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The Australian Thread: Part Fourteen

Rainbow Sky

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I hate this planet.

My mum just told me about the 10-year-old Australian aboriginal who was gang-raped by nine men. The jury said that she consented, JUST because of her race, even though the law states that the age of consent is higher.

How is that mindset even possible anymore? I'm not just flaming Aus, it happens everywhere, even in 'friendly' Canada.

All this was brought up by a film called Jindabyne which I highly recommend.


If I have sex with a 15yr old, even if they are consenting, the fact that they are one year under the age of consent means I could be prosecuted for carnal knowledge at the very least. How can a 10 yr old be said to have consented to 9 men? !!!!!!!!!!! This is so bizarre, so completely wrong and seems to contradict so many other cases that we have over here. What about that fellow who was given a "wife" who was 14 or whatever and had sex with her? He got charged, and got convicted! Which part of Australia did this happen in?


You've probably all discussed this to death already but I couldn't wait to read it all before posting...

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Actually that's a good point about tribal law. Sometimes that can be worse. But only if the local indigenous community actually enforce the tribal law. You need to have strong local leaders, and not every community has that. And unless justice is seen to be upheld, victims won't want to come forward, because they won't want to have to relive it all over again without the reasonable certainty that something will be done.


I sure hope she's getting some kind of trauma counselling or something. And if that's not culturally appropriate, some kind of help!

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Silver.... Battle bread? Are you talking about Dwarf bread or something else that I've missed somewhere?


Ah, the Scone of Stone!!! (Sorry, it just popped into my head, thinking about Carrot and the dwarf bread museum etc etc). Fifth Elephant?

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What this Judge you've quoted has said is right. He is technically saying rape is a far worse offense than consensual underage sex. The hardest part is proving whether it was consensual, an error of judgment, or rape. It dramatically changes the verdict.. I could go on about this for the rest of the page, but I won't.


I agree that the statement was "technically" correct, however, I have a massive issue with the thought that an 11 year old boy can consent to any sexual act let alone group sex. I'm not saying it's never happened or doesn't happen but at 11 years of age how can anyone say that they understand what they're consenting too? This is a depressing conversation isn't it!


Hi Ho!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mf_boff:


Pervert :wink2:....love the new avi btw!



Can't be a post whore without post whoring.....

I gets the feelings that Mika's been watching Stephen Kings 'It' ..


OH dear God and sweet Jesus..

advice on choosing a clown name:



*leaves you all with that*


...sooooo, slow evening was it Kelz :roftl:


If I have sex with a 15yr old, even if they are consenting, the fact that they are one year under the age of consent means I could be prosecuted for carnal knowledge at the very least. How can a 10 yr old be said to have consented to 9 men? !!!!!!!!!!! This is so bizarre, so completely wrong and seems to contradict so many other cases that we have over here. What about that fellow who was given a "wife" who was 14 or whatever and had sex with her? He got charged, and got convicted! Which part of Australia did this happen in?


You've probably all discussed this to death already but I couldn't wait to read it all before posting...


I agree 100%



how is everyone??!


i've been away for a while because i've been playing on my new nintendo wii 24/7!


my right arm really really hurts..


You put us on the scrap heap to play wii.....:shocked::tears::crybaby:


I'm more of a playstation girl myself!:wink2:

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Hey Everyone!!!!!!


*waves back*

*waves again*

And what's all this "sipping Baileys" malarkey


Get stuck in



I was wondering where that had gotten too!!

*hooks self up*

Yeah , you're popular and beautiful!:wub2:


everything else...nah!


Enjoy it though?

:wub2:aww.. I'd rather be Janice.

And I've never been hit by a bus. :naughty:

Mean girls goofs

I agree that the statement was "technically" correct, however, I have a massive issue with the thought that an 11 year old boy can consent to any sexual act let alone group sex. I'm not saying it's never happened or doesn't happen but at 11 years of age how can anyone say that they understand what they're consenting too? This is a depressing conversation isn't it!

