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Mikagasmic part 14! yeah already!


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Unstoppable force . . . :wub2:

He is, isn't he?:naughty:


I think you would giggle a little more ir you were portuguese .


Just because the word "bitch" in portuguese it's "Puta" . . . And you know . . . the "P" in his hand !! :roftl::roftl:

Haha I'm surprise my dad hasn't told me that before:roftl:


lol yeah I remember that one where's it from?


oh btw can anyone here translate any of this at all?




I don't speak french just english & a bit of spanish (it's where i got the pics I posted that I'd not seen before from)

I believe it's from Perez Hilton's website (not the P on his hand)


I'll try...but it's coming in parts okay?

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That article...


Part One:

In less than one year, it put the world in its feet. Today, his fluorescent bubble pop prances at the head of classifications. For us, he plays the engravings of mode And this also, he makes it well!

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Part 2


An angel passes At first glance, the new fever of Saturday evening seems completely inoffensive and has no reason to give you sweats. With the eyes of beaten dog, his bouclettes to Dominique Rocheteau, another angel also, his close-fitting blue jeans, his soft voice and its polished great speech (cé?), Mika, big and nice spindly boy, resembles an engraving of mode more from Paul Smith, whose ephemeral model he was, that in the last machine to be danced of instant.

During all summer, however, Mika made climb quicksilver at the farthest in boxes in the fashion of Saint-Tropez and Ibiza, set ablaze the parties in the campings of the Atlantic Coast and acted as slim and sumptuous regime in millions of nightclubbers which eliminated toxins on tubesques Relaxed, Take it Easy and Grace Kelly.

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Part 3


" I always dreamed about credit of success. When I began singing, six years ago, they said that I was strange, that what I made was ridiculous. But I did not drop affair. It is of this that I am also the most proud today: have sold so many discs with the music about which I dreamed. As what, it is necessary to always to fight in life. The feeling of revenge does not exist at home, because this would give too much credit to people whom I detest ", he explains in quasi perfect French that he dredges English words from time to time.

Mika, 24 years, of americano-Lebanese nationality, inhabitant of London since the age of 10 years. Out of necessity, by going around promotional cookings on the television, its history begins being known, but they let it tell it us once again because it contains all ingredients which make his courses one of the success stories most exciting and unconvincing of these last months.

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Part 4


A birth therefore, in 1983, in Beirut, in full Lebanese chaos. Her evacuation under the Israeli bombs by the American army. Arrival in Paris. His father taken in hostage and transferred to the American embassy in Kuwait. Departure for London, word blindness and « the school friends who treated it as flyswatter ». His lessons of singing « with the snobs » as he says, which swore only by classical music or underground great pop. His hundred of models sent in the houses of discs which finish in the garbage can. Then the signature, finally, with Universal after a casting crossed in the foyer of a hotel.

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He is, isn't he?:naughty:



Haha I'm surprise my dad hasn't told me that before:roftl:



I believe it's from Perez Hilton's website (not the P on his hand)


I'll try...but it's coming in parts okay?


Sometimes a dad dont tell us how to say "bad words" in another language !! xD

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Part 5


" Move and difficult time which I lived during the first years of my life, notably in London, encouraged me to isolate me. I refused then to learn to read or to write, and even to speak. I was moved aside from the school more than six months. It is at this instant when music became indeed important. It helped me to return in the world which encircled me. I knew in 7 years that I would never work in an office as my father. I wanted an artistic job. However, in 19 years, I had achieved competition to enter London School of Economics and Political Science. I went one day there. I looked at the clock. I was very white, I did not stop telling myself: go, it is necessary to that you go out. Then I got up and I took my business. People looked at me, thinking that I was going to vomit. I have never gone back to it. I inserted later Royal Secondary school of Music. "


The hurricane Mika lasts for eight months: a wind of the hype cruelly which sweeps everything on its passage. With more than three million Life in Cartoon Motion sold in the world, among which 850 000 in France, action Mika does not today cease throwing into a panic the accountants of its home of discs, which find smile finally in an area where reigns for five years a morose and noxious climate. Philippe Laugier, project manager at Barclay: « To be honest, we were not so much prepared for such success as it was necessary to see again our marketing strategy. With regard to the serious crisis which the industry of the disc crosses nowadays, these sales are really special, or even unhoped. »

That confirms Olivier Nuc, journalist in the Barber Magazine: « At a time when everybody despairs in the houses of discs, where they break contracts with a vengeance, here is a type which peals out. It is rather reassuring and it proves that the market of the CD is not dead. »


« After England, follows Philippe Laugier, France is the second country in the world where Mika sold most discs. The public was very affected that he grows in Paris, that he speaks French and that he knows our culture perfectly. I also think that his resumption of Champs-Élysées in the program Taratata played a lot in its favour. The reasons of his success also come due to the fact that it is transgénérationnel. It does not have a definite target. It really touches on the 7-77 years. Many purchasers of the disc of Mika still have no culture of downloading. But beyond his personality and of its history, it is necessary to acknowledge that its success is principally owed to the intrinsic quality of its songs. »

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Part 6 (the final part)


In view of plane, that's true, the success of Mika does not resemble the armed robbery of the year. By concentrating stopwatch in three minutes mind cabaret of prewar period, sweet melodies of sixties, extravagance and spangles of the seventies, hedonism and drum machine of the eighties, Mika succeeded in putting everybody in the pocket, a quasi unique fact in the recent history of music, as Amy Winehouse.


