to do but really don't want to venture outside in it. Will just sit here and wait for a phone call I am expecting (nice excuse, hey!)


Are you at work today being naughty sneaking onto here?

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Hello lovey! Has that child of yours started school yet? :naughty: It seems like forever since we spoke! Hope you are enjoying the rain- I have stuff to do but really don't want to venture outside in it. Will just sit here and wait for a phone call I am expecting (nice excuse, hey!)


Are you at work today being naughty sneaking onto here?

I sure am :)

Still just working one day a week and some Saturdays...I enjoy it...and on days like this its nice to be at work so I dont have to worry about coming and going in the rain!

It has been ages..your boys (or at least one of them) should be at school shouldnt they??? Poppet is 13 1/2 mths now and decided to start walking last Fri - yay! I could walk her to the local school but I dont think they will let her in!!

I am naughty as I have been meaning to jump on here and say hi sooner but I just seem to be busy doing 'stuff'!! No excuse really...

How is the gang? Still all here?

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That's a cute dream- I am picturing "angry Mika" now :naughty:


It's a shame he didn't mention anything further about when he would be on the road again, besides those few festivals in Europe.....


we continue to wait patiently........


Patiently? not so sure about that. More "resignedly". *sigh*


I sure am :)

Still just working one day a week and some Saturdays...I enjoy it...and on days like this its nice to be at work so I dont have to worry about coming and going in the rain!

It has been ages..your boys (or at least one of them) should be at school shouldnt they??? Poppet is 13 1/2 mths now and decided to start walking last Fri - yay! I could walk her to the local school but I dont think they will let her in!!

I am naughty as I have been meaning to jump on here and say hi sooner but I just seem to be busy doing 'stuff'!! No excuse really...

How is the gang? Still all here?


Hello there. Don't think we've ever met, but you're a sandgroper by current location and I'm a sandgroper by birth. Can I call you 'tilda? Either that or WM? (which for some reason makes me think of a wombat)

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Patiently? not so sure about that. More "resignedly". *sigh*




Hello there. Don't think we've ever met, but you're a sandgroper by current location and I'm a sandgroper by birth. Can I call you 'tilda? Either that or WM? (which for some reason makes me think of a wombat)

You sure can - I will answer to WM or Tilda :)

Nice to meet you...we swapped sides as I was born in Sydney and ended up over here!

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:shocked::shocked::shocked: No...I wish I had been!!

When was that?


Oh, that was ages ago, end of last year. Since then we've moved on to the LICM fan cd thread and people are doing covers of Mika songs and we're putting them all on one cd:biggrin2:


The thread used to be in my siggy... Are you interested in being involved?

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Oh, that was ages ago, end of last year. Since then we've moved on to the LICM fan cd thread and people are doing covers of Mika songs and we're putting them all on one cd:biggrin2:


The thread used to be in my siggy... Are you interested in being involved?


Oooh, maybe...I don't have a microphone, though, but i could record myself on my camera or something and someone could rip the audio off the file? Or is that too annoying?

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Oooh, maybe...I don't have a microphone, though, but i could record myself on my camera or something and someone could rip the audio off the file? Or is that too annoying?


I'm sure someone could do something. We all tend to help each other out... Besides, mic's are really cheap if you did want to get one...


Anyway, here's the link.




The finishing date on this keeps getting pushed back, not sure what it is at the moment. And the front page has a list of what people have submitted so far, but the whole thread has links through it of people who've recorded stuff and linked it for comment but then gone "oh, I don't want that to go on the actual cd" so there's been a fair few people involved. By all means let Ioana know that you want to join and what songs you want to do:biggrin2:

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I'm sure someone could do something. We all tend to help each other out... Besides, mic's are really cheap if you did want to get one...


Anyway, here's the link.




The finishing date on this keeps getting pushed back, not sure what it is at the moment. And the front page has a list of what people have submitted so far, but the whole thread has links through it of people who've recorded stuff and linked it for comment but then gone "oh, I don't want that to go on the actual cd" so there's been a fair few people involved. By all means let Ioana know that you want to join and what songs you want to do:biggrin2:


Thanks! Yeah, it sounds like fun, I'll see if I can figure something out :wink2:

For now, I'm off to bed...night night everyone who may or may not be here...

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