Yes it is. An 11 year old can consent to anything and probably would because they haven't the capability to decide for themselves simply because they aren't taught how to decide for themselves. It's the older people who should know better. In most English speaking households, we shelter our children from sex and all associated to it due to our own embarrassment of discussing it with the children. Also hoping that by not discussing it, they won't find out about it and therefore stay Daddy's little girl/little man forever.. So when the children end up learning about sex it's quite often from kids a bit older than them, television or sex offenders. :thumbdown:

I also believe there's more openness on the subject in certain cultures and then even less openness in others.

And I could go on forever about this subject. That's why I'm trying to stop myself.

Pervert :wink2:....love the new avi btw!

hahah Thanks. Scared??

...sooooo, slow evening was it Kelz :roftl:

What makes you say that????????

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I miss so much when I sleep hahahaha...


Kelzy... I read the story about Gabaa (Gabba... erm... something like that) and I think that's funny. I don't find it racist at all. :roftl:


Bec... thanks! I didn't know that about that type of cat... and Gun and this kitty of mine look a lot alike!



As for the kitty... we brought her into the garage last night. She was freaked out and stayed hidden under my car. I woke up and asked where the cat was and she was already outside laying on the deck and meowed when I came to the door.


I stayed outside all day with the computer and watched her roam around and sleep. Even though we're feeding her during the morning and night if you step out with anything that smells good she'll meow and meow for it.


She's now back in the garage. Mom put a blanket we gave her in a crate and she's sleeping in there curled up.


I had mom call the shelter today and they redirected her to the cat surrender number... so mom called that and left a message. The lady (who's my old high school science teachers wife) called us back. Apparently they have THREE weeks worth of stray cats and can't take anymore in right now so we were told to keep on doing what we're doing. Mom also asked about getting the cat fixed.


Mom told me she called the lady that knows just about everyone in this town and apparently she said there's a lot of strays on her street (two streets down from me) and they go into a hole underneath her neighbors garage. I didn't realize this place had a lot of strays. :blink:


My mom talked to her friend who has cats that were all once strays and she's trying to convince her relative that lives just down the road from us to take in the cat.


As for right now mom is going to talk to dad tomorrow about taking the cat to the vet to get the cat checked out and have her rabies shot and see about fixing her. She's afraid she might be pregnant because she has a belly for a starving cat... I think she may just be bloated... so who knows. After if the cat comes back from the vet healthy we want to see if we can slowly introduce our cat to having this new one inside. My cat is WICKED p*ssed off at us for even giving this one the time of day. I think she's also mad because when she hisses it doesn't scare this cat away. Sooo if our cat doesn't accept this one (which I hope she does) then we'll hopefully already have a house lined up for the cat if that's the case.


I talked it over with mom and told her that I'm going back and forth too on wanting to keep the cat but not wanting too because I didn't want them to have to deal with two while I'm away at college. I think this cat has won our hearts over though. :naughty: When I went out to say goodnight to her I picked her up from the crate and she nestled her head on my shoulder by my neck and shut her eyes and just kept on purring. :wub2:


All of this is just SO strange though. The cat shows up out of nowhere and wouldn't stop meowing at us. Friendliest stray cat I've EVER seen. She's pretty much in perfect condition besides the skin and bone starving part and there's only a small patch of fur missing from her right ear along with a couple broken whiskers. Other than that, she's perfect. She acts like she's never been inside before though, it really scared her... so we think someone just dumped her somewhere. :sad: I just don't see why though. :no:

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I miss so much when I sleep hahahaha...


Kelzy... I read the story about Gabaa (Gabba... erm... something like that) and I think that's funny. I don't find it racist at all.


Bec... thanks! I didn't know that about that type of cat... and Gun and this kitty of mine look a lot alike!



As for the kitty... we brought her into the garage last night. She was freaked out and stayed hidden under my car. I woke up and asked where the cat was and she was already outside laying on the deck and meowed when I came to the door.


I stayed outside all day with the computer and watched her roam around and sleep. Even though we're feeding her during the morning and night if you step out with anything that smells good she'll meow and meow for it.


She's now back in the garage. Mom put a blanket we gave her in a crate and she's sleeping in there curled up.