From the press specialized in the most popular newspapers, from the branchitude international to the fans of Michel shepherd, of young persons in the oldest, of gays in hétéros, they do not dry up praises on this young man whose talent is indisputable. « It is wholly artist's type unifier, analyses for his/her part Hugo Cassavetti, of Télérama. It is odd, cool and dancing. He composes his songs himself, he plays several instruments, they really cross a good instant. It falls to the top of the consensual. For me, it is the Anglo-Saxon version of Christophe Willem in less fabricated. In brief, Mika is really in the air of time. »


If these last months pop seriously took back colours, took out again bowls with facets, rehabilitated collars shovel with pie and Brushing in George Michael thanks to Mika, she also owes it to whole generation of extravagant artists and extravertis which as him feel heirs of a certain tradition of the music hall. " In concert, tells Hugo Cassavetti, Mika gesticulates as a madman, there are multicoloured balls which fall on the crowd, he arrives dressed up as huge lion encircled with his musicians. It is really the singer Break A2. "


Because contrary to Freddie Mercury, to Scissor Sisters, to Elton John or else to Rufus Wainwright, with whom however it is often compared, Mika is not the type to cultivate sexual ambiguity and rowdy statements. Hugo Cassavetti: « It does not represent a threat for the mother of family, he entices the small girls, the gays, the big sisters, the reader of the Inrockuptibles as that of Television 7 days. It is well enough seen because as it it really rakes over broad. For me, it does not perhaps take enough risks and appears to me still too much on reservation. I really wait to see his second album. »


Perhaps also because, by telling his history in a continuous loop, Mika fears entering the hellish spiral of "Pipolisation" which sent it more of one on the tile: « I pay attention very not to spread out on my private life. I know that you, the journalists, you always wait that they give you crispy details. I do not want to enter this game. I do not want to be a star like one Paris Hilton or of Britney Spears, who are already shot in 30 years. » Mika certainly, but not Mickey either!

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Did you use Google Translator? :naughty:

Me? Online translator? Neeeeeeeever:mf_rosetinted::roftl:


Sometimes a dad dont tell us how to say "bad words" in another language !! xD

Well not that word at least. But I can usually tell when my dad is really angry...when he starts swearing in Portuguese.

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Part 4


A birth therefore, in 1983, in Beirut, in full Lebanese chaos. Her evacuation under the Israeli bombs by the American army. Arrival in Paris. His father taken in hostage and transferred to the American embassy in Kuwait. Departure for London, word blindness and « the school friends who treated it as flyswatter ». His lessons of singing « with the snobs » as he says, which swore only by classical music or underground great pop. His hundred of models sent in the houses of discs which finish in the garbage can. Then the signature, finally, with Universal after a casting crossed in the foyer of a hotel.



hey thanks for that :thumb_yello:

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Me? Online translator? Neeeeeeeever:mf_rosetinted::roftl:



Well not that word at least. But I can usually tell when my dad is really angry...when he starts swearing in Portuguese.


I like to swear in spanish It makes people go huh:blink: (well those who don't know spanish) people don't often understand what I'm saying or know that I'm swearing I actually learnt how to swear in spanish from a book seriously!!! I can't remember what it was called though

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i'd have alot more..but i've never seen him live..so i get my pics off of the internet..and i look all the time


same :tears:

i live far far away but i read all the reports and look for the pics of the gigs soo.. i have a lot of pics! lol

and mikagasmic!! well! from here i`ve saved more than 3000! :bleh:

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Me? Online translator? Neeeeeeeever:mf_rosetinted::roftl:



Well not that word at least. But I can usually tell when my dad is really angry...when he starts swearing in Portuguese.


What do he used to say ? I can translate it for you !!




Words like "merda" or "fodasse" ?

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same :tears:

i live far far away but i read all the reports and look for the pics of the gigs soo.. i have a lot of pics! lol

and mikagasmic!! well! from here i`ve saved more than 3000! :bleh:


I just have about 600 ! xD


And I already went to a concert !! Oh . . .my gig :wub2:


5 days since . :wub2:

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