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I completely love that coat on him.... :(


Don't know why everyone seems to hate it... He wore that coat when I met him at Hammersmith... :)




I agree. I don't know why people don't like it:blink:

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Hi Shy poster here... Long time member with a question from a friend who works in PR in NY... I am not sure I can get across what he is saying completely but I will try. He asked me Maria, (Marc) is his name, to post on the Mika board in regards to Mika's recent dinner with Perez Hilton and Mika's mother, and Perez' clothing line... This is fueled by an article as well that Mika did and forgive me for not knowing if it was OUt or which magazine he is referring to... The article I did read on here. Post Gay, Gay Not Gay was close to the title.... Ok here goes and don't shoot the messenger... My friend Marc is Gay, I, Maria, am straight, we have been buddies for a while... Marc says that there are so many gay men that are furious with Mika as well as us Mika fans for thinking it's fantastic that he and his mom hangs out with Perez ( myself I haven't really thought about it)... I (Maria) told him, I like Mika's music, already knew of Mika from myspace and saw him and many other UK artists I haven't heard from on Hilton's site.. Marc says, " how can you and the other fans stick up for this artist who hangs with a man who is known for outing people, (Lance Bass, Clay Aiken)." He says if Mika is straight why is Mika saying things in interviews like "I'm bored with the question" re his sexuality and "I don't believe in Labels". Marc said on his blog, one he belongs to, they are furious with all the "way to go perez" comments and "you and Mika look fantastic..." on perez's comment section... "If Mika is bored with the question why is he doing Gay magazines, whether he be gay straight or bi could he not say at least say I feel for what a person goes through that is outed or is gay?" He told me to look at last Monday where Perez had a blind item that many people believe was Clay Aiken and it almost almost he said killed his CD sales as Clay's new CD was released the next day... Planned he said,,,the only comments for Clay were the ones who were saying "why Perez don't you have Mika talk about why he doesn't discuss his sexuality..." I ,Maria told him I think many of us are about the music.... He said I am a sellout.. (It's ok we will still be friends on MOnday) and so is Mika's family... This was a laugh to me because I have heard you all talk about Mika's family and they seem generally nice and maybe they just like Perez (not his real name),,, Marc, Mr PR also said we are missing Mika is with Universal and we know who runs that... (I don't work in PR so I know it's Mottola but that's all) so anyway his question is isn't there one person who is brave enough to say they are upset by this and will I (Maria) post this on his board? I told him I would,only because the Clay comment is a valid point but told him for the most part this board is pretty much about NOT worrying about Mika's sexuality... He said then we are missing the point that Mika and Perez are in a fantastic PR move... (I left it with I will put it on here but you have to promise to listen and really listen to 3 Mika songs and then tell me he is not talented.... He said he would...) Anybody? My friend was outed by another friend and his family turned away from him... He also sees fake setups in Hollywood land all the time with his job... I personally think his job is too difficult for him to deal with (My friend).... This is also why I don't like to know about people's personal lives as it takes away from the music but have to admit as far as he is concerned I understand some of it...(his feelings) Sorry if wrong thread but this is about the final straw for him on MIka and Perez' new line of clothing.. Almost forgot,He also pointed out Stella McCartney and Mika make sense as Stella worked hard to be a designer.... I also hate to tell my friend this but Perez is here to stay as he is a gossip blog but so are People.com ect.. And I believe Perez can point out what music he likes, like the magazines do... I don't understand Perez but I don't understand US magazine....Sorry for the novel Maria....Also, he said Mika spends a good bit of time in the US always has and is very much a US citizen.... I don't follow Mika's itenerary so I don't know and don't remember hearing MIka say he wasn't a US citizen, as well as a UK one but only that he feels British I believe is how Mika put it...Didn't we already know he was a US citizen too and I don't recall Mika hiding it ...I told him "Mika's Mom was at Stella's party too so I think he may just like his family and as some of you have said maybe she was there with him as she is a designer (Mika's Mom)" HELP ANYBODY? Does anyone think he has a valid point or is just dead set against Mika period as well as has issues with Perez?

