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Random: That Popworld Interview with Mika where he's a zookeeper or whatever makes me laugh so much. I love showing it to people. Well, the random part here is that I always ask people if they know what a cuati is and that you can milk cuatis...hehe

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Here's my random for today (or at least right now...hehe):


Yesterday I was watching television and was watching the music video for "Beat It" by Michael Jackson. And I learned that the guitar solo in that song was done by Eddie Van Halen!!! I seriously never knew that, don't ask me why I never knew...it was such a surprise to me!!!

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I will be seeing that tomorrow night. My comic book fan friends love it, so it must be good. Goodness knows they don't hesitate to complain when a comic book movie is bad :wink2:


I was a fan in the 80's, but got really annoyed with them. I've forgotten enough of the old story lines to be content with most of the movies, unless the writing is bad on its own merit.


Random: It finally warmed up here! I had a lovely time at the park with my family. I also had the opportunities to shout "FUZZY DUCKLINGS!" and "WAGGLY DUCK BUTTS!"


Ducks are made of awesome :punk:


i love ducks! there is a pair on the road where I live and they are living in someone's garden!

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Okay, so here's my random for right now...


I used to spell Sweden like this:




Until I learned I was spelling it wrong my whole life...how come noone corrected me?!? hehe


lol, no one corrected u cuz we didnt even c the difference! lol idk!:thumb_yello:

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:rip_1: After 10 years of faithful service, my portable stereo CD/cassette player, with AM/FM radio, died today. I cursed as I threw it out of the bathroom and fully enjoyed the opportunity to be careless with electronic equipment. I don't get the oppotunity more than once every few years, so I like to make the most of it. :crash:


It began life as my first ever CD player in 1998. The highlight of its career was spinning Brown Eyed Girl while I danced with the man I loved in my bedroom.


My steadfast boombox served me well through countless showers and house cleanings, 6 moves into new houses/apartments, and endless hours of studying and relaxing. It played country, punk, goth, classical, rock, rap, disco, reggae, metal, ska, Dr. Demento, gospel, indie, alternative, jazz, and more than 50 runs of Life in Cartoon Motion.


It was spinning Love Today when it finally stopped spinning.


May it rest in pieces. :punk:


awww! im sorry to hear that, but mayb the dying on love today was a sign, mayb since it died, u can get an even more better one, and u really will love today (or that day) lol idk

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  • 1 month later...
my eyes sting from pink lemonade!!!!


how did you get lemonade in your eyes:boxed:


can i chill here? i'm really bored and can't sleep like usual, last nite i stayed up till 4 am. and the night before 3 am...uhghhggh

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how did you get lemonade in your eyes:boxed:


can i chill here? i'm really bored and can't sleep like usual, last nite i stayed up till 4 am. and the night before 3 am...uhghhggh


well i was at a party, i threw relish at a guy, he slashed me and my friends w/ water, and then my friend didnt notice, so my otherfriend told her why she screamed, and so the clueless fried trew her pink lemonade in my eyes! they hurt still!


of course u can chill here!

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well i was at a party, i threw relish at a guy, he slashed me and my friends w/ water, and then my friend didnt notice, so my otherfriend told her why she screamed, and so the clueless fried trew her pink lemonade in my eyes! they hurt still!


of course u can chill here!


:roftl: how long ago was this? i hope your eyes fell better!get_well_soon_4.gif:naughty:

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I just found out that some guy invented footsacks/hackysacks that you set on fire! Apparently they were banned in (part of?) Australia.


Now, I like to randomly shout: FLAMING FOOTBAGS!!!






hey i heard about that too!!! wait but you know what's even better?? flaming tennis balls!! i've played it alot(just last saturday in fact) here's how to play:

douse a tennis ball in lighter fluid

set it on fire

make a circle

throw it at each other and hit it w/ your hands!!


soooo much fun:punk:

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