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Oldlings Part 19


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Afternoon Rose and Wendi and anyone else around!!


I'm undecided about the chatroom. Last night was fun, and I chatted with people that I don't normally come across on the forum, but it was hard to keep up at times, even with only half a dozen or so people in there. I can see that as it becomes better known and busier it will be chaos, Imagine 10,000 MFCers in there at the same time :shocked: Unlikely, I know, but you get the idea:wink2:

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Hiya Sarah - I think its fun - but in short bursts!! There were about

25 folk in at the weekend - and it was impossible to keep up!! :naughty:

Sounds like a nightmare!! Especially with my old and slow laptop that has a habit of disconnecting the internet for no apparent erason other than something interesting is happening!!

I need to get back to work now...I'm tempted to have the chatroom open and peek in occasionally.....could be dangerous though:naughty:

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Hi Leona - how is your neck now?


Hiya Robi - just got back from collecting Eilidh - there must have been

a really bad smash on the local trunk road - 4 Police cars, and 2 fire

engines so far!! :boxed: It is horrible when that happens! The Radio

travel news has just announced the A9 is shut both ways - because

of a serious accident!!

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Hello, Robi & Wendi!

I'm OK, going to library soon.

Wendi, it sounds like you see an awful lot of car accidents- is the area you live in dangerous for driving?

and- I'm so very happy that Barack Obama got the presidential nomination, I can't tell you! Very Happy Day!

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Hello Everyone!

For you, Robi, blue skies:



And you, Kath (model not included LOL!):



Saralou, "they" will never know what you are up to, heeheehee!:



Hey Leona!:

Animal healing circle; feel better!:



And dear, sweet Wendi for in your l'il green patch:



carrie, no sunstroke for U!:



Rose (do you think Mika has a pair of penguin runners?) :



Hello to Everyone else.... :0)

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beckar! come on...you're growing fast...you'll be in london soon and you won't be scared, especially if you meet some mfcers...mmmm, no, maybe you will, just because you meet mfcers!! lol


Aww Beckar ...i'm sure your mummy will go with you and hold your hand !!

she was the one who introduced you to Mikas Music !!

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Patty - these pictures are priceless :lmao: :lmao:


Leona - we do have quite a few accidents here - quite a lot of

the A9 is not dual-carraigeway, and where it goes from dual to

single thats where the worst accidents happen - thats where this

one is :boxed:

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OMG ... look how many post wendi has had ...

it looks like i've lost loads of posts :(


I talk too much!!! :groovy:

You should not have lost any - I don't think anyone had any

taken off! :blink:

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Patty, I have printed out the animal healing circle and will tape it up over my bed...merci!

OK, my friend is coming over soon, off to library and maybe even the grocery store... too exciting for words.

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