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Hi Shy poster here... Long time member with a question from a friend who works in PR in NY... I am not sure I can get across what he is saying completely but I will try. He asked me Maria, (Marc) is his name, to post on the Mika board in regards to Mika's recent dinner with Perez Hilton and Mika's mother, and Perez' clothing line... This is fueled by an article as well that Mika did and forgive me for not knowing if it was OUt or which magazine he is referring to... The article I did read on here. Post Gay, Gay Not Gay was close to the title.... Ok here goes and don't shoot the messenger... My friend Marc is Gay, I, Maria, am straight, we have been buddies for a while... Marc says that there are so many gay men that are furious with Mika as well as us Mika fans for thinking it's fantastic that he and his mom hangs out with Perez ( myself I haven't really thought about it)... I (Maria) told him, I like Mika's music, already knew of Mika from myspace and saw him and many other UK artists I haven't heard from on Hilton's site.. Marc says, " how can you and the other fans stick up for this artist who hangs with a man who is known for outing people, (Lance Bass, Clay Aiken)." He says if Mika is straight why is Mika saying things in interviews like "I'm bored with the question" re his sexuality and "I don't believe in Labels". Marc said on his blog, one he belongs to, they are furious with all the "way to go perez" comments and "you and Mika look fantastic..." on perez's comment section... "If Mika is bored with the question why is he doing Gay magazines, whether he be gay straight or bi could he not say at least say I feel for what a person goes through that is outed or is gay?" He told me to look at last Monday where Perez had a blind item that many people believe was Clay Aiken and it almost almost he said killed his CD sales as Clay's new CD was released the next day... Planned he said,,,the only comments for Clay were the ones who were saying "why Perez don't you have Mika talk about why he doesn't discuss his sexuality..." I ,Maria told him I think many of us are about the music.... He said I am a sellout.. (It's ok we will still be friends on MOnday) and so is Mika's family... This was a laugh to me because I have heard you all talk about Mika's family and they seem generally nice and maybe they just like Perez (not his real name),,, Marc, Mr PR also said we are missing Mika is with Universal and we know who runs that... (I don't work in PR so I know it's Mottola but that's all) so anyway his question is isn't there one person who is brave enough to say they are upset by this and will I (Maria) post this on his board? I told him I would,only because the Clay comment is a valid point but told him for the most part this board is pretty much about NOT worrying about Mika's sexuality... He said then we are missing the point that Mika and Perez are in a fantastic PR move... (I left it with I will put it on here but you have to promise to listen and really listen to 3 Mika songs and then tell me he is not talented.... He said he would...) Anybody? My friend was outed by another friend and his family turned away from him... He also sees fake setups in Hollywood land all the time with his job... I personally think his job is too difficult for him to deal with (My friend).... This is also why I don't like to know about people's personal lives as it takes away from the music but have to admit as far as he is concerned I understand some of it...(his feelings) Sorry if wrong thread but this is about the final straw for him on MIka and Perez' new line of clothing.. Almost forgot,He also pointed out Stella McCartney and Mika make sense as Stella worked hard to be a designer.... I also hate to tell my friend this but Perez is here to stay as he is a gossip blog but so are People.com ect.. And I believe Perez can point out what music he likes, like the magazines do... I don't understand Perez but I don't understand US magazine....Sorry for the novel Maria....Also, he said Mika spends a good bit of time in the US always has and is very much a US citizen.... I don't follow Mika's itenerary so I don't know and don't remember hearing MIka say he wasn't a US citizen, as well as a UK one but only that he feels British I believe is how Mika put it...Didn't we already know he was a US citizen too and I don't recall Mika hiding it ...I told him "Mika's Mom was at Stella's party too so I think he may just like his family and as some of you have said maybe she was there with him as she is a designer (Mika's Mom)" HELP ANYBODY? Does anyone think he has a valid point or is just dead set against Mika period as well as has issues with Perez?