I had mom call the shelter today and they redirected her to the cat surrender number... so mom called that and left a message. The lady (who's my old high school science teachers wife) called us back. Apparently they have THREE weeks worth of stray cats and can't take anymore in right now so we were told to keep on doing what we're doing. Mom also asked about getting the cat fixed.


Mom told me she called the lady that knows just about everyone in this town and apparently she said there's a lot of strays on her street (two streets down from me) and they go into a hole underneath her neighbors garage. I didn't realize this place had a lot of strays. :blink:


My mom talked to her friend who has cats that were all once strays and she's trying to convince her relative that lives just down the road from us to take in the cat.


As for right now mom is going to talk to dad tomorrow about taking the cat to the vet to get the cat checked out and have her rabies shot and see about fixing her. She's afraid she might be pregnant because she has a belly for a starving cat... I think she may just be bloated... so who knows. After if the cat comes back from the vet healthy we want to see if we can slowly introduce our cat to having this new one inside. My cat is WICKED p*ssed off at us for even giving this one the time of day. I think she's also mad because when she hisses it doesn't scare this cat away. Sooo if our cat doesn't accept this one (which I hope she does) then we'll hopefully already have a house lined up for the cat if that's the case.


I talked it over with mom and told her that I'm going back and forth too on wanting to keep the cat but not wanting too because I didn't want them to have to deal with two while I'm away at college. I think this cat has won our hearts over though. :naughty: When I went out to say goodnight to her I picked her up from the crate and she nestled her head on my shoulder by my neck and shut her eyes and just kept on purring. :wub2:


All of this is just SO strange though. The cat shows up out of nowhere and wouldn't stop meowing at us. Friendliest stray cat I've EVER seen. She's pretty much in perfect condition besides the skin and bone starving part and there's only a small patch of fur missing from her right ear along with a couple broken whiskers. Other than that, she's perfect. She acts like she's never been inside before though, it really scared her... so we think someone just dumped her somewhere. :sad: I just don't see why though. :no:


You are all doing a wonderful thing. :thumb_yello: It feels better knowing you can help, doesn't it? She would've freaked out about the garage because of the different smells and hadn't been in there before. I forgot to mention introducing her to the garage earlier in the day would be good. whoops. But if she's there now, then she's ok with it.



Performance night tonight!

Woo!! Are you nervous?

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Just about 'Imagine' because I have to sing it. But I'm excited about the others!

You'll do great!! What time will you be back to let us know about it?

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today has been one of the worst days ever! :thumbdown:


ok..i picked up this virus from this website and guess what it did?

it deleted ALL my songs in itunes and i can't find any of them now!!

i have no songs to listen to! :boxed:


does anyone know how to convert songs from my ipod to the actual itunes library?

i need help please..:wink2:



anyway..how is everyone?? :naughty:

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You put us on the scrap heap to play wii.....:shocked::tears::crybaby:


I'm more of a playstation girl myself!:wink2:


I'm sorry. :naughty:

i bought it yesterday, so i wanted to try it out.

i'll probably get over it soon and it will be left there to gather dust along with my playstation 2..:bleh:

but the wii is fun!

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I've MQd this thread about 3 times and had the page freeze and lose it all. :mad3:


Yeah, so I've done 143 words now, 357 to go...


About the rape thingy. I've found "not record convictions against six teenagers and gave suspended sentences to three others" so they were all teenagers, but I guess the ones with the sentence were over 16.




This is the judge with the "Aurukun Community Justice Group", so I guess we can only hope that they got punishment from them...

It's still shocking and revolting. I think there's some kind of ... thing where courts and such are scared of interfering in aboriginal communities, and you get the kind of dodgy cases where people aren't looking after their kids or abusing them and nothing is done about it :thumbdown:


I'm reading back but am being too lazy to do an MQ so I'm just gonna toss out a few things while I think of them.


A few? I think it may have been more centsical if you did do the MQ


OKD, I read where you'd written BWO in response to STT's lyrics. To start with, I don't know those lyrics. I know nothing about the band Bodies Without Organs (which is what I worked out you were meaning.) My first thought when I saw that was another nurse response. Again to do with bowels. And I'm thinking WTF? Why on earth is OKD writing Bowels Well Open on the forum?


:roftl: Yes, Bowels Well Open indeed.


Their Swedish. And relatively strange. And Martin is relatively :drool:.




Also, we missed seeing Terry on Rollercoaster (we knew he was going to be on, but just missed that day!). What did he talk about? Did he talk about the Tiffany Aching books or Discworld as a whole? And which one have you read that's got pretty pictures all through it? The only one I can think of that might be like that is "The Last Hero" which I have read (and I'd forgotten about) but it was a looooong time ago.

Unless you mean the small sketches that are in the Tiffany Aching ones....


It's on the website! Not sure if he's been on there more than once, but there is an audio of him on the website. *looks* http://www.abc.net.au/rollercoaster/therap/interviews/terrypratchett.htm

And yes - The Last Hero, thats what it was called! My friend leant it to me :P


OKD I also like your other B&W photos! How do you actually do that? *demonstrates her complete lack of knowledge of all things vaguely technical to do with visual media*


Well you need an editing program with layers. Get the coloured picture, stick it in the program. Make a B&W version, paste it over the coloured version as a new layer, and then erase out the bit your want coloured, and the coloured version shows through :-)


Actually STT, if you did want to read His Dark Materials, it is quite interesting. But it is probably aimed at teenagers... dunno...


"Pullman's publishers have primarily marketed the series to young adults, but Pullman also intended to speak to adults. North American printings of The Amber Spyglass have censored passages describing Lyra's incipient sexuality."


Well it's got a LOT of undertones and hidden meanings and stuff, it's good, you should read.


Oh, yeah, what does OMPS mean?


I don't actually know what it satnds for, but it means obsessively buying Mika-related items ... Obssessive Mika .... Syndrome? I don't know :lmfao: I'm bad at guessing acronyms.



how is everyone??!


i've been away for a while because i've been playing on my new nintendo wii 24/7!


my right arm really really hurts..


You ditched us for Wii???


All of this is just SO strange though. The cat shows up out of nowhere and wouldn't stop meowing at us. Friendliest stray cat I've EVER seen. She's pretty much in perfect condition besides the skin and bone starving part and there's only a small patch of fur missing from her right ear along with a couple broken whiskers. Other than that, she's perfect. She acts like she's never been inside before though, it really scared her... so we think someone just dumped her somewhere. I just don't see why though.


Awww, lucky cat, she chose the right people to bug for food :wub2:


My dad came to go and collect my car who's brakes are no longer broken in the middle of my reply.

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You know, my MQ STILL isn't working. Wtf.


Anyway, good luck SD! You will do brilliantly! Don't leave your shoe on the stage.


Emily, that MASSIVELY sucks! I have no idea, I don't have an ipod or use itunes.

What website was it?? :boxed:


I have always wanted to play a Wii and never have :crybaby:


And also, did you see it's 30% off in Patrick Wolf's store? I want that Accident and Emergency tshirt really bad. I wonder how much postage is...

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You know, my MQ STILL isn't working. Wtf.


Anyway, good luck SD! You will do brilliantly! Don't leave your shoe on the stage.


Emily, that MASSIVELY sucks! I have no idea, I don't have an ipod or use itunes.

What website was it?? :boxed:


I have always wanted to play a Wii and never have :crybaby:


And also, did you see it's 30% off in Patrick Wolf's store? I want that Accident and Emergency tshirt really bad. I wonder how much postage is...



i have no idea.

i don't have any of my patrick wolf & mika songs anymore!! :tears:

i'm scared to search the internet now. :naughty:



:shocked: *goes to pw store*

OMG i love that a&e tshirt!!

my friend was gonna get that for my bday..

the postage is really expensive apparently.

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ok..i picked up this virus from this website and guess what it did?

it deleted ALL my songs in itunes and i can't find any of them now!!

i have no songs to listen to! :boxed:

does anyone know how to convert songs from my ipod to the actual itunes library?

i need help please..

I don't own an iPod so I've never done it before. But googling "transfer iPod to PC" is a start. :wink2:

this might help..


But Like I said, don't have an iPod to test it out myself.

Secondly, scan your computer with AVG or something asap, preferably first.