I agree with Marc the PR


you know, the older people here are aware of this and the younger ones just dont care....


i mean we all know mika is not being coherent at all and we know he is just a product somehow and that he is in the US of A half of the time though he claims to feel british (or french when he is in france) etc. the list is long.


only music matters at the end i suppose though ...

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I keep looking back at this thread and reading the comments about the "new pics" ever since it started.


I don't know whate else to comment other than to sound a bit dissapointed.

I mean I thought Mika was different....but to hang around and party with the "elite" celebrities in the U.S that think they're just so fabulous.....................is I dunno.:confused::sad:


I don't really like the photo's in my opinion anyway.


But I will look forward to his new album......after all it's Mika's music I love.

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Marc says, " how can you and the other fans stick up for this artist who hangs with a man who is known for outing people, (Lance Bass, Clay Aiken)." He says if Mika is straight why is Mika saying things in interviews like "I'm bored with the question" re his sexuality and "I don't believe in Labels". Marc said on his blog, one he belongs to, they are furious with all the "way to go perez" comments and "you and Mika look fantastic..." on perez's comment section... "If Mika is bored with the question why is he doing Gay magazines, whether he be gay straight or bi could he not say at least say I feel for what a person goes through that is outed or is gay?" He told me to look at last Monday where Perez had a blind item that many people believe was Clay Aiken and it almost almost he said killed his CD sales as Clay's new CD was released the next day... Planned he said,,,the only comments for Clay were the ones who were saying "why Perez don't you have Mika talk about why he doesn't discuss his sexuality..."


<snip for brevity>


HELP ANYBODY? Does anyone think he has a valid point or is just dead set against Mika period as well as has issues with Perez?


Well, Maria, to address just a few of the points you & your friend made...


First of all, yes, Perez has a history of outing closeted celebrities,

although I see that he has mellowed a bit recently... he's not quite as

aggressive about it as he used to be. BUT he has been asked before

about why he hasn't outed Mika and his reply was something along the

lines of, "I said he was gay when I first talked about him, I don't think I

need to keep saying it every time I mention him." I wish I could find that

particular article to show you, but I can't at the moment -- I'll keep

looking :)


Secondly, why does Mika keep doing interviews for gay magazines? I

would guess it's because they ask him to. If People magazine or TIME

or Newsweek or Q or Rolling Stone or ANY other "mainstream"

magazine asked Mika for an interview, I bet he would do it! He wouldn't

turn them down just because they weren't a gay-oriented publication.


Finally, about "killing" Clay Aiken's album sales... well, to be brutally honest,

I don't think what's killing Clay's popularity is his sexual orientation, it's

just that the vast majority of people are over him -- I don't think his

music is very well-received at all, whether people think he's gay or

straight or whatever has little to do with it.


All, of course, JMO :)



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Thanks dccdeb... If Perez said that it would explain it and I can't argue the clay and over it comment..... That should explain it to him then if Perez addressed it I would hope at least that part but the rest of it, well he doesn't have to be a Mika fan and can just listen to someone else, I'll listen to Mika//

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Well, Maria, to address just a few of the points you & your friend made...


First of all, yes, Perez has a history of outing closeted celebrities,

although I see that he has mellowed a bit recently... he's not quite as

aggressive about it as he used to be. BUT he has been asked before

about why he hasn't outed Mika and his reply was something along the

lines of, "I said he was gay when I first talked about him, I don't think I

need to keep saying it every time I mention him." I wish I could find that

particular article to show you, but I can't at the moment -- I'll keep

looking :)


You're right Deb. On his site Perez wrote:

Why does your pal Mika seem immune to your outing?

Unfortunately, you can’t go back to my really old posts, because I had legal drama bull**** and had to go to a new server, but the first few times I talked about Mika, he was filed under the “Gay Gay Gay” category and I said that he was gay. But I don’t have to repeat it every time I talk about him!


http://perezhilton.com/2007-09-07-plenty-to-celebrate-2 Just scroll down to read it.

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