About the rape thingy. I've found "not record convictions against six teenagers and gave suspended sentences to three others" so they were all teenagers, but I guess the ones with the sentence were over 16.




This is the judge with the "Aurukun Community Justice Group", so I guess we can only hope that they got punishment from them...

It's still shocking and revolting. I think there's some kind of ... thing where courts and such are scared of interfering in aboriginal communities, and you get the kind of dodgy cases where people aren't looking after their kids or abusing them and nothing is done about it :thumbdown:

I read that one was 26 yo.

I hope they did get tribal law. One example I know of is when my ex was about 11 he stole something and his tribal law punishment was to have some of his fingers broken. Unfortunately Chook didn't go through with it, but it scared him. Not enough though and that's why I say 'unfortunately'. I think she grounded him instead.

But anyway, there's alot of neglect and abuse out there and it's not just in indigenous communities.

I don't actually know what it satnds for, but it means obsessively buying Mika-related items ... Obssessive Mika .... Syndrome? I don't know :lmfao: I'm bad at guessing acronyms.

I know what it means because I made it up. It's a joke between DC and I.

You can guess all you want what the letters stand for. I'm not telling. :bleh:

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I don't own an iPod so I've never done it before. But googling "transfer iPod to PC" is a start. :wink2:

this might help..


But Like I said, don't have an iPod to test it out myself.

Secondly, scan your computer with AVG or something asap, preferably first.



thanks for that!

i did try to google that, i think i might buy that program.

it is rather quiet without music. :naughty:

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Other Mika Products Soon?


Oranges Make People Sick?


Organic Mushroom Pasta Sauce?


Orchestra Musicians Play Stuff??


Oi Mika - Play Sydney!


:roftl::roftl::roftl::bow: GENIUS!!!!!


thanks for that!

i did try to google that, i think i might buy that program.

it is rather quiet without music. :naughty:


errr.. don't buy anything yet..

should be something free out there.

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errr.. don't buy anything yet..

should be something free out there.


ok, i've found this video on youtube that shows you how to transfer songs from the ipod to itunes.


i'm testing it out with my old ipod shuffle, then if it works i'll try my current ipod. :thumb_yello:

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i have no idea.

i don't have any of my patrick wolf & mika songs anymore!!

i'm scared to search the internet now.


*goes to pw store*

OMG i love that a&e tshirt!!

my friend was gonna get that for my bday..

the postage is really expensive apparently.




Gah! I totally want it! Really? That sucks. I started going through the checkout but then it had a huuuge form to fill out and I got bored and distracted and forgot about it :naughty:


I read that one was 26 yo.

I hope they did get tribal law. One example I know of is when my ex was about 11 he stole something and his tribal law punishment was to have some of his fingers broken. Unfortunately Chook didn't go through with it, but it scared him. Not enough though and that's why I say 'unfortunately'. I think she grounded him instead.

But anyway, there's alot of neglect and abuse out there and it's not just in indigenous communities.


OH MY GOD! Breaking an 11 year old's fingers?!! Holy crap, that is a bit .. severe.

Yeah I know, but I suppose .. authorities would be less willing to step in and prosecute people?


I know what it means because I made it up. It's a joke between DC and I.

You can guess all you want what the letters stand for. I'm not telling. :bleh:


It's alright, I have a SUDDEN BRAINWAVE exactly when reading this post.







I don't care if it's right or not, it sounds right to me and I'm sticking with it :hmph:


Other Mika Products Soon?


Oranges Make People Sick?


Organic Mushroom Pasta Sauce?


Orchestra Musicians Play Stuff??


Oi Mika - Play Sydney!


No, I change my mind, Orchestra Musicians Play Stuff fits even better!

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Emily...if you haven't already found out how, here's how I used to do it. you click on your my comp, and then click on the ipod you should see a number of files. One of these should be lighter or more transparent than the others. (I'd tell you what its called, but I dont have my ipod anymore... might be system). If you cant see it you need to download a program to see hidden files. Anyways, when you can see it, click on it, and then it should have some more folderss. One of these should contain the music, which will be in many many folders, and often have weird names. Anyways, transfer from there back to the comp, and then put everything in itunes